If you read the Willamette Week, you’ve probably noticed the River City Bicycles‘ ads. The shop has a long-running ad space in the local weekly and they always have a provocative message.
In the past they’ve been funny, inspirational, and even controversial. Remember when Pepsico threatened to sue them over their Quaker Oats spot?
Now, they’ve taken it a step further and they’re handing the creative reins to customers who entered their Commuter of the Year contest.
One such customer was Ronjon Datta. Ronjon didn’t win the competition, but as a consolation prize, River City is letting him design a 1/2 page, full-color ad in the Willamette Week. Ronjon told me he’s having trouble thinking of something creative and wants the bike community to come up with some ideas,
“All I want is an original, eye-catching, inspiring message which promotes bicycling.”
So now’s your chance. What message do you want Portland to hear about bikes? Should it be funny or serious or both?
Weigh in below with your thoughts. The deadline is next week (3/29).
Thanks for reading.
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I think we should set a time when we invite everyone who owns a bicycle to some central location like the riverfront. Have Jonathan take a group photo of the thousands of us who are there to show the true size of this community. And the caption would simply say, “Join Us.”
The first slogan that comes to mind (likely prompted by your Coasting post yesterday) is something along the lines of “Bikes: they’re not just for weenies anymore.” ;>
How do we get a hold of Ronjon?
“I’d rather be wasting gas, stuck in traffic, and getting fat…”
The driver’s ed post card which can be seen at:
would make a worthy advert
“Fight global warming, dependence on foreign oil, air pollution, and America’s obesity epidemic all at the same time — ride a bike”
“Be Fit, Have Fun, Save Money”
I had entered the contest with the idea that if I won I would run an add for bike helmet use, the tag line being :
“Where’s Your Helmet? WEAR your helmet!”
Ronjon or RC should feel free to use it.
I like a picture of a parent and child riding bikes together. Child wearing helmet, parent without and the caption reads:
Stage a photo that juxataposes a fit, attractive young female on a cruiser bike riding past a overweight, poorly dressed, and unattractive guy stuffing his maw with fast food while standing next to his Hummer H2 with a US flag and “Support the Troops” stickers on it.
Caption: “Who is the REAL patriot?”
Then a bit of body copy along the lines of A.O.’s sentiments in post #6.
Contraversial, thought provoking, and a bit bit humorous too. I think this sums up what most cyclists are thinking and challenges like-minded non-cyclists to join us.
I’m already overexcited at the response, and the responses. Lets keep them coming. With so many ideas, I’m wondering about simplicity vs. complexity. There are multiple ideas we’ll want to do in the end, I hope we can combine many of them with out overstimulating and utterly confusing viewers.
Bike safety! Bike community! Relieve multiple forms of suffering in one crank! I like the clever anecdotes too.
The pic of thousands sounds like something I’d almost like to see anyway.
I think the tricky part is not to alienate a large group of potential bikers…
I would also like to list some resources in the ad (BTA, PDOT, CCC, bike lawyers and legal/saftey courses, maintanence courses…). This ad could a really useful fridge pin-up. So if you know of some, let them be known.
Some notes: The ad space is 5.8″ x 13.1″, a little more than 1/2 page. I may also have access to a graphic designer if needed.
feel free to: dattar@ohsu.edu
OK. How about a bike plate (for the rear) that reads:
“Naturally Powered, No War Required”
i would like to see something that shows how fun, practical, and even sexy cycling is.
Gee, I’ve been waiting a long time for this…lessee…
“I you were biking, you’d be having fun by now!”
“New car: $10,000. New bike: $1,000 Clean Air and Water: Priceless”
“Clean Air and Water: Priceless, Clean Air and Water: Priceless, Clean Air and Water: Priceless.”
“Instant Patriotism”
“No Terror Required”
“Powered by Natural Gasses”
“Ever Actually Sung In The Rain?”
I desist…
I love the fridge-pin-up idea! How about including things like numbers to call to report pot-holes or road rage incidents?
Or how about a simple 4-part cartoon showing How to Fix a Flat?
Sounds like you can’t really go wrong — have fun!
Get real.
Ride a bike!
Bike Friendly: If you’re on a bike, you’re a friend.
I’m starting to envision what will come of this ad. I am thinking along the lines of multiple pictures in a collage style, with many of these anecdotes spread over the ad. Hopefully it will be possible to superimpose this collage over some kind of cool graphic image. And a list of resources as well. I think we can reach those who drive and those like-minded folks who dont bike.
Does anyone have an image of some serious road rage? I mean, behind the wheel, clutching it with extreme force, screaming at the top of lungs road rage. I’d like to contrast this with an image capturing the pleasantness of cruising on a well-lubed bike.
I would like a picture of a parent pulling child, and maybe one of someone hauling groceries. I think I’ll find most of what i need in Jonathan’s archives, but if you guys know of some online resources whare i can download bike related images and pics, hook me up!
Ride On!
Somewhere in a drawer in my house I have an old Swatch watch I bought in Belgium called “Road Rage” – it has these goofy cartoon drivers with their eyes bugging out and hands slamming the horns – if I can find it I will snap a photo and post it . . .
“Become part of the solution, not the problem”