Tonight’s Pedalpalooza pick: Let’s play some bikesketball!


This dreamy hoop awaits you.

Wondering what Pedalpalooza ride to do today after work? How about joining us for some bikesketball?

For a long time now I’ve been wanting to combine a few of my favorite things: basketball, riding bikes, and reclaiming streets as fun places to play. I hope that bikesketball is a way to do that. The idea for this ride is simple: I’ve scouted out some choice street hoops in northeast and we’ll ride to them, play on them, then end up at a family-friendly pub for food and drinks.

Meet at 5:15 at the basketball courts in Dawson Park* (northwest corner, Williams and Morris). We’ll warm-up a bit, get teams signed up, go over a few basics, then roll out to our first stop in the Irvington neighborhood. We’ll stop at four hoops. At each one you/your team will perform various shots and other feats of bikesketball skill and at the end we’ll tally the scores and toast all the players!

This ride is great for the whole family and I’ve worked in some water fountain and park stops if we need them (also hoping at least one of our hoop hosts will turn their sprinklers on!). From Irvington, we’ll head north and west and the ride will end in the Arbor Lodge neighborhood near the Lucky Lab Brewpub on NE Killingsworth (which has good beer and pizza and outdoor tables, among other things).

Bring a ball if you have one and some hydrating liquid to stay comfortable.

See you out there!

[*NOTE: Yes, the start location of this ride has been changed from the parking lot of Port City Development Center at Williams & Tillamook to Dawson Park. I’ll have someone there to redirect folks. Sorry for any confusion.]

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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9 years ago

My first Pedalpalooza I stumbled upon a Unicycle Basketball game in progress, in Sewallcrest Park. That was a hoot to watch.

9 years ago

After Right-of-way code enforcement ((503) 823-7002) cracked down on parking strip basketball hoops about 4 years ago, they are mostly found only in neighborhoods with more expensive houses.

9 years ago
Reply to  Suburban

they’re still rampant all over town… some in the road/sidewalk…

rachel b
rachel b
9 years ago

You could try playing Bump from bikes. Maybe more people know Bump than I realize, but here’s for the uninitiated.

Everyone lines up at the free throw line, first two in line have basketballs. First person shoots, next person has to wait ‘til that person’s shot goes in, hits the rim or the backboard (or sails past it, booo!) and then they can launch their shot. If the person in front misses, the person behind can shoot (bump) them out if they make it before the first shooter can get the ball in the hoop off their rebound. After you make a shot, you rebound and pass to the next person(s) in line and run (ride) back to the end of the line. If you’re bumped, you’re bumped!

I imagine this would be hilarious on bikes. 🙂 And maybe impossible? Very fun and fast-paced game on foot, esp. as the numbers dwindle.

rachel b
rachel b
9 years ago

Please report back! I wish I could be there–I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to breathe for laughing. 🙂 Pictures, please!

9 years ago
Reply to  rachel b

Also known as: Knockout. Fun memories playing that as a kid.