Burkholder will talk bikes in Mexico visit

Three Bridges dedication ceremony

Rex Burkholder at the
Three Bridges dedication.
File photo: 10/19/06

Metro Councilor and BTA co-founder Rex Burkholder will share his perspectives on Portland’s transportation network in Guadalajara, Mexico later this month.

He’s been invited by the Bogota, Columbia-based, Ciudad Humana Foundation to give a talk at the second meeting of the Ciclovias Unidas de las Americas, a coalition of eight countries in Central and South America whose mission is to promote better health in cities throughout Latin America by encouraging bicycling, including building ciclovias (the spanish word for bikeways).

Burkholder will present images of Portland’s bike culture and will share stories from his historical perspective on the evolution of our transportation network.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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17 years ago

Great! I hope someday we have ciclovias – or “Sunday parkways” as Chicago is calling them – in Portland.

17 years ago

Maybe Rex can learn a thing or two on what they are doing down there. Bogata looks like it is doing some interesting stuff to promote alternative forms of transportation.


17 years ago

That is awesome. It’s awesome to see bicycles catching on more and more, and it’s awesome that Portland is being veiwed as a bit of an example. ^_^

rex burkholder
rex burkholder
17 years ago

I’m pretty excited about going, and not just to practice my Spanish! I asked them, “Why do you want to hear about Portland’s experience?” They told me that they are trying to overcome the prejudice that bikes are for poor people, not for “advanced societies.” So, they have invited me to tell them why in the world would a city in the richest country in the world promote the bicycle as transportation. I will tell them, “the same reason you want to.” Bikes are affordable, clean, efficient and just plain fun (with a few more facts and pictures, of course).

And thanks to Jonathan for the use of his fantastic photo gallery to illustrate my talk. You will all be famous in Guadalajara!
