‘Hop in the Saddle’ party launches book with a bang

Hop in the Saddle book launch party-4

Goldsprints were a hit.
(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland)

Velo Cult bike shop hosted a hoppin’ party last night as a huge crowd turned out to help launch the bike book: Hop in the Saddle: A Guide to Portland’s Craft Beer Scene, by Bike.

There was a huge spread of food, the beer was flowing, the goldsprints were a hoot, and all sorts of fun people showed up. It’s exciting how Velo Cult has lived up to their promises of becoming so much more than a bike shop. Sky Boyer and his crew are really committed to the community and the space is much more than just a place to fix and buy bikes (watch for a full Velo Cult profile soon).

The book’s creators (L to R): Ellee Thalheimer, Lucy Burningham, and Laura Cary.
(Photo by Dave Roth)

But last night was really a time to celebrate not just the growing “Bike, beer, and book empire” in Portland (as I overheard one person put it); but to celebrate and congratulate the three talented women who created Hop in the Saddle: authors Lucy Burningham and Ellee Thalheimer and graphic designer Laura Cary. Each of them brought their own specific expertise to this project (Lucy, beer knowledge; Ellee, routes and mapping; Laura, design) and the result is something the entire community can be proud of!

The books were flying off the shelves last night and everyone seemed to be having a great time. KGW-TV stopped by and did a live broadcast. Unfortunately, I didn’t take as many photos as I usually do, because I wanted to chat and hang out; but I did snap a few (mostly with my phone). Our friend Dave Roth took a bunch of great shots. I’ve shared some of his below and you can see his full gallery here.

Hop in the Saddle book launch party-6

Hop in the Saddle book launch party-5

Austin Ramsland scored big.
(Photo by Dave Roth)

KGW business reporter Joe Smith interviews the ladies.
(Photo by Dave Roth)

(Photo by Dave Roth)

Joe Smith of KGW.
(Photo by Dave Roth)

(Photo by Dave Roth)

(Photo by Dave Roth)

Local bike builder Tony Pereira (married to book author Lucy Burningham) going for the goldsprints.
(Photo by Dave Roth)

And here’s the obligatory product shot…

Order yours today and help support local biking, drinking, and publishing all in one fell swoop.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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11 years ago

Velo Cult is great. And they’re open until 10 PM!

I was working on my bike one night at 9 pm, and needed a spacer after swapping out my stem. They were open and had it. Awesome.

Oh and they have beer. And coffee.

Sky- Velo Cult
11 years ago

Nice coverage. The authors are great planners and really did a good job with that party. Nice pat on the back to them.

Gary Charles
Gary Charles
11 years ago

What are goldsprints?

11 years ago
Reply to  Gary Charles

Indoor races/sprints with stationary bikes on rollers. Fancy setups will include screens/projectors so the crowd can see who is winning.

Andrew K
Andrew K
11 years ago

I still have the faded stamp on my left hand from last night. It was a great time!

11 years ago

On Goldsprints: see

Barbara Kilts
Barbara Kilts
11 years ago

+1 on Velo Cult. Coolest bike shop!

Sky- Velo Cult
11 years ago

Thanks Barbara!

11 years ago

A week and a half ago I held a benefit show at Velo Cult (to raise funds to send me to a music festival next February where I am a finalist). Sky and his crew were simply awesome to work with from start to finish. I had a successful event and am planning to play future shows in this very cool, laid-back venue. If you want to throw a fun event with a bikey vibe, look no further than Velo Cult.