Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Photo Focus: A tribute for International Women’s Day

In honor of International Women’s Day, I thought it apropos to delve into the photo archives to share memorable images of women. In the photo essay below, you’ll get a glimpse of women on bikes and women that are working the halls of power to make biking easier for the rest of us.

A very good sign-1-2.jpg

They say women on bikes are an indicator species of a healthy bikeway system.
(Photos © J. Maus)

Sprockettes Ride-43

Portland bike realtor Kirsten Kaufman takin’ care of business.

Portland advocate, author, and CEO Mia Birk fears no audience when espousing the many benefits of biking.

Not the picture of Zoobomb that lives in the minds of most people.

Jenn Dice, seen here at the 2009 National Bike Summit, is the Government Affairs Director for the International Mountain Bicycling Association.
Pedalpalooza '06 Kickoff Parade

Tall bike, ponytail, pink tassles.

So much to love about this one.
National Bike Summit 07

Advocacy superstar Deb Hubsmith is one of the most dedicated and effective bike advocates in America. As director of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, her work has led to millions in funding and safer places for our kids to walk and bike.

Ladies line up for the Sexy Schwinn-oritas and Trek-tosterone ride during the 2009 Pedalpalooza.
National Bike Summit 07

Advocates from California at the 2007 National Bike Summit: Leah Shahum from San Francisco Bike Coalition (L) and Christine Culver from Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition.

Members of the Ladies Auxililary cyclocross team.
Hammercise Ride-10

Gettin’ ready for some Hammercising!
Sunday Parkways 09 -24

Manager of PBOT’s Transportation Options Division, Linda Ginenthal, has spearheaded the Sunday Parkways events since their inception in 2008.

Nickey Robo, seen here at the SS Pussycat event in 2007, is a former Sprockette and pedicabber, bike filmmaker, and marketing consultant for the Community Cycling Center.

Another one from the race circuit. Everyone deals with pre-race jitters differently.
Racing at PIR

Portlander Kronda Adair tucks into the pack while racing at Portland International Raceway.
Elly and her all-wool outfit-1

Writer and activist Elly Blue has published many articles about women’s issues in the bike world, including her zine on the topic, Taking the Lane. She also co-founded The Portland Society, a professional development and networking group that promotes women-owned businesses and careers in active transportation advocacy.
Gravity Biking - Bald Peak-41.jpg

Emily Wings tackles Bald Peak on a gravity bike at speeds up to 60 mph.
Mt. Hood Classic at Mt. Tabor -9.jpg

Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli is a legend of bike racing. I shot her in action at the 2009 Mt. Hood Classic.
National Bike Summit 2010 - Lobby Day-15

CCC Executive Director Alison Graves (R) and Travel Oregon’s Veronica Rinard leaving the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill after lobbying meetings during the 2010 National Bike Summit.

Hope you enjoyed these images. For more, check out the Photo Focus archives.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Elly Blue (Columnist)
13 years ago

Thanks for the mention, JM! Awesome company to keep.

Portland women who are into bikes and business — whatever either of those things mean to you — are encouraged to get involved in the Portland Society. Get in touch to learn more!

13 years ago

Elly FTW!
Also, is that you in the Pedalpalooza photo too?

eli bishop
eli bishop
13 years ago

that gravity bike photo & woman is spectacular. kapow!

13 years ago

I’m in love. <3

Nick V
Nick V
13 years ago

Doe anyone else have Barry White stuck in their head now?

13 years ago

Awesome picture set! There are some ladies who ride my my club that would put the hurt on any male cyclist, including riding the Everest Challenge (208 miles, 29,035 ft of climbing).

matt picio
matt picio
13 years ago

Some awesome pics, Jonathan. Other folks deserving recognition: Steph Noll, Safe Routes to Schools with the BTA, Steph Routh, ED for the WPC, BonB coffee brewer extraordinaire and co-organizer along with Elly Blue and Meghan Sinnott for the Carfree Cities Conference, Meghan Sinnott for CFCC and WNBR, Alex Phillips – Oregon’s Bicycle Recreation Coordinator and lead person on the Oregon Scenic Bikeways, and Kristin Dahl with Travel Oregon, who in part brought you Ride Oregon Ride.
Oh, and Janis McDonald with Transportation Options, and Martina Farhner, BTA board member and co-owner of Clever Cycles.

And we’re forgetting at least a dozen more. Thank you very much ladies for your contributions to cycling!

13 years ago
Reply to  matt picio

Thank you Matt!!! Let’s also recognize Michelle Poyourow, Jessica Roberts, and Lake McTighe, whose names we see pop up here frequently as excellent advocates of biking and active transportation. And hats off to badass PBOT employees like Danielle Booth and Abra McNair at Smart Trips and Carolina Iraheta at SRTS; Natalie Ramsland who’s building bikes for women; and ALL the women at the BTA (who as far as I can tell make up over half of the organization!)

13 years ago
Reply to  matt picio

Ohhhhh, only a small wheel…
Big shout out to all the moms who cycle with their kiddo, especially Katie Proctor after being nearly hit twice on Saturday… Mama Cycles rule!

13 years ago
Reply to  mabsf

Thanks– though I’m not sure simply managing not to get dead puts me on this great list! 🙂 Better days ahead…

13 years ago
Reply to  matt picio

Aw, thanks Matt. It makes me smile to know that there are SO many awesome women in Portland.

Steph Routh
Steph Routh
13 years ago

Oooh, great thread, Matt, Esther, and Elly! Also CCC extraordinaires Laura Koch and Zan Gibbs for their work to make cycling more broadly accessible; Beth Hammond at CityBikes; Kristin Bott for being generally a great lady (Go Team Slow); Susan Remmers for making advocacy nonprofits hum; Susan Kubota and Erin Greeson for developing WAAT with Elly; Heidi Guenin and Marlowe Kulley as others who organized Carfree Cities 2008; Tori Bortman of Gracie’s Wrench; Alexis Grant for work with AROW; Jude of Epic Wheelworks; Ellee Thalheimer for founding Portland Society with Elly; Ayleen Crotty for Filmed By Bike; Catherine Ciarlo for leadership in Mayor Adams’ office; Karen Frost for WTA; Meeky Blizzard of Blumenauer’s office; Carla Danley for a heap of needed advocacy; Margaret Weddell and WPC’s female Board members; and Sara Stout for bringing WCN to Portland.

Oh yes, and my Mom. Hi, Mom!

13 years ago

Where are the naked bike ride pictures?

beth h
13 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Wait for warmer weather and be patient…


13 years ago

Let’s not forget the ladies of THPRD’s TAC, and the Beaverton BTC.

oh yes, and my Mom. Hi, Mom!

Adams Carroll (News Intern)

Hey folks, I’m sure you all realize this already.. but this post wasn’t meant to be a recognition of every great local female advocate we have.

Steph Routh
Steph Routh
13 years ago

But it is now! 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Steph Routh

True that! And I have to add my mom, she rides a bike down in Houston – so that makes her pretty strong.

13 years ago

Better than a rant about sexist photo selection.

13 years ago

I <3 this photo.

13 years ago

Yay! Thanks Jonathan!!

13 years ago

Don’t forget Heidi Swift, who writes bikes for the Oregonian, and races and tours by bike!

Big props to the older lady who rides around Tigard every single day, weather be darned. I think she’s just riding to ride, and doesn’t have any special equipment: an older beat-up bike, regular clothes, going her own pace in a legal fashion. She’s not advocating in the usual fashion– just by riding around.

beth h
13 years ago

I want to know more about the gravity rider. Awesome photo, that.

Alan 1.0
Alan 1.0
13 years ago
Reply to  beth h
matt picio
matt picio
13 years ago

How awesome is it that when posting about awesome women biking in Portland, there are so many that no one can remember to list them all?

BTW, Portland leads the cycling “gender gap” in bike commuting – Nationwide, it’s about 26% female, but here in Portland it’s closer to 40%

matt picio
matt picio
13 years ago
Reply to  matt picio

Ack – that was awkwardly worded, but I think the point is still there.

Todd Boulanger
Todd Boulanger
13 years ago

I always love seeing the cover shot…makes me so cyclicious.

13 years ago


im quite proud to know as many of those people as i do!

Drica DeJerk
13 years ago


hehehe thanks again Jonathan, for such a lovely, um, “female spread!”