Please keep your eyes peeled for a motor vehicle involved with a hit-and-run collision that took place about an hour ago at SE 8th and Stark.
According to officers I spoke to on the scene, a woman was riding her bike southbound on SE 8th when a man in a car turned his vehicle in front of her onto SE Stark. The collision resulted in minor injuries and the woman on the bike was taken away in an ambulance.
The officers said a witness stepped forward and claimed the driver of the car was “driving aggressively” prior to the incident.
The vehicle involved is a dark orange or bronze colored Toyota/Honda sedan with a cracked mirror and possible damage to the right side and it has no license plates. A witness claims the driver and the passenger of the car were both African-American. They were last seen headed westbound on SE Stark.
If anyone saw this collision or has information on the whereabouts of the vehicle please call the Portland Police Bureau’s non-emergency line, (503) 823-3333.

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sounds stolen…
these guys are probably racking up the charges as we speak..
Hey Jonathan, thanks for reporting this.
Mind if I pick nits for a minute? The car may have hit the woman, but it wasn\’t the car which then fled, it was the driver. And it rings similarly false to state that the \”vehicle was driving aggressively\” unless this was one of these newfangled self-parking cars run amok.
Ain\’t breaking news, fun, Jonathan?
Did the car really have multiple drivers? If so, no wonder someone got hurt.
can we get a vehicle description?
Also, Elly have you not seen Herby the love bug?
They had a remake with Lindsy Lohan, brilliant!
Elly, bad time to pick nits me thinks! And it certainly doesn\’t sound like something Lindsay and Herbie would be involved in, based on the descriptions that were given Torfinn. They won\’t get far.
Elly, I appreciate your nit-picking. It\’s a fun challenge to try and present a story like this in the right way.
I have made some edits. I would love to know what you think of them.
An individual gets hit by a car and the response is to be pedantic…? We\’re better than this, are we not?
Thanks, Jonathan.
Semantics matter, y\’all. The least we can do is actually think of people as being accountable for their actions. Could make us all more careful.
Can\’t make the person get un-hit by the car, but can help make sure the story is reported well and accurately.
On second look — my internal English teacher wants the headline to say \”Car hits woman on bike, driver flees.\” It would be a totally different story without the involvement of the car — you just want to make sure the weapon doesn\’t steal the limelight from its user.
Everything else scans (though the double \”driver\” in one sentence is clunky).
PS Torfinn, didn\’t you see what LiLo\’s been in court for? Drunken driving. Proves my point…
i am glad the rider is ok.
we will keep our eyes peeled for the car of that description throughout the day.
Don\’t see any caps destin!
Caps as in majuscules Moo?
I hope the principle and content supersedes any absence of proper capitalization. 😉
I am glad the rider is ok.
Make? Model? State of plate issue and number?
*P.S. I know you\’re just poking fun 😉 *
I agree with Elly. I think consistency is important in reporting traffic offenses. If people say \”the bicyclist hit…\”, then they should also be saying \”the motorist hit…\”
It seems cars have become such enormous extensions of peoples\’ personalities these days, people are under the impression everything crash-related that happens in them is an \”accident\”, that is to say, something that is the fault of the car, rather than the driver of the car.
I hope the hit and run driver is found, and the bicyclist makes a speedy full recovery.
This intersection is hands down the one part of my daily commute that scares the hell out of me. Coasting down the hill brings me up to the speed of the cars and very few of them check for cyclists before turning.
A few months ago, a week after Tracey Sparling was killed, I was almost taken out by a Geek Squad van making the same right turn. I had to skid around the corner, almost getting pinched between the curb and the van to avoid being hit. If the roads had been wet, I would have slid right into the van.
I spent about 2 hours talking with Best Buy and the supervisor in charge of the Geek Squad. They were incredibly friendly and knowledgeable about the recent string of bike deaths/injuries around Portland and assured me that they would speak with their drivers.
Overall, this is a dangerous intersection that gets a lot of traffic from both cars and bikes. It would be a great place for a yield to bicycles sign, painted bike lane, or some other kind of notification to cars that they need to look and yield.
Yes to both #15 and #16 destin. Still, that intersection (or those adjoining intersections) cause problems to both bikes and motor vehicles alike. Needs a bit of signage or colorful markings.
#19 Moo.
Yeah , i ride up Stark from Water street east to my house pretty often.
More signage and markings are always welcome. 🙂
kevin..if you\’re moving the speed of traffic down hill…do a quick glance, signal, and TAKE THE LANE. it\’ll save yer bacon almost every time…
when you slow down, move back over into the bike lane to get clear of faster traffic…happens on the freeway all the time.
Stark st. is even worse…imagine can only do that one by taking the lane. Let all the drivers piss and moan, and take the inner s.e. lanes at will. A vehicle can\’t get up to speed anyway with all the badly timed signals at most corners. On an earlier note, shall we bring up \”if the rider was helmetless\”?.. Probably not now anyway.
I rode past this accident right after this happened this morning. A firetruck was blocking the intersection.
I agree that this intersection is a death trap, but I\’ve never seen a cop ticketing anybody for blowing through the red light. PPD could make a fortune by writing tickets here.
Anyway, the description might be the car that was blocking the bike lane about 2 blocks down on Sandy (towards the Morrison Bridge).
One more question? Why can I drive around Portland without brake lights or a license plate and not get ticketed?
Um, magic?
I\’ve gotten pulled over for no license plate lights in Portland before.
To Kevin
When I am in that area, I use good old up-and-over: You can cross Stark much easier at 9th Ave…one block out of the way, but safer in my eyes!
I hope they find \’em and throw the book at \’em.
Wow, someone is hauled off in an ambulance and half of ya\’ll bitch about \”car\” vs \”driver\”? I more than understand the need to be precise in what you\’re saying, but jesus people get a farking life. 😛
Oh, I hope this guy loses control of his car and slams into a telephone pole or something (injuring only himself), just to help him appreciate what it\’s like to get whacked by something bigger and more powerful than yourself.
Really glad to hear the cyclist in this collision wasn\’t seriously hurt. Although even a broken color bone is considered a minor injury. Hope you heal quickly.
I have almost got right hooked there. I had to make a quick turn to avoid it. Scared me so bad I\’m surprised I didn\’t pee myself. I have avoided that whole stretch of SE 8th from Madison to Sandy since then.
@19 — I know what you mean with the squish scare. Not at that intersection, but heading towards Interstate from the east side of the Broadway bridge (the road that slopes down and merges with Interstate with the help of a light, can\’t remember the name of it now), I had a long semi nearly crush me into the curb. I was a couple of seconds from bailing to the sidewalk in whatever way possible. That\’s another nice and dangerous intersection. It\’s not just the semis that do that there, but they\’re the hardest to dodge. Going up the hill on Interstate up to Overlook Park is even scarier because you\’re sandwiched between semis and a concrete wall with no escape route.
That whole area is one big death trap for cyclists, and I\’m happy to have found a way to use Vancouver/Williams to come in and out of downtown now.
Some here disagree, but I believe in choosing my route. I have worked and commuted in that area much of the past 6 years. I seldom go through that intersection on my bike, or in a vehicle because I have seen many close calls. It may be inconvenient, but it is worth it to me to go a block or two out of my way. I am all for improving the intersection and the traffic flow in that whole 8 or 10 block area between Grand and 10th and Burnside and Morrison.
I flunked English off and on through school and became a writer, even sometimes paid for it, though I still can not spell. I never noticed the \”car vs driver\” thing. It was clear to me that someone got hit and someone ran away. Thats all I need. You rule, Jonathan, as always. Damn, folks are picky.
So did this crash get investigated because of the rumored new Police Bureau standard? That crashes involving \”vulnerable roadways users\” like bicyclists, in which someone goes to the hospital, get investigated? As opposed to the higher standard of someone being entered into the trauma system?