Live Webcast from the Cross Crusade!

We’re webcasting live from Barton Park, site of the 5th stop of the Cross Crusade.

Hope you enjoyed the webcast!

Stay tuned for photos, video and a report from today’s race…

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Brent D
Brent D
16 years ago

I\’m in Japan on an extended business trip and will miss the entire Cross Crusade season. Waking up this morning to a live web cast was just plain awesome.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

16 years ago

Too funny, I spent the day in bed after I got food poisoning last night, I found the webcast when I checked the internet, thanks for doing this, it was nice to see the races and funny to get the raw experience.

16 years ago

Is there going to be a download available of what was streamed live for those of us who missed the live stream?

Dan Kaufman
16 years ago

Brent D and Paolo, you are very welcome. I\’m glad we were able to pull it off.

AllOver, I plan to make an edited version of the race (from our vantage point) very soon.

16 years ago

Hi Dan, I had my dad checking it out from Italy, next week I will tell friends and family….love the music and the commentary, Jonathan was pretty funny too, if you look at it again there are some interesting shots….Witty\’s rear…..
Ciao and thanks again.

Dan Kaufman
16 years ago

Thanks Paolo. I am checking out the footage right now but will do my best to avoid Witty\’s rear (always good advice).

I don\’t think there will be anymore live broadcasts this season. Mostly because I am hoping for lots and lots of rain.

Hillsboro coverage is for sure and I am seeing what I can pull together for next week since I can\’t make it personally. (RevPhil??)

16 years ago

Thanks for the hard work with the cameras Dan. I\’m looking forward to seeing the edited version from your viewpoint. Beggars can\’t be choosers, but I\’d still really like to see the whole live stream, even if it was uploaded to a free host like Filefront.