‘Redditors’ set up donation fund for man assaulted while biking on MLK

Reddit user “SpanishMoles” shows off the damage.

A man who was bicycling down Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in northeast Portland on Sunday was allegedly the victim of an assault. After he posted a photo of his injuries to user-powered news site Reddit, a community of strangers has started donating money to help rehabilitate his injuries.

Yesterday morning, Reddit user “SpanishMoles” posted: “Some kids threw a traffic cone at me while I was riding my bike down MLK. Any other shitty areas I should avoid?” He called the police, whom he says were “helpful”, but they had no luck finding the three young kids who he saw throw the cone at him.

As you might expect, comments poured in and the online discussion touched on many different issues including: SpanishMoles’ route selection (most people avoid riding on MLK, which is a state highway); whether or not the assault happened because he was on a bike, or simply because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time; and so on.

As you can see in the photo, SpanishMoles suffered several chipped teeth when the traffic cone made him lose control of his bike. When fellow Redditors realized he didn’t have dental insurance, one of them decided to do something about it.

After reading about this incident, Tim Oberlander set up a campaign at GoFundMe.com to help raise money for SpanishMoles’ dental work. “He mentioned how he didn’t have insurance in his post,” wrote Tim in an email to BikePortland, “Several people also stated they felt bad for him and wanted to help. I felt like it was a way to help someone out who had something out of their control happen and needed some help.”

Tim also felt bad because SpanishMoles had just recently moved to Portland from the Midwest (which explains why he didn’t realize there are other good bike routes besides MLK) with “a duffel bag, $100, and a bicycle.” In a comment, SpanishMoles shared his gratitude for the community support:

“You guys are amazing 🙁 I’m going to Emergency Dental later today to see about getting some caps put on the teeth while I save up for two root canals. It looks like the caps will be about $400? I just hope they hold for a long enough time to get money together for a real fix. Whoever put together the fund to help me, I’m humbled and indebted to your generosity.

I moved to Portland about a month ago with a duffel bag, $100, and a bicycle from the Midwest. Needless to say, things have been rough, but this city is beautiful and it’s inhabitants are some of the most endearing and awesome people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I think degenerates exist in every city and I unfortunately just encountered a group of ’em in a bad way.

Thanks everyone for you kind comments, advice, and everything you’ve offered me. I’m learning so much every day here.”

As for his choice to ride on MLK, SpanishMoles posted that he plans to find new routes in the future.

So far, $85 has been raised with a goal of $1,000. If you’d like to drop a few bucks in the jar, check out the donation site at GoFundMe.com.

UPDATE: For more on this story — and another, similar attack in northeast Portland, read coverage on OregonLive.com.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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11 years ago

There is nothing wrong with riding MLK as a route.
Sure there may be finer choices.
But if one chooses to ride MLK, as it is a very legal route, the auto traffic must react accordingly. The fact that autos do not react accordingly is the only reason not to think about riding MLK. t is a major arterial/direct route.
And, as shown in this incidence, neighbors must act accordingly also.

I could retell many stories of randomly thrown items at cyclists since the 80’s in Portland. Many with big injuries. How is it randomly thrown items so often hit a person in the head?
Some occurred on the nicest little neighborhood streets.

It is not about the route chosen, it is about the idiots throwing things.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
11 years ago
Reply to  Dabby


so no need for your dissertation on MLK being an acceptable route.

11 years ago

Actually there is a need as the accepted thought seems to be we should not ride on roads such as MLK.
When the reality is we should assertively ride on all legal roads, and especially roads like MLK.
The pigeonholing of bicycles onto side streets is not for the greater good.

Kiel Johnson / Go By Bike
11 years ago

having just finished a Henry Schmidt fundraiser I think it is interesting how people are generating their own ways of advocacy and shows of support using online donation sites. they are doing this on their own and outside of traditional groups, like the BTA. It seems like this is happening a lot now and it is pretty easy to set up. I wonder if it is a fad or a useful way to draw attention to an issue or if we will just become over-saturated with campaigns. I personally think it is pretty useful/powerful.
That tooth looks pretty gnarly, hope he is okay.

11 years ago
Reply to  Kiel Johnson

I can suggest OHSU Dental School for an accident like that, .. in the picture :-} – You can get the latest care, procedures, and materials from OHSU Dental School. At a reduced rate too. It will be cheaper, and you will receive more professional care. Call them now to get-in and set an appointment. They can help a brother-out. 🙂


Terry D
Terry D
11 years ago

There is always going to be the occasional conflict no mater what the route or neighborhood, but with quality choices this conflict can be minimized.

MLK is legal to ride on, but unless I was going to a specific location it would be my last choice. Everyone should have choices. The 7th-9th Greenway could be sharrow’ed and signed for about $50,000 from the Lloyd buffered bike lanes north to the Holman Greenway. This should be done immediately so everyone knows about this choice. I do not see any difference in this request than striping a double yellow line in the center of the road to prevent automobile crashes on busy arterials. It is a question of equity for both modes of travel.

Add another Quarter million or so for targeted diverters to cut down on NE 7th traffic and a few dozen speed bumps and there would be a quality parallel alternative for cheap and be just as direct. During congested periods it would also be faster, not to mention safer.

11 years ago

The danger from cars on MLK isn’t the issue.

Here, black youths injured a white cyclist who was riding through a neighborhood with a history of this kind of violence.

11 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Robert, I don’t think race is relevant in this issue. I’ve lived block off NE MLK for years and never experienced animosity based on the color of my skin. On the other hand, I’ve had teens harass me and/or threaten violence because they are bullies and I look like an easy target. Anecdotal, I know, but I would advise caution when citing race relations as the motive for a conflict that you “experienced” third hand.

11 years ago
Reply to  Michael

We don’t know if race is an issue any more/less than if the rider being on a bike was an issue. I know this town is very PC, but why does this story omit the part where he mentions the suspects (3 black kids wearing hoodies)? Because they were black we must zip our mouths and discuss nothing about who did this? Lame.

Vance Longwell
11 years ago
Reply to  Michael

For the love of…right, guy. I bet race would suddenly become relevant if the racial roles were reversed. Why should blacks always get a pass when attacking whites? Ever heard of, “…polar-bearing…”, “white-out”, and other racially attacks on whites by blacks? Why do you feel the need to defend this behavior? In your view, are blacks so weak that they need you to defend them? Lucky them.

11 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Can someone point out the part in the article where the kids’ ethnicities are reported? CTL + F “Black” NOT FOUND.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hate crime. But it never gets called that when it’s black on white.

11 years ago

This type of attack makes me so incensed. Going after a vulnerable person that is at that very moment causing less harm to the world than just about everybody else around them?!?!? Might as well kick some who is bending down to plant a flower.

11 years ago
Reply to  SilkySlim

From the reddit thread:

[–]cored3sign 21 points 1 day ago

Can you describe them? (Fellow daily commuter cyclist here.)

give gold

[–]SpanishMoles[S] 78 points 1 day ago

Welp, look out for three black kids in hoodies.

(Spanish Moles is the thread starter/victim)

So there we have it, from the victim’s own mouth, that the suspects were three black kids wearing hoodies. If you’re riding in this area be extra cautious if you see them.

11 years ago
Reply to  pixelgate

Apologies, meant to respond to melody not to your post

11 years ago
Reply to  pixelgate

“the suspects were three black kids wearing hoodies. If you’re riding in this area be extra cautious if you see them.”

that CANNOT be a serious statement you just made. that, my friend, is straight up racial profiling.

11 years ago
Reply to  melody

Get real.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  melody

Profiling can save your life.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Profiling actually kills people. There was this boy named Trayvon Martin and he was profi–well you know the story.

11 years ago


Did you verify this story at all? Have you spoken with the victim or seen a police report?

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
Reply to  Michael

Nope. And Nope. It’s a Reddit post, which is clear from the story. And some folks reacted to the post to set up a donation campaign. That’s what my post is about. It wasn’t something I spent the time to reach out to the alleged victim or the police about.

11 years ago

That’s not exactly journalism…

11 years ago
Reply to  grumpcyclist

This is a blog.

Paul in the 'couve
Paul in the 'couve
11 years ago
Reply to  grumpcyclist

Q-6 covered it last night, interviewed MoleSpanish… How much digging did they do?

11 years ago
Reply to  Michael

The O did a piece to, mentioned a police report. Quotes officer, also for a separate indecent in the same area with a simialr mo. http://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/index.ssf/2013/08/two_bicyclists_injured_in_unpr.html

11 years ago
Reply to  KJ

Actually, the Oregonian only cites the account on Reddit, just like this. There is no mention of a police report, and the “quote” from an officer is actually a paraphrase fromSweeny/SpanishMoles saying the alleged officer thought he had a concussion.

Serious lack of journalism across the board.

11 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Really? The quote I was referring to was from Lynch. Not Sweeney. A search of the Reddit thread I get not hits on Lynch. You’ll have to ask Joe Rose about his sources.

11 years ago
Reply to  Michael

saw this on the TV last night. Guess some people aren’t as bitter to the world and take incidents for what they are without the need to cross reference. KATU put it on so they must have checked as much. Dentist is doing the work for free.


11 years ago

I was riding North on se 122nd between Powell & Division couple of days ago in the bike lane… . 2 teens came the wrong way down the path straight at me, fast. They bailed out at the last possible moment before a collision, then laughed. Sure seemed aimed at harassing bikers to me.

I couldn’t move left into traffic and there was no chance of going right ,,,,they just jumped the curb, which my heavy Touring Bike is unable to do.

To avoid the PC police, I won’t mention their color or hoodies.

11 years ago

Has anyone mentioned how this is very similar to the spat of attacks on n. Williams about 4 or 5 years ago?

11 years ago

nice way to censor my previous comment. it was mostly sarcasm. the greater point being, A, self indulgent bike riding because its legal should be trumped by route safety. dont ride your bike on a multi lane road where cars routinely travel 45 mph. but really, sorry about your tooth dude but yeah, stick to the back roads and in north portland, dont stop moving….

11 years ago

Yes, let’s not mention their description. We might actually catch these thugs.

11 years ago

thinking outside the ahem, bike box for a moment. please remember what part of town you are riding in, you, newly minted portland resident from elsewhere. not too long ago in portland history, north portland was not the whitey part of town. for two decades before your arrival to funtown, it was the only minority, majority neighborhood. fast forward to now and you can see how white hipsters in a former black burg could be seen as contentious. so yeah, dont ride slow clunker bikes down mlk. ride them sure, but tread cautiously. you are the newcomer in these parts. k-thanks.

11 years ago
Reply to  tom

Yes, Tom! everything you just said is totally right on. thanks for saying it!

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago

Yeah I could see where people moving in and bringing in new life to run-down old areas is a point of contention. Abandoned houses, broken-down cars, and boarded-up businesses are all things we should try to preserve. If people cared so much about those areas before “whitey” started moving in, they sure as hell didn’t show it. And I can say that as someone who grew up in North Portland not far from MLK.

11 years ago

^^^sure, gentrification brings “new life” to run down areas, but it does so at a price, usually displacing the poor people who lived there before new, more affluent residents moved in. anyway, im not going to get into a social pissing match about the have’s and have nots of american society, you can do your homework about social inequality. but, yeah, dont ride your bike on a high traffic, high speed state route through the former hood, especially if you are a new, out of town caucasion hipster, especially when there are still plenty of surly urban youth running about.

11 years ago

MLK is in NE , not North Portland

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  Bankerman

You are aware MLK is one of the borders of North Portland right?

Michael Andersen (Contributor)
Reply to  Hugh Johnson

Actually, Williams is. Bankerman is correct; MLK is in NE (or SE south of Burnside).

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago

Hey smarty pants at what point did I say MLK was *in* North Portland?

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago

Wow so SE is south of Burnside. After living in this city my entire life I NEVER knew that! Thanks for straightening me out Michael!

11 years ago

The other eve I was riding E on Russell toward Mlk (right near the substation). Three young males (similar description) were walking W on the sidewalk, one skinny one said watch this, other said something like ‘get em’, and the skinny guy stepped off the sidewalk toward me like he was going to do an uppercut right as I rode by (but was slowed down as there was a pole right between us), and the third guy yelled boom. Seemed all too casual/no hesitation- I was glad they didn’t see me earlier/weren’t more organized.

Trek 3900
Trek 3900
11 years ago

“I have a dream, that one day light-skinned people will not be attacked in huge numbers by dark-skinned people, and that when they are, the news media will report the facts of the case including skin color. And in my dream I dreamed that the POTUS got all bent out of shape, and threatened a hate-crime charge when dark-skinned people attacked light-skinned people the way he does when it’s reveresed. But I’m not holding my breath.”

Learn some facts for your own safety:

11 years ago

wow. and here I was holding Portland’s bicyclists to higher standards than this racist garbage.
reverse racism does not exist, bruh.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
11 years ago
Reply to  melody

Actually Melody you are exactly right. Hate is hate. Blacks taking swings at people, throwing things at them, or pushing them off their bikes because of their skin color is pure simple racism. Let’s stop dancing around it and calling these “random” or “isolated” incidents. That’s pure politically correct 100% certified bullshit.

Opus the Poet
11 years ago
Reply to  melody

Actually it does, just not in the same quantity as white-on-black racism. Get out and see the world “bruh”. And I say this as a guy that was mistaken for being Hispanic because I had to swap my road bike for a full-suspension MTB with road slicks for a year because the roads I commuted on had gotten so bad I was buying new headlights and tail lights about every two weeks because they would fall off from the rough roads breaking the mounts. I won’t mention what those roads did to my teeth…

11 years ago
Reply to  Opus the Poet

I do not really see that as “reverse racism.” that sounds more like people being straight up racist, assuming people who ride mountain bikes are Hispanic. You were not profiled for being white.
Also, in my opinion, the concept of “reverse racism” is not valid. Being caucasian comes with SO MUCH privilege that even if we were treated unfairly in a certain situation, the rest of our lives are so privileged that it can never, ever match the oppression felt by all other ethnicities and races in this country.

Terry D
Terry D
11 years ago

Coming back after a few days….all I can say is OUCH! The classism, rascism, neighorhood prejudice. As a city we need to learn from the grentification mistakes made in this neighborhood that has caused so much resentment and not replicate them around 82nd and in SE. We CAN find a way to redevelope, in-fill and uplift our poorer neighborhoods if we think creatively without as much local displacement and destroying the local character…. which is the stem of much of the resentments and stereotypes being thrown around in this case.

11 years ago

New update, dentist donates work; asks for original donations be given to charity.


Trek 3900
Trek 3900
11 years ago

Some crime statistics from the Government:

Links to government statistics are near bottom of the article.

Trek 3900
Trek 3900
11 years ago

Excellent short article on interracial crime: