List of common violations and fines

The LDTMA (Lloyd District Transportation Management Association) recently held an open forum to discuss bike issues in the Lloyd District area. They invited several NE Precinct police officers and traffic division commander Bill Sinnott. During the Q&A session, someone asked to see a list of the most common bicycle infractions and the cost for each of them.

I followed up with Bill and he took the time to compile this nice list. While you read it, keep in mind that cops actually write very few tickets to cyclists each year (this will be changing in the future), but I wanted to publish this just so we’re all on the same page.

ORS # Description Fine amount
814.410 Unsafe Operation on Sidewalk $94.00
814.420 Fail to Use Bike Path or Lane $237.00
814.430 Improper Use of Lanes $94.00
814.440 Fail to Signal Turn $94.00
814.450 Unlawful Load on Bicycle $94.00
814.460 Unlawful Passenger on Bicycle $94.00
814.470 Fail to Use Bicycle Seat $94.00
814.480 Non-Motorized Vehicle Clinging to Another Vehicle $94.00
814.485 Fail to Use Protective Headgear $74.00
814.486 Endangering Bicycle Operator or Passenger $94.00
815.280 Violation of Bicycle Equipment Requirements $94.00
Most common moving violations
811.265 Disobey Traffic Control Device $237.00
811.375 Fail to Signal Lane Change $94.00
811.275 Fail to Yield at Uncontrolled Intersection $237.00

You can read more details about each of these laws in Chapter 814 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (scroll down for bicycle related stuff).

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Jessica Roberts
18 years ago

Remember that, as of Jan 1, you will no longer have to ride in a bike lane just because it’s there. We (the Bicycle Transportation Alliance) introduced and successfully got passed the following bill in 2005:

SB 938 changes Oregon law, which failed to allow cyclists leave bicycle lanes and paths, to permit departure when: avoiding debris and other hazardous conditions; turning and going through intersections; and passing other cyclists. More info here.

18 years ago

One jumps out at me:
814.485 Fail to Use Protective Headgear

I didn’t think OR had a helmet law. I assume this is for

18 years ago

Previous post should have ended:
under 16 yrs?

Must have parsed my less-than as an html tag…

18 years ago

814.470 : Fail to use bicycle seat?!

This one surprises me the most.

18 years ago

If you use the link Jonathan provided to the Oregon Statutes, you can see the specifics of the laws.

For example: 814.470 Failure to use bicycle seat; penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of failure to use a bicycle seat if the person is operating a bicycle and the person rides other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached to the bicycle…

18 years ago

what about drunk biking?

josh m
josh m
18 years ago

that would be a normal dui.

18 years ago

814.440 Fail to Signal Turn

Hand signals indicating a turn
are required for cyclists at
least 100 feet before a turn or
stop except when both hands
are necessary to control or
operate the bicycle.” —

I wonder who is allowed to interpret this law. For example, I may feel that it may be unsafe to signal based on road conditions (bumps) and speed. However, a police officer may say that it was possible.

andrew morton
18 years ago

all law is all about interpretation. if you and the officer disagree then you goto court and the judge helps the two of you come to an understanding.

John Hart
John Hart
18 years ago

How nice that the police in Portland are issuing so many tickets to cyclists that they can actually tally them by category and offense!

Too bad they won’t ticket DRIVERS of cars and trucks for assaulting us. In July of 2005, near Portland State University, a pickup truck driver screamed at me that ‘bikes don’t belong on the road’ and told me he would ‘f*** me up’ if I didn’t get out of his way. After he went around the block and came back at me for a second pass at running me down, I called the police. Responding officer told me, and this is an EXACT quote: ‘if you’re going to ride in Portland, you have to expect that,’ even after I provided him with a description of the driver and the truck, and a license plate number that matched the truck exactly for make/model/color.

And the police are ticketing cyclists? That’s just great.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
18 years ago

John, the Portland Police issue very few tickets to bicyclists. I’ll get the exact number but I know it is surprisingly low. I published this list in the interest of education and awareness, not as a threat to cyclists.

I understand your frustration with that officer’s quote. All I can say is that things are changing in the bureau and eventually education and respect for bikes throughout the rank and file will happen. In the meantime, look for opportunities to talk directly with cops in various open forums and public meetings.

Our police bureau has really opened up to cyclists and it’s up to us to step in and give them constructive criticism when necessary. It’s not a perfect system but both sides are working to make it better. Stay tuned for reports of more progress…

Taylor trout
Taylor trout
15 years ago

I rcvd a ticket $242.00 ticket on springwater trail near powell loop at linneman station. it was 811.265 disobeying a traffic control device By a Gresham Policeman .There are no signs there and I was south of trail on private property near piazzano club. Has anyone had this happen to them and what was outcome? I took pics and pleaded not guiilty court date is monday