Mayor Adams invited to Kidical Mass ride this month

Mayor Sam Adams, shown here at a Safe Routes to School event in June 2010, is scheduled to attend February’s KidicalMass ride.
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

[*Please note: This article originally said Adams would attend the ride. Unfortunately there was a mix-up with organizers and his staff and we have now learned he is not 100% confirmed. He has been invited, he’s “interested in attending,” but he has not yet committed to it. — JM]

Portland’s beloved Kidical Mass is back for 2012 and, along with already having events scheduled through the end of the year, they’re expecting the Mayor to join in on the fun this month.

Kidical Mass December -4

Kidical Mass is a great place
to meet other biking families.
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Event organizers say Mayor Adams’ office has confirmed he will be at this month’s edition. The ride starts near N Williams and Holman St. and heads to SCRAP where kids will have a chance to build a birdhouse. (The Mayor’s office did not comment on whether Adams would build a birdhouse himself.)

If you’re one of the few who hasn’t heard of Kidical Mass, here’s a brief history of how it came to be in Portland…

Kidical Mass was born in Eugene in 2008 when Shane MacRhodes (Eugene resident and Safe Routes to Schools Program Manager) wanted a way to celebrate a visit to the city by Ted White, the man who coined the term “Critical Mass.”

The family-friendly ride that declares “Kids are traffic too!” quickly spread to Portland and other cities, but our local Kidical Mass chapter fizzled a bit when its lead organizer moved to Washington D.C.

Kids and families enjoyed a
(nearly) rain-free ride in January.
(Photo courtesy Travis Wittwer)

After her departure, the torch was passed and events were informally organized for years. Last year’s attendance was lower than some hoped, so this year Katie Proctor stepped in to give the ride a boost.

Proctor (with the help of other parents) has already set dates for monthly rides through the end of 2012. January’s Kidical Mass had a great turn out and February’s ride is expected to bring out even more fun-loving families (especially if this weather holds up!).

Learn more at

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13 years ago

Can’t get excited about Sam anymore, esp after Occupy. Just sayin.

13 years ago

Since I can’t say tool, how about goofball. Is that OK?

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I think you did say “tool”.

13 years ago
Reply to  sorebore

…but beyond all that, lets just show up with the kids and put our best face forward.

Travis Wittwer
Travis Wittwer
13 years ago

I was saddened, and greatly disappointed by the less-than-graceful backtrack (pullout?) for this month’s KidicalMass ride. I do hope mayor Sam Adams attends. I like Mayor Sam Adams.

The update information provided by BP is gracious. It is also a politically polite thing to do. BP originally posted with correct information. I do not blame BP. What level of comittment is required by KidicalMass or BikePortland before sharing information? Signed contracts?

I hope that is not the state of the people in this city.

A statement of promise is a Promise.

Again, the update to this post is polite; however, there was no mix up by the KidicalMass organizers. A KidicalMass organizer, me, was contacted; was asked for specific ride information; and was asked what role Mayor Sam Adams could play; and was told Mayor Sam Adams would attend and that the staffer would also be attending. The staffer was sure about everything except whether Mayor Sam Adams would build a bird house at SCRAP.

Perhaps the staffer messed up and over-stepped the bounds of publicity organzing. This would be a fault of the staffer, a mix up on the staffer’s part and no one else. Own it. Perhaps the staffer should not have used phrases like He will attend … when it should have been May attend.

I have not heard back from this staffer with an apology or a convoluded try at an explanation. However, I will patiently wait. To organize the Mayor attending the ride with me and then change the program, without contacting me, lacks courtesy. Perhaps this staffer has lost my email. I do have the staffer’s email, as well as the emails saying Mayor Sam Adams will attend.

And he still may. And I hope he does.

I have avoided making any reference to “a loss of trust” because this is not an emotional situation for me. I have not lost trust with Mayor Sam Adams, nor will I extend this to some overarching sadness of the state of humanity. Attend or not. No biggie. In the grand scheme the ride is for the kids.

My kids will attend. They said they will, and they will. I trust them.

What does bother me is that a promise was made without concern for follow through, and that is a tough fault to fix. Someone needs to send me an email. Own it.