Meeting tonight will discuss new neighborhood greenway on N Bryant

PBOT map of Bryant-Holman Connector project.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation continues their expansion of low-stress bike streets in North Portland with a neighborhood meeting for the Bryant-Holman Connector project tonight.

The meeting will discuss a new neighborhood greenway proposal that would connect the Woodlawn and Arbor Lodge neighborhoods via North Bryant Street. This project would tie in with existing neighborhood greenways on N. Concord, Michigan (coming soon) and Bryant to the west and N. Holman to the east. It would also help highlight the underutilized and somewhat neglected Bryant Street biking and walking bridge that crosses over I-5.

Here’s more from PBOT:

“This network will help create safe routes to Woodlawn, Ockley Green, Chief Joseph, Beach, and Humboldt Schools. In addition, these routes will improve safe walking and biking access to Woodlawn Park, Arbor Lodge Park, and Peninsula Park. Access to key transit hubs and businesses on Dekum, Martin Luther King, Interstate, and Lombard will also be improved.”

As per usual, PBOT will hold two meetings for this project. The first will give an overview of neighborhood greenways, share data on existing traffic conditions, and hear public feedback. Then, City staff will come back a few weeks later (on September 8th) for a second meeting to present their plans for specific improvements.

If you live, work, or ride in this area of North Portland, consider coming to this meeting and sharing your input on this project.

    Bryant-Holman Connector Neighborhood Greenway Safety Project Meeting
    Tonight, Aug. 11th 6-8:00 pm
    Rosemont Court Community Room (597 N Dekum St)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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gregg woodlawn
13 years ago

This would be a much needed connection in inner NE and N Portland! I can’t make it tonight as I’ll be riding in Oakland- looking forward to reading about how the meeting went.

13 years ago

I live just a few blocks from here and, in my opinion, the reason the bryant street bridge is under utilized is because you can’t easily cross N Interstate at Bryant because of the max tracks. If I have to go south a block to cross the tracks (as per PBOT’s suggestion above), why not go one more and cross at Rosa Parks? The asphalt is much nicer there.

Just my 2 cents.

13 years ago

Besides the above stated problem with the entrance to the overpass, this route is already sweet.

One tiny huge thing though.

The condition of Bryant Street could not be worse for about west half of the trip. Once you cross Interstate Ave, Bryant goes to pot.

13 years ago

Another AMAZINGLY crappy road surface . . . I respect PBOT’s “Field of Dreams” approach (if we build it, repaving will come), but these old cracked concrete roads suck on a bike. I avoid Bryant because it is so bad.

13 years ago

I use Bryant street west of Going 5 times a week. pot holes everywhere!

13 years ago

Why do Bryant if they are doing Rosa Parks?

Ted Buehler
13 years ago

Nice work PBOT — this ties things together nicely at the north end of “Zone Platinum”

The big challenge will be getting across MLK. But compliance is good at the dozen or so pedestrian crosswalks in the Tillamook – Lombard segment, bicyclists can turn into pedestrians and cross with relative ease.

And if the tradition of motorized traffic yielding for bicyclists (as they do at Going St) extends to Bryant, then it will be fairly easy. (Until someone is seriously injured by a motorist who fails to stop out of courtesy and claims their legal right of way, then the whole thing will need to be rethunk).

If anyone who reads this was at the meeting, I’d be interested in a report.

Ted Buehler

Ted Buehler
13 years ago

Yes, it’s a very rough street. We should request that PBOT bike boulevards be able to make urgent requests to reprioritize bike boulevards for resurfacing.

Ted Buehler

13 years ago

I see no plans for east of Interstate.

As a former N. Bryant resident, I have to say that Bryant has a lot of potential. When I lived up there I thought the ped/bike bridge was great, in a humble sort of way. The improvements at Willamette (heading south and trying to take a left onto Bryant was SKETCHY, especially at night and in the rain.) were long overdue and appreciated.

The jog north and then south at the tracks is not really that big of a deal for occasional or one-off use, but if PBOT is interested in creating a serious bike thoroughfare where large groups of cyclists can move through, forget it, the track crossing has all the markings of a classic PBOT let’s-patch-up-our-oversight-with-a-clumsy-work-around-and-act-like-we-meant-it-all-along. Regular bike traffic will use Rosa Parks.

13 years ago

Nice, but it’s just going to cause more white people to move into the neighborhood, yes?