Police arrest three teens, one in connection with bike-related assault

Portland police arrested a teen boy Sunday in an iPhone robbery who they say is linked to an Aug. 19 assault and robbery involving a person on a bike.

Samaryia Lambert, 15, was taken in along with Aureaunte Bennett, 15, and Anthony Madison, 16, after several officers with a police dog responded to a 9:53 p.m. robbery of a person at Northeast 21st and Alberta by three teens. The alleged victim identified all three, police said.

Lambert was then identified by detectives as “the suspect in an Aug. 19 assault and robbery at Northeast 17th Avenue and Klickitat Street, where the victim was assaulted and knocked off his bicycle,” according to a police news release.

“Robbery detectives are reviewing other reports to determine if any of the suspects may have been involved in other assaults or robberies in Portland,” the news release said.

The unwritten implication here is that there may be a connection to the string of bike-related assaults by small groups of young people that attracted media attention last month on our site and others. We’ll refrain from speculating, except to hope that the criminals are indeed caught.

Lambert was arrested on suspicion of two counts of second-degree robbery and one third-degree assault. Bennett and Madison were suspected of one count each of second-degree robbery. Police released the minors’ names because Robbery II is a serious enough crime to trigger the state’s manatory minimum sentencing laws.

“Anyone with information about this group is asked to contact Det. Robert Hollins at (503) 823-3441 or robert.hollins@portlandoregon.gov,” the news release said.

Michael Andersen (Contributor)

Michael Andersen (Contributor)

Michael Andersen was news editor of BikePortland.org from 2013 to 2016 and still pops up occasionally.

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Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago

Not surprising. Of course being minors they’ll get a slap on the wrist this time. Future incarceration is certain for them.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Could you go a little deeper on that “not surprising”?

Specifically, what was it that did not surprise you?

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott
Chris I
Chris I
11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Are you saying that all black people are violent? I’m confused…

Middle of the road guy
Middle of the road guy
11 years ago
Reply to  Chris I

Not all.

But sometimes stereotypes exist for a reason. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes they are correct.

That may be an inconvenient truth but reality does not always have a politically correct bent.

11 years ago

Every description of anything in the entire world can be described as sometimes right and sometimes wrong.

That even seems a bit of a stretch even for someone who says in their thread name that they have no convictions and are happy to sit on the fence and avoid making real decisions.

Stereotypes do exist for a reason. The reason is that they allow those of inferior intelligence to explain away things that they have no experience with and/or are afraid of due to the lack of actual learning based on the real world situations they apply these stereotypes (fantasies) to.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott


stereotypes are a learning/adaptation method that kept us alive during our evolution. Prediction is based upon experience, and prediction allows for generally safer decision making.

Jump into a tiger cage next time you see one…..I mean, not all huge striped cats will kill you, right?

11 years ago

Right. Not all striped cats will kill you. Still, assuming that you are safe from a predator mammal is a lot smarter than saying black people are inherently violent. Would you agree to that?

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

And surely a person of superior intellect as yourself would read ‘middle of the road guy’ a little more literally and realize it means taking the middle of the actual road. Or did you out-think yourself on that one and make an assumption about what it meant?

11 years ago

I surely did. Yet why would I pass up on an open door to call you a wishy-washy fence sitter?

That would be dumb.

Chris I
Chris I
11 years ago

Just like scofflaw cyclists, right? Are you one of those?

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris I

Are you attempting to justify racism by accusing me of running stop signs? Wow. You have definitely got me there Chris I. How do I live with myself?

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris I

obviously a cycle of poverty is at work, but the black incarceration rate is 6 times higher then the white non hispanic, and 2.5 times higher then the hispanic. black family culture is broken and needs some help. its an enormous problem with two many variables to list but yes, statistically speaking, the majority of violent offenders in this country are black..im somebody else responding.

11 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Stop and Frisks in Manhattan are mostly black or Hispanic. The problem is that they do not match up at all with the actual race mix that is walking around the island of Manhattan.

So does this tell you that black and Hispanic people do more crimes or that they are targeted more by the police? Most of the Manhattan stop and frisks result in nothing, yet they remain minority focused.

It is also racist to say that black family culture is broken and needs help. I have no idea what you are basing that on and I am willing to bet you don’t either Tom.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Are you saying your Klan robes are in the laundry? I don’t get it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Hugh…you stepped in it. Good luck getting out of it. The KGW page you provided a link to is an AP story KGW posted, about a NYC incident, rather than the assaults and thefts here in Portland which the three apprehended people are suspected of committing.

The AP story quotes the suspect associated with the NYC incident as having made making a racist remark in connection with his alleged involvement in the assault. That I’m aware of from reading the news, there’s been no news report of the Portland suspects having made such a remark in association with an involvement they may or may not have had in certain assaults here.

Apparently the person that had a traffic cone thrown in his face, knocking some of his teeth out, has made a positive I.D. of one of the suspects as being one of the people that assaulted him. That’s progress towards finding out, rather than indulging in inflammatory speculation, exactly why that incident, and perhaps some others, happened, and towards preventing the people that did the assault, from doing it again.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

I think, that you should not say more. I think that you should never ever talk, type, or write again.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

The recent attacks in Portland were committed by blacks against whites who happened to be riding bicycles. I’d be willing to bet the victim’s skin color was a larger factor than their mode of transportation.

I’ve made it out of the politically correct fog that does not allow me to avoid areas where I know I’m hated because of the color of my skin.

Let’s call hate crimes what they are…let’s stop trivializing them by just calling them “random attacks”.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Black on black crime is many times greater than black on white crime. It was probably a crime of opportunity than bias. At least white people don’t face ‘driving while black'(and getting pulled over disproportionately), or ‘shopping while black’ (and getting followed throughout the store), or ‘riding while black'(and be tailed by police for presumption of stolen bike).

11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I think I’d rather read “Al M” & “Vance Longwell” throw insults all week long: at least they had a position or opinion to forward; Cornholio there has no purpose but to spin us up.

11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

What HUGE JOHNSON (alias Sofa King?) means is “I just Love replies to my comments no matter what they are.”

Tre 3900
Tre 3900
11 years ago

All blacks are not violent. Most blacks are decent folks just like most whites. BUT there is a significant problem with some blacks and violence. Chris this link should alleviate your confusion:


Hugh, thank you for giving us the link which reported the race of the suspects. It’s sickening that this information is being hidden by a racist media.

Chris, a little more education for ya:

11 years ago

i’m getting so much work done while listening to the troll song!!

11 years ago
Reply to  wade

sorry for the musical brain poisoning.

11 years ago

At what point does the website staff give us some inkling how to get offal like this banned from commenting even temporarily?

11 years ago

Exchange of controversial views can be productive, unless it dissolves relentlessly away into bad, bear-bating bad jibes and wisecracks some people commenting here have seemed unable to resist going on and on with.

“…During the course of this investigation, Robbery detectives determined that Lambert was the suspect in an August 19, 2013 assault and robbery at Northeast 17th Avenue and Klickitat Street, where the victim was assaulted and knocked off his bicycle. …” police news release

Sorry that yesterday for some reason, I didn’t read the police news release, or details of this bikeportland story more closely. They say that the cell phone theft victim is who I.D.’d the suspects. I’d still be interested in hearing more though, about what helped the police determine that one of the suspects in the phone theft crime was also a suspect in the assault with a traffic cone on a person riding by on a bike.

Tre 3900
Tre 3900
11 years ago

One of the dumbest statements ever made by (apparently) one of the most clueless people ever made:

“It is also racist to say that black family culture is broken and needs help. I have no idea what you are basing that on and I am willing to bet you don’t either Tom.”

Hugh, don’t let the morons get you down – this website will not even publish my posts because the truth hurts and they can’t take it.

11 years ago

the internet is the wild west of information and opinion, i hope it stays that way. to maintain the integrity of coherent conversation, obvious troll like behavior should be frowned upon. this thread seems fine. a few differences in opinion but name calling has been mostly avoided. im still of the opinion that original piece about the kid who had the cone thrown at him was not really that news worthy to begin with. riding a bike in a otherwise car dominated society makes you a target all over the place. ive had water thrown at me, shot at with a paint ball gun, had dogs chase me, people on bikes chase me. crap, all sorts of mayhem has ensued. uppity black kids chucking stuff at people on bikes isnt some heinous crime, but its clearly a indication that not all is well newly gentrified north portland. mostly well, but not entirely.

11 years ago

Trek 3900…if you’ll take some time to read details of the police news release about the arrest of the suspects: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm?id=4387&ec=1 …where it seems bikeportland’s staff got some of its information for this story, you’ll find the race of the suspects wasn’t reported.

This sites staff is apparently, honestly reporting what it presently knows about these suspects and recent crimes they’re suspected of committing.

Of more importance, is the fact that people working together, have made successful efforts towards finding out who did these crimes, and towards keeping the people who did them, from committing more.

Chris I
Chris I
11 years ago

With all of the caps lock action going on in your post, I would say that you have the problem. You seem pretty worked up about this for some reason.

11 years ago

The only way race would be important is if the crimes being discussed were hate crimes.

There are no hate crimes being discussed here, therefore race isn’t any part of the issue.

El Biciclero
El Biciclero
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I know it’s a thought experiment based on conjecture, but let’s imagine what might have transpired had the perpetrator(s) been white and the victims black. Would descriptions of the “teens” have included the word “white”? Would there be an underlying assumption that there was a racial element to the assaults? By leaving color out of the descriptions of non-white suspects, are we unintentionally feeding an assumption that people of color are more prone to be perpetrators of crimes? “Wow, a white guy did it!” vs. “Hmm. Doesn’t say what color the suspect is–probably black kids.”

While I don’t agree with Mr. Johnson’s original sentiment of “not surprising”, unless he meant “that bored, unsupervised kids found something violent to do”, I do question why something as objective as a description of a suspect has to be handled with such kid gloves. I know it was the police report (as opposed to those that operate BikePortland) that originally left out any reference to color, but it seems as though objectivity could at least be maintained by those responsible for disseminating information; the public will think whatever they will think.

I also note that many of those commenters coming to the defense of these unfairly profiled teens (and decrying “profiling” in general) in the original report on this story (linked above in this post) essentially make comments along the lines of, “if you’re white, then stay out of this neighborhood because you’re a symbol of gentrification and residents are liable to lash out at you”. Now there’s some second-order profiling for you: a) residents of a neighborhood are likely to profile you as a gentrifier if you’re white, b) we know this because we are profiling residents of the ‘hood as likely profilers. A single standard isn’t enough–make mine a double!