Hundreds turn out for Pedalpalooza Kickoff Ride (photos)

Pedalpalooza Kickoff Ride 2016-28.jpg

Portland’s annual Pedalpalooza kicked off in fine fashion tonight. The mass of riders strung out on Belmont from SE 12th (where I’m standing to take this photo) all the way onto the Morrison Bridge over the Willamette River.
(Photos J. Maus/BikePortland)

Tonight’s Pedalpalooza Kickoff Ride was the largest in recent memory with hundreds of people (a thousand?) turning out to celebrate the upcoming month of rides, fun and new friends.

We assembled at the Salmon Street Fountain. The Pedalpalooza spirit was strong with lots of smiles and people milling about promoting their rides, passing out flyers, and showing off their bike fun flair. Once it was time to ride we rolled up onto the Morrison Bridge, headed east on Belmont to 39th, then rode over to Hawthorne to loop back to the Willamette River. There was an after-party on the Esplanade under the Hawthorne Bridge.

At one point on the ride I stood in the middle of Belmont at 12th where there’s a slight incline so I could see as far back as possible (see the photo above). As the wave of riders came up to me I had to put down my camera. I just stood there in awe of the size and energy of the mass. This is about so much more than having fun. This is where and how our community grows and gets stronger. This is the best of Portland!

What a fantastic way to kick things off. Check out all our photos below…

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Plug into more great rides all month at

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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8 years ago

Good to see you at tonight’s ride, Jonathan! This was so much fun and I’m looking forward to the next rides!

rachel b
rachel b
8 years ago

!!! I want that OUTSTANDING cat/no vacancy vest! Too tremendous! 🙂

(Great pictures, Jonathan)

David Lewis
8 years ago

Ah, had I known, I would have crossed the tracks and Water Ave to party with you guys. I was a block away hanging new shop lights, and I had no idea.

Stop by Veteran Bicycle Co. next time! 211 SE Madison St

Scott Batchelar
Scott Batchelar
8 years ago

Wow! So far my fave memory for Pedalpalooza 2016 – Jonathan Maus being engulfed by thousands of Bikers at SE 11th & Belmont Street.

Way to rock a pose Good Buddy!

8 years ago

Looks like an excellent start for this year’s Pedalpalooza. Very sorry to miss it.

8 years ago

“You miss living in Portland at all?”
“Yeah, sometimes.”

8 years ago

David Lewis
Ah, had I known, I would have crossed the tracks and Water Ave to party with you guys. I was a block away hanging new shop lights, and I had no idea.
Stop by Veteran Bicycle Co. next time! 211 SE Madison St
Recommended 1

We’re under the Hawthorne every Thursday night! Come to the fire and say hi!

8 years ago

GRILLED BY BIKE! Tomorrow, Saturday at 2 at Irving park. There are some ridiculous rigs you won’t want to miss. #shamelessplug

Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
8 years ago

Now that crowd would have been quite a sight going over the Tillicum Crossing! Quite a turnout! Look at that crowd getting onto the Hawthorne Bridge! Gotta be biggest turnout for an event this year!

8 years ago
Reply to  Mike Sanders

We don’t really go over that bridge because it isn’t very cyclist friendly.

8 years ago

Those flags are amazing. Where do I buy one!

8 years ago

looks like an awesome time… wish I had been able to make it… unfortunately auto traffic delayed my better half and tripled her commute so didn’t get to the house to get bikes until the ride started 30 minutes away from us…

8 years ago

as normal as it is to break rules (mostly running stop signs/lights) on these rides, it seems out of the ordinary for the ride to go where bikes are prohibited, such as the Morrison bridge…

Todd Boulanger
Todd Boulanger
8 years ago

Nice. I was with you in spirit…as I had a family event conflict.

8 years ago

Missed this one, but loved all the photos. My favorite part is giving the auto addled a glimpse in to the future of transportation as they wait at an intersection for the seemingly endless stream of cyclists to pass.

Mark smith
Mark smith
8 years ago

Imagine if it were 1000 cars. What a mess that would be.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark smith

you mean like every (other) day? 😉

Ted Buehler
Ted Buehler
3 years ago

Long Live Critical mass!