Weekend Guide and Open Thread

Zoobomb pile

The Olde Zoobomb Pyle
is getting a new home
(Photo © J. Maus)

Friday, May 29th

Pedalpalooza Kickoff Dance Party Construction and Clean Up Day
What more glorious way to spend a weekend than volunteering for a good cause?

The Pedalpalooza kickoff dance party (followed, per Portland tradition, by the world’s largest World Naked Bike Ride) is on June 13th this year. If you’re free this afternoon, drop in to help make the space magical! Ability to hold a hammer or broom the only requirement.

Many more volunteers are needed for the event itself. Shifts and signup info here.
12PM to 5PM
2181 NW Nicolai
RSVP to anomalily at gmail dot com

Zoobomb Public Art Unveiling
There’s a glorious new monument in town and it’s being officially unveiled and dedicated tonight. The Mayor will speak, the Sprockettes will dance, and bike lights will be given away.
4:00pm – Meet at the Holy Rack (10th and SW Oak)
5:00pm – Parade to New Pyle at 13th and W. Burnside
“Animal costumes encouraged. Mini-bike donations gratefully accepted!”

Happy Friday Ride
Formerly known as the SE Peep’s Ride, this cheery group takes an easy-paced, pleasant ride around side streets of Southeast Portland on the last Friday of each month, dinging their bells and saying “Happy Friday!” to everyone they meet.
Meet outside of Palio, 1996 SE Ladd Avenue, Portland, OR, 97214

Saturday, May 30th

Bike Day at the Farmer’s Market
Join us for a family-friendly group rides to the Portland Farmers Market at PSU! Bike decorating highly encouraged! Definitely bring the kids. Arrival at market 11:00am to a party thrown by Portland Farmers Market, including refreshments, kids’ activities on-site, and an “enter to win” prize drawing at noon. Bike parking will be available.
Start locations all over town — find your nearest starting place and time on this map.

Sunday, May 31st

Easy Riders: MUPs of the SW
SW Portland ain’t so scary. It’s got trails and stuff. Easy Riders tried to do this ride back in January and it snowed so we decided to try it again now that weather is better. Here’s the route.
Meet at Tiny’s Coffee, 1412 SE 12th Ave
MUPs = carfree, Multi Use Paths

Story continues below


Urban Assault Ride
The New Belgium Brewing Urban Assault Ride is this weekend! This obstacle course scavenger hunt always attracts a colorful crowd. Come cheer on the intrepid participants at the start line, or sign up to participate yourself (must register in advance).
Pioneer Courthouse Square

Next week

Pedal Potluck Picnic
The PPP returns for its FIFTH season! A casual bicycle ride traversing approx. 3-5 miles (5-8km) with a different route each time. The end destination is a mystery park or ark-like setting. The term “park” will be used liberally here, so expect the unexpected! At the endpoint we’ll enjoy a picnic dinner. Eating will be potluck style, so please bring food and drink to share (preferably vegetarian/vegan).

Please also try to bring your own silverware, plate, and cup. We will also stop at a grocery store along the way. If it looks like it’ll rain we’ll end up at a COVERED destination.
HI-Portland, Hawthorne District Hostel, 3031 SE Hawthorne Blvd
6:30pm – 8:30pm, First Tuesday in May – September

Photo of author

Elly Blue (Columnist)

Elly Blue has been writing about bicycling and carfree issues for BikePortland.org since 2006. Find her at http://takingthelane.com

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15 years ago

C’mon people, it’s not too soon to get our collective undergarments in a big ol’ knot over another bike crash on the Hawthorne Bridge this morning. I predict three or four stories on this subject, and seven or eight hundred comments about it. (If every car crash created this amount of online traffic, they’d have to shut the internets down!)

15 years ago

I personally do not plan on either crashing my bike or getting embroiled in endless discussions of bike crashes, but I do plan on riding the Oregon Randonneurs’ 600XTR – 40 hours (maximum), 376 miles, 20,000 plus feet of climbing, triple-digit temperatures and, maybe, just maybe, rattlesnakes!




15 years ago

I plan on celebrating my birthday with a bike ride. Yay!

15 years ago

Can’t go wrong with the Easy Riders. Awesome & incredibly laid back group. And I look forward to learning more about SW bike routes.

15 years ago

I’m one of the ride leaders for the Farmer’s Market bike ride on Saturday. Please meet us at Palio in Ladd’s Circle! We are scheduled to depart Palio at 10:30 AM.

15 years ago

Velocity tour is at Alpenrose today. Woot.

Greg Raisman
Greg Raisman
15 years ago

I went to the ZooBomb Pyle Unveiling and parade. What a blast! photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gregraisman/sets/72157619010350344/

kernal loose nut
kernal loose nut
15 years ago

don’t forget MLK Monday Morning
No/NE commute ride

Mark Riskedahl
Mark Riskedahl
15 years ago

Portland characterized as “North America’s most bike-friendly city” in David Byrne’s reviewof Jeff Mapes’ book, Pedaling Revolution, in today’s NYT Book Review.

15 years ago

The Urban Assault ride was even more awesome than last year (no rain, great all new obstacles). And this year I got to do it with my honey (wait, that came out wrong…). Anyway, we had a blast and now we’re exhausted. 4th place in the women’s division was an unexpected surprise, thanks to J’s mad research skills (bonus quiz), my excellent route planning and general awesome teamwork. It really is the most fun I’ve had on a bike.

15 years ago

Congratulations, Jeff! not just reviewed in the NY Times, but by David Byrne, no less. This NYC infatuation with Portland is getting just a tad embarrassing –

15 years ago

Agreed #11! Not to mention the NYTimes travel article on bike touring Columbia Gorge wineries…