Five questions with Sunday Parkways manager Linda Ginenthal

The woman behind Sunday Parkways, Linda Ginenthal.(Photo © J. Maus) Everyone’s getting excited about the Sunday Parkways event coming up in East Portland this weekend. Despite a change to the route due to a repaving project on the Springwater Corridor, it will still be an excellent opportunity to enjoy carfree streets and explore neighborhood parks … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Poll: Where should PBOT hold the September Sunday Parkways?

Which part of the city should get the September Sunday Parkways? Vote below.(Photo © J. Maus) The Transportation Options Division within the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) recently announced the routes and dates of four of the five Sunday Parkways events planned for this summer. The September edition of the event remains the “Mystery Sunday … Read more

PBOT looks to General Fund for Sunday Parkways

“We believe that because Sunday Parkways is a program that provides and enhances neighborhood livability, economic vitality, and neighborhood connectivity, it is an excellent candidate for General Fund support.” — Cheryl Kuck, PBOT As part of its 2010-2011 budget, The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation is requesting $642,000 from the General Fund. Of that … Read more