Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Kidical Mass: A slideshow from North Portland

Kidical Mass - August-10.jpg

Ready to ride.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Kidical Mass continued to stoke the family biking revolution with several rides all over Portland tonight.

I joined a healthy group of families at Peninsula Park for a pleasant, few-mile ramble over to Arbor Lodge Park where the kids played, the parents chatted, and everyone nibbled on potluck offerings.

Did anyone join the main ride downtown? How were the root beer floats?! How about the Sellwood ride? Did anyone show up in Southwest?

Share your reports in the comments. I’m very interested to see how/if this new group ride takes hold.

For a look at the bikes and families that turned up in North Portland tonight, check out the slide show below…

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

If you missed this month’s ride(s), mark your calendar for next month!

Learn more at

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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16 years ago

Here are other shots from the NW/SE collaboration…..

Steven M.
Steven M.
16 years ago

Lots of xtracycles, very cool.

16 years ago

I\’m convinced that super-speedy racers and winter-weathered commuters and uber-hip fixie/zoobombers will not lead us to the next wave of cycling. (They have served as the vanguard, to be sure! And they will grow and power the movement!) But what\’s going to work is moms and dads and kids on two wheels.

Kidical Mass is a foreshadow of things to come.

We all should get behind it.

It\’s the wind in our sails.

And it\’s the second wind to or sprint.

16 years ago


Good Lord, can I not spell or what?

Angela Koch
16 years ago

Awesome N/NE ride!

The downtown ride had two families so after decorating our bikes we decided to take our root beer keg and tub of ice cream and crash the SE ride.

It was a great choice.

Very soon after arriving and off-loading our goodies, the SE group arrived in full Kidical Mass regalia with ringing bells, big smiles and lots of waves.

We served up well over 50 root beer floats to most riders as well as a few folks who were playing at the playground and a group of young skateboarders who were hanging out oogling our treats. Both rides had plenty of volunteers including Officer Pickett, the Ramsland\’s dog Greta (is Dogical Mass next?!) and some zoobombers!

It was wonderful. Thanks to all who joined the ride and all those who support it, as well.

Stay tuned for next month\’s ride on September 19th!

If you\’d like to join the PDXKM mailing list, email me at angela at bta4bikes dot org and I\’m happy to add you to the list.


16 years ago


sounds like your game plan was an A+

where can i find out about the next Sw ride?


16 years ago

We were so bummed not to make it. We evacuated the heat of the city for the banks of the Sandy River. Looks loike fun was had by all.

Metal Cowboy
16 years ago

As you see from J\’s N/NE slide show, we had a healthy turnout despite the heat – which turned into be very pleasant at the playground once the sun dipped behind the trees. Jonathan, Julie and myself were a bit stunned at the start when we were the only families at 6pm, but relieved when we realized the cavalry of parents and kids were all camped out at the NE corner of the park. Amazing sunset for all the parents and kids who pedaled together back toward Willamette blvd/the bluff. I think we would have had even more families had the temp been a little cooler and of course the dog days of August find a lot of families on vacation. Good to hear the downtown duo teamed up with the SE crew and made it a party. We lacked rootbeer, but made up for it in pasta offerings, zuchini bread (yum) fritos and lots of kids getting out tax dollars out of the playground equipment!

I agree with Mike that family participation in the mode share is key to bicycling becoming a popular transportation choice around the country. See you in September.

Metal Cowboy
16 years ago

My favorite quote from a family who saw all the families ride into the playground on bikes, \”Are you guys a gang?\”

I had to refrain from humming the sharks and jets tune from Westside story.

16 years ago

Our ride starting in Sellwood was a success. We plan to do it monthly starting at the Sellwood Pool. Sellwood has many bike friendly families and an excellent location for safe, riding without heavy (or any) traffic.