BikePortland social this Thursday: What’s the state of bike advocacy?

BikePortland Social Hour-1.jpg

The first BikePortland social in 2008
(Photo © J. Maus)

What is the state of bicycle advocacy in the nation’s most bicycle-friendly city?

Join us this Thursday for an informal discussion of just that. Come talk and learn about recent staffing shake-ups at the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, the Community Cycling Center’s efforts to reach out to minority populations, carfree activism, Critical Mass, Idaho Stop, cycle tracks, bicycle funding, and the grassroots advocacy initiatives that never stop cropping up.

We may ask a few people to stand up and introduce themselves and their advocacy work and ideas — but in general, this is a casual chance to get together, talk about the issues and the bigger picture, ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and discuss hopes for the future.

This will be on Thursday, December 3, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Floyd’s Coffee Shop in Old Town (not to be confused with their longtime original location on SE Morrison). Floyd’s has a large, comfortable space, wifi, and serves beer as well as coffee and tea.

Afterwards, you’ll be well-positioned to take in some art at First Thursday — or go discuss advocacy of a more pedestrian nature (just kidding) at the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition’s happy hour at Great Hall at 1406 SW Broadway, where you can meet their board members and pick the brains of their newly full-time executive director, Steph Routh.

Event details:
What: BikePortland Social
Theme: Advocacy
When: Thursday, Dec 3, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Floyd’s Coffe Shop in Old Town, 118 NW Couch

Photo of author

Elly Blue (Columnist)

Elly Blue has been writing about bicycling and carfree issues for since 2006. Find her at

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14 years ago

Worst possible day and time – Civil War starts at 6pm. Does Floyd’s have a TV?

Steve Brown
14 years ago

Agreed that the timing sucks. I want to go in a bad way but have guests coming for the football game. I know and understand bikes are more important but not this Thursday.

Evan Ross
14 years ago

Well, I’ll be there. And if there is a tv – I’ll be trying to block it out the best I can so that we can have real conversations about inspiring change and progress towards shared goals in our community.

14 years ago

Didn’t the Floyds “longtime original location on SE Morrison” get moved up the block next to Crush a few months ago? Just curious.

Daniel Ronan
14 years ago

Hey Elly and Jonathan. Thanks for having this. I won’t be able to make it, but as a suggestion to those that are under drinking age, it would be awesome if you specifically addressed wether the venues for events are open to minors.

I understand that Floyd’s is open to minors, but as I am only really concerned about this for another three months, I thought I would mention this for alternative transportation activists that will be under age.

We want to be as inclusive as possible no matter what people’s age! 🙂 Thanks for all your work.


Ben Foote
14 years ago

@Mork – Yes, Floyds in SE did move. And under interesting terms at that. Just to be clear (as I’m sure you realize) this meetup is at the Floyds in Old Town.

14 years ago

the spread on the football game is something like 10.5 ducks. the spread on finding mandatory sidepaths with copenhagen lefts everywhere you look five or ten years out is growing. if BTA will not get behind an effort to repeal 814.420, someone else will have to.

Aaron Antrim
14 years ago

Wait. When exactly is the Willamette Ped Coalition Happy Hour? Does it start at 7p?

Nana on a Bike
Nana on a Bike
14 years ago

Would love to come. Do you think I could get a flight to Portland in time? Sounds like the place to be on!

14 years ago

Is this a long drive from the pearl district? It sounds interesting but I’m not sure I want to travel all that much.

14 years ago

@7 I’d be happy to discuss that with you tonight, C’mon down, but fair warning we’re on differing sides on this debate… I’ll be gentle 🙂