Police recover 16 stolen bikes in downtown Portland

See your bike?
(Photo: Portland Police Bureau)

The Portland police uncovered over a dozen stolen bicycles in northwest Portland today. According to a police statement, they received a call from the Biltmore Hotel (310 NW 6th Ave) after cleaning staff found that the room of an evicted tenant, “was filled with bicycles and associated parts.”

Here’s more from the statement:

Officers identified 16 bicycles that were suspected stolen and seized all the bicycles, frames, and boxes of parts. While processing the evidence, the evicted man returned to the hotel and was arrested without incident. He has been identified as 27-year-old Steven Sherman.

Officers have been running serial numbers and checking StolenBicycleRegistry.com (which is tied into our Stolen Bike Listings) to match the bikes to potential owners. So far, two bikes have been returned to their owners. “In one of these cases,” reads the statement, “the owner did not have the serial number to her bicycle but did make a police report and posted photos on the website, which assisted officers in tracking her down.”

Steven Sherman

Steven Sherman has been booked into the Multnomah County Jail on charges of Theft in the First Degree, Theft in the Second Degree and Attempted Possession of Methamphetamine.

This story reminds me of a similar police action that resulted in the recovery of 18 bikes in Old Town back in July.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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11 years ago

freakin’ tweakers


11 years ago
Reply to  BURR

Leave it to a tweaker to get charged with “attempted” possession of skiddy. Does not look like a dude I would like to encounter in a dangerous situation.

11 years ago

Quick! Call Timo! He’ll have them home to all their owners in an hour!

11 years ago

Is this the Mad HackSawyer (featured awhile back on BP) but with a buzzcut?

11 years ago
Reply to  CaptainKarma
11 years ago

I once left my bike U-locked to a staple rack overnight in Old Town. I was actually surprised that it was still there. Steven Sherman must’ve been too tweaked out to bother it..

11 years ago

… and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you *always* make a note of yr bike’s frickin’ serial number…

11 years ago
Reply to  Adam

…and never, ever, miss an opportunity to look down from your high horse…

John Lascurettes
11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I’ve also recorded the serial number of my high horse, so there.

11 years ago

Thanks John! I don’t bother to reply to snarky trolls on internet forums. But your response to the above said snarky troll made me laugh! I will be writing down the serial number to my high horse too this afternoon! 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Since there are plenty of people who don’t yet know how to change a flat, I’m guessing that there are many who don’t even know that bikes have a serial number. Is that a statement you gentleman might agree with?

My comment was in fun, but you buzz kills probably think fun is telling someone that they should be wearing a helmet in pics that BP posts of commuters so check this out: being snide to someone who has not only had their bike stolen, but also is hitting a brick wall with the slags we call cops in this city for not having any documentation to prove the bike is their’s is lame. Stop being lame and start teaching people how to fish.

mark kenseth
mark kenseth
11 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Wasn’t one of the bike owners located by the police without a serial number reported?

Alan 1.0
Alan 1.0
11 years ago

“Attempted Possession of Meth?” How does one attempt possession? Did they keep moving the stash just out of his reach?

Anyway, ‘grats and thanks, PPD!

11 years ago

What a shame that this guy walks away with a charge on his record, I just don’t see how his criminal conviction makes the world a better place. Too bad someone didn’t get to him earlier and buy up all those stolen bikes ….

11 years ago
Reply to  JNE

Being a snarky a-hole does nothing to persuade people.

11 years ago
Reply to  JRB

Very true.

11 years ago

If the cops want to find more stolen bikes, they should come to the Central Eastside Industrial District – the homeless are all riding some really nice bikes, sometimes a different one each day.

11 years ago
Reply to  sabes

Can we maybe NOT always blame all bike theft on people experiencing homelessness? For a great example, this person was housed when he amassed the 16 bikes (though it sounds like he’s not any more). Regardless, there are a lot of folks who live unhoused who DON’T steal the bikes that they ride. So let’s all stop making such ugly assumptions. OK? Thanks.

John Landolfe
11 years ago

In some alternate universe lives a kinder, more logical Steven. He doesn’t have an evil goatee.

Opus the Poet
11 years ago

I’m still trying to find the 2004 RANS Fusion that disappeared from my driveway when I was too sick to put it back in the garage a few years back, red frame with a 1 1/8″ threaded headset…

Todd Boulanger
Todd Boulanger
11 years ago

I guess the Biltmore Hotel does not offer daily room cleaning…it must have been pretty crowded in his SRO room from the looks of it. Good to hear that some bikes have found their owners.