Bicycle Capture the Flag

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE Ash St & SE 33rd Ave (West end of Laurelhurst Park – moved from Mt. Tabor)
4:30pm – 7:30pm, when we’re all finished we’ll have a parade down hawthorne to the bike-in movie
It’s capture the flag, but with bikes! Everyone welcome. Teams can choose what type of bikes, and how many to include in their strategy. The boundaries will depend on how many people show up.
Marc, 503-230-0471

PDX Airport will get new multi-use path

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Roll On Columbia! ride

The bike lane at PDX Airport.
(File photo)

With ample and secure bike parking, a dedicated bike path directly to the terminal, and with a staff that responds to bicycle concerns, Portland International Airport is known as the most bike-friendly airport in the U.S..

Now, they’re making it even easier to fly-by-bike with the addition of a brand new multi-use path (aerial photo below).

According to Port of Portland project manager (and 2007 Alice Award Nominee) Jason Gately, the new path will connect the airport’s Frontage Rd (which leads into the terminal) and the Mt. Hood Overpass with the Marine Dr multi-use path.

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Summer bike camps get rolling at the CCC

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
visit to Community Cycling Center

Summer camp coordinator
Gabe Graff shows kids how to be safe.
(File photo)

The Community Cycling Center (CCC) is always bustling with bikey goodness. But this time of year, the place is infused with a special energy.

With school out for summer and the sun finally following suit, tons of kids are flocking to their Alberta Street headquarters to join in the fun of their summer camp programs.

The CCC’s Summer Bike Camps started this week and by the end of the season, hundreds of Portland kids will have gained valuable skills. The camps teach kids how to work on their bikes, become more self-reliant, and most importantly they learn valuable lessons about riding safely on our streets.

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Solstice Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 5040 SE Milwaukie Ave (Watershed)

Traverse local cinder cones as we celebrate the Sun. Ride leaves Watershed around ten and continues until sunrise.

*Bring something warm: you won’t be riding the whole night.

*Lights and awareness of marked and unmarked hazards encouraged.

Heritage Tree Tour (WA)

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ W Columbia St and 6th St (Vancouver, Esther Short Park, near the clock tower)

Visit some of Vancouver’s most celebrated Heritage Trees on an enjoyable 4-mile guided bicycle ride. The flat, easy bicycle route begins and ends at Esther Short Park, winding through downtown Vancouver. Stop at eight locations to admire trees whose legacies connect all residents of Vancouver to the proud past of our community. Participants on the ride must respect private property, wear helmets, and obey all traffic laws.

Ryan Durocher, ryan.durocher at ci.vancouver.wa daht you ess,, (360) 619-1108

Unicycle Polo

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ NE 22nd Ave and Killingsworth St (Alberta Park, East side of park in tennis court)

All the thrills and spills of Bicycle Polo minus the handle bars, brakes, chain and off course a wheel. Bring yer uni and beverages, we supply polo mallets and band-aids.

MJFreshyfresh, mjfreshnspamfree at gmail daht comm,

N/NE Bike Boulevard Tour

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 501 N Failing (at N Commercial) (Unthank Park)

Join the BTA for a two-hour guided tour of potential low-traffic Bicycle Boulevards in N/NE Portland. Riders will have an opportunity to experience some of Portland’s low traffic bicycle streets and give feedback on these candidates for Bicycle Boulevard treatments in the future.

Emily Gardner, emily at bta4bikes daht oh are gee,, 503/226-0676 x. 11

Bike Wedding

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE 60th and Salmon (Mt. Tabor Summit)
If you arrive early, please do not interrupt the ceremony!

Come celebrate the wedding of Tiago “Pinga de Clown” Denczuk to Adriane “Not Adriane” Ackerman! The semi-private ceremony is at 5:00, but the bike ride to the reception will start roughly at 6:00 with a bomb down Mt. Tabor. (Location TBA, but it won’t be that far.) The reception is open to all interested, and will include a BYOBBQ, live music, and lots of dancing! Make sure to bring your craziest bike for the ride, as it is the main event, and will be filmed for a documentary. Come show our friends and family what a bike community can be!

Adriane, adriane.ackerman at gmail daht comm

Mocktails – I-5 Bridge

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Vancouver, NW end of the path off the I-5 bridge

Commuter social serving virgin cocktails, finger food, advice, brochures & maps to bicyclists.
Chad Kays, Wallis Engineering, chad.kays at walliseng daht nett, 360-695-7041

PDOT Bicycle Brown Bag

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1120 SW 5th Ave (Portland Building auditorium, 2nd floor)

Transportation Options is offering a Bicycle Brown Bag Series. The sessions are held on the third Thursday of every month from noon to 1PM at the Portland Building, second floor auditorium. Bring your lunch!

For June:
Why People Aren’t Cycling (and How to Help Them Start) – what new focus group and poll information tells us.
Mr. Forsberg, Options Guy, timothy.forsberg at pdxtrans daht oh are gee,, 503-823-7699

Strawberry Ride – Part Deux

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ N Ainsworth and N Ainsworth (Meet at Peninsula Park, by the Gazebo/Pavilion)

Strawberry blues getting you down?! Ride to Sauvie Island and back for fresh berries. Pick ’em, eat ’em, freeze ’em for winter! If you missed Dat’s ride before PedalPalooza, or thought the berries were a bit under-ripe, they should be great this week (prime season and before the weekend rush). Meet at Peninsula park, near the gazebo. Bring a snack or lunch. Kids in trailers/on tagalongs encouraged or old enough to ride highway/20mi r/t.

Takedown Matt, msphilli at gmail daht comm, 503-781-6538