Comment of the Week: A better way from Clinton to Tilikum
Sometimes, you just have to stop reading the signs.
Sometimes, you just have to stop reading the signs.
What would I tell someone from out of town who was driving in Portland to pay special attention to?
“That is what Portland has always been for me, a city that is an active agent in its own evolution.”
North Michigan Avenue: tighten your bolts.
Unlike almost every other bike lane in Portland, Foster’s will run right through commercial districts.
“I doubt there’s a fat girl alive who has any doubts about the desirability of being thin.”
How does our fear of losing our loved ones shape their lives?
Should traffic crimes be punished like sex crimes?
As Portland’s buildings fill in and grow up, its streets might start filling up, too. And that’ll only make change harder.
The video is worth watching all the way to the end; it keeps getting funnier.
“The people we;ve met, smells we smell, birds we see, conversations we have are all thanks to biking.”
If anyone in the country knows what it takes for a city to improve its bike transportation, it’s a woman whose entire business depends on cities doing so.