Naked St. Johns Bridge protest ride tomorrow

St. Johns Bridge, Portland OR

[We need more
than a sign.]

As part of an ongoing protest against how cyclists got shafted on the St. Johns Bridge last year, a group of “ciclonudistas” is rallying the troops for their second annual naked protest ride (here’s a report from last year).

A little background:

Last year, the Oregon Department of Transportation completed a major renovation of the St. Johns Bridge, the northernmost Willamette River crossing in the city and a key connection for thousands of North Portland residents to popular recreational bike routes and Highway 30.

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Stolen: Trek 520

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

My Trek 520 was stolen outside the Hollywood Trader Joe’s on Tuesday, July 11th around 8pm. It’s a 2002 model- dark green with clipless pedals, a rack, pump under the top tube, silver fenders, mud flap, tool bag, odometer…the works!
It was locked to the bike rack (with a U-Lock) just outside the east entrance of the store…and I was only inside for about 10 minutes! I’m heartbroken…
Please contact me if you see this sweet bike cruising around PDX. I would appreciate any information you might have for me.


Stolen: 2 Lemond Etapes

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I live in Seattle and got the wild and crazy idea to do the STP with my husband. We bought ALL the gear and brand new bikes, did 3 training rides and off we went. We completed the STP, actually did well and had a blast!! We stayed with family in Beaverton and our bikes were stolen from the backyard. There were completely out of sight and behind a locked fence! We are crushed and very angry!! Please feel free to edit out the whining if needed…

Date: Mon July 17 after 10:30pm but before 8am on Tuesday
Location: Cedar Hills
Bike: 2–2006 Lemond Etape, 53cm frames, brand new
Color: Black/Blue
Serial #’s: ITK5J05060, 294SM0133A
Shimano SPD multi-purpose pedals

They do have silver stickers with the retailers name on them-Gregg’s Greenlake Cycle

Thank you!!
Bikeless in Seattle,
Carrie Verge

Bridge Pedal meeting results in changes

Bridge Pedal, 2005. Portland OR


Looking to avoid a repeat of last year’s chaotic Bridge Pedal event, stakeholders and city agencies recently came together to discuss concerns and review the ’06 course.

Last year’s ride was unfortunately the victim of it’s own success (and maybe some poor planning). Several rest stops and other places on the route caused major bottlenecks and some grumbling from participants as well as city officials.

The craziness was due in part because there are three different routes (10, 8, and 6 bridge) and a walking event (Bridge Stride) all on the same day.

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Chris King the framebuilder

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Chris King bike spotted at Lucky Lab

[Chris and an old friend.]

While at the Chris King Tour de France party last night, I heard someone mention that a guy rolled up on a bicycle made by Chris King himself. In all my years in the bike industry, including a stint as a King employee, I was surprised I’d never heard about this before.

For anyone not familiar with Chris, his hubs and headsets (made right here in Portland) are considered to be the best in the world and they have been ridden to three Tour de France victories by the US Postal Service and Discovery Channel teams.

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Drinking up Tour action at the Lucky Lab

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Chris King Lucky Lab Tour de France party

Last night I finally got down to the Lucky Lab to join the Chris King Tour de France viewing party. Chris King Components is based just a few miles from the Lab and they started the Tour party tradition last year when their headsets were ridden by Lance Armstrong to his 7th straight Tour victory.

Last night’s crowd was solid and the Lab was hot as Floyd Landis put in an epic effort to get back to the front of the race. King marketing guy Chris Distefano (seen here at the Bike Show) said it was a good crowd, but Tuesday’s Alpe d’Huez stage was even bigger,

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Stolen: Fuji Crosstown

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Stolen: 2004 Fuji Crosstown, blue and silver. This was stolen last Sunday at the Hollywood Rite Aid. It has (or had) a black rack with a single saddlebag on the right side. This is a comfort type bike, with small shocks in front and one on the seat post.

It’s most easily identifiable feature: There’s a misspelling on the top tube. One side (forget which one) says “Crosstown”, while the
other side says “Corsstown”. I imagine this is a one-in-a-million mistake and a sure sign it’s our bike.

Please contact if you spot it. Thanks.

Sam Adams releases letter to the City on radio show comments

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams has just released an open letter to everyone in the City of Portland. Here is the text (or download the PDF):

To: The Public of the City of Portland
From: Commissioner Sam Adams
Re: Inflammatory Radio Comments

July 17, 2006

An open Letter to City of Portland:

It has been brought to my attention by several concerned members of the community that the 95.5 radio broadcast of “The Playhouse” on July 13, 2006 and July 16, 2006 included a number of inflammatory statements that could negatively impact the safety of Portland. These statements may have included sentiments that news of people dying is funny. It is not. The discussion included statements to the effect of:

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Program manager responds, wants to make amends

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I just got off the phone with Tim McNamara. Tim is the program manager for The Playhouse radio show and a partial owner of Rose City Radio, which owns KXL-AM and KXJM 95.5.

I assumed Tim had written me off as a rogue, backstabbing blogger (this is what I had heard from other journalists that had spoken with him), but I decided to send him and P.K. one last email to see if we could work things out. I got a call-back within minutes.

Tim admitted that when he heard the comments on Thursday’s broadcast he called the station right away. Tim was absolutely appalled that the show hosts clapped at the story of a cyclist being hit.

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Official response needed to alleviate tensions

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I am growing increasingly concerned that no official organization or agency has made a public statement about this situation.

I have received several emails and many comments about dangerous motorist/cyclist incidents in the past few days. Many cyclists feel they might be targets of drivers who are emboldened by comments made on the radio show and who are upset at the immense response and activism against their show from the bike community.

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