Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Ride will explore CRC’s potential impacts on North Portland

Detail of ride flyer. Cascadia Rising Tide — a grassroots network of activists that, “take direct action to confront the roots causes of climate change and promote local, community-based solutions to the climate crisis” — will lead a ride next week exploring areas of North Portland that will be impacted by the Columbia River Crossing … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Get ready for a summer BikeCraft at the Multnomah County Bike Fair

Screenprints of bikes and bridgesby newcomer Ben Parsons Our annual BikeCraft Fair is a bazaar for local crafters to sell and showcase anything that they make by hand, in Portland, for and about bikes. Each year (we’re now on year five!) the fair gets bigger, with 40 vendors and hundreds of attendees crowding into our … Read more