Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

MCBF recap: Pie jousting, Sprockettes, and amazing bicycles

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-36

Splat! Pie jousting was a big
hit with the kids at MCBF.
(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Pedalpalooza came to a close on Saturday at the Multnomah County Bike Fair. The event was held adjacent to the now-defunct Washington High School at SE 12th and Alder. While it seemed to lack the crowds and energy of past MCBFs held at Colonel Summers Park, there was still plenty of fun and shenanigans to go around.

There were bike competitions like a slow race and foot-down derby, various types of jousting (pie, swing-bike, and tall-bike), lots of picnicking, a small vendor expo, a visit from The Hamster Ball, a special show by The Sprockettes, live music, and of course plenty of interesting bikes to gawk at.

Check out the photos and captions below for a little slice of the event…

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-1

Halley Weaver and Dag Arneson compete in the Slow Bike Race.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-3

The inimitable Dingo Dizmal was there making balloons for the kids.
It’s been years since the good ol’ days Clown House on Alberta
and Dingo always brings back fond memories.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-5

No summer bike event in Portland is complete without the laid-back BBQ style of the Belligerantes Schwinn bike gang.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-6

Doc from Dead Baby Bike Club brought a pair of swing-bikes and lances made for bike jousting.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-11

Direct hit!
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-8

Sizzling temps were no match for Gigi Malibu (a.k.a. Sarah Goforth) and her Hammercise crew.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-13

There was some good meat grilling in this BBQ cargo bike (another Dead Baby Bike Club creation)
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-16

The Sprockettes came together for a spirited performance that included a memorial dance dedicated to Kiki Larsen
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-19

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-23

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-26

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-30

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-32

Kiki’s bike is missing its rider. And so am I.

2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-33

My boy Everett loved Paul Zavitkofski’s custom “Pug-fiets” bike. (The dog’s name is “Rando”).
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-35

Aidan Kaufman rears up prior to striking his competition with a whipped cream pie…
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-37

… and just missed the front of Mary Finch’s face.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-38

Even the big boys couldn’t resist the pie joust.
2013 Multnomah County Bike Fair-43

Zane Fischer (brown shirt) brought his Hamster Ball, a stellar piece of Portland bike-making ingenuity. Watch how it works in the video below…

Hope everyone enjoyed Pedalpalooza. And to all of you who lead and participated in the many creative, fun, and informative rides, I salute in and thank you for making Portland the bike culture capital of the world.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Mark Allyn
11 years ago

Does anyone know why we moved from Col Summers Park? I thought that the park had more room?

11 years ago

This was my 3rd year as lead organizer.

If anybody would like to make it better in future, please volunteer. We had a real shortage of volunteers this year.

Also like to give a big special thanks to Michael & Sonja for wrangling all the vendors and Tall Tour Crew for bring the mobile sound stage that was solar powered this year.

Mark Allyn
11 years ago

Thank you for answering. I was not aware of the permit situation.

Overall, I was quite happy with the event itself. I was not aware that the sound system was solar powered! That is great!

11 years ago

Thank you for always documenting these redonkulous exploits, Jon! Most of us can hardly find our socks in the morning, let alone bring a camera to an event we knew about all year.