Paxton Rothwell (Contributor)

Paxton Rothwell (Contributor)

Paxton is a trained engineer and engaged community volunteer. He is interested in urban transportation and organizations that build community through reducing dependence on fossil fuel infrastructure.

BikePortland Articles by Paxton Rothwell (Contributor)

Guest Opinion: Here are some low-car design options for NE 7th Avenue

This guest opinion is by Paxton Rothwell. “NE 7th fails to be either a vehicle through route or a bike-friendly neighborhood street. And yet it remains popular as both.” Traffic issues on NE 7th Avenue are once again in the spotlight. As BikePortland reported, the neighborhood meeting held September 14th did more to ignite additional … Read more

With monumental task ahead, 82nd Avenue Coalition holds first meeting

Publisher’s note: I’m happy to share our first story from Paxton Rothwell, a former engineer and volunteer activists who’s turned his attention to writing about transportation. On Wednesday July 13th, Portland-based nonprofit Oregon Walks hosted 30 people in Montavilla Park to discuss the future of 82nd Avenue. This was the first meeting of the 82nd … Read more