Weekend Recap: MTB’ing kids and the Handmade Bike & Beer Fest


Two of the many kids who ventured out to Cascade Locks for the annual Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day hosted by IMBA and NW Trail Alliance.
(Photo: NWTA)

There was plenty to do on a bike last weekend. In case you missed it all we’ve got a recap and photos from two of the standout events: the Handmade Bike & Beer Fest hosted by Hopworks Beer and the Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day put on by the NW Trail Alliance.

The NWTA reports that over 300 people turned out for this year’s Take a Kid Mountain BIking Day out at the EasyCLIMB trail system in Cascade Locks (in the Gorge). Here’s more from NWTA’s Andrew Jansky, followed by photos of all the action:

“Based on informal hand count 90% of the people were from Portland, demonstrating the strong demand for Portland trail access for families, kids and natural surface biking.

The City of Portland attended to give a preview of the Mountain Bike Master Plan which is getting started and Metro was also there with information about Tualatin Mountain Master Plan and Newel Creek, two areas that will provide biking opportunities.

NWTA partnered with Metro and Hacienda to bring 20 kids out to experience nature and ride some real mountain bike trails. Several kids where overheard saying that they will be back because it was so fun.

After the event 50 people stayed after and watched youtube mountain bike videos under the starts on the big screen outdoor movie screen as part of the volunteer appreciation party.”







The Handmade Bike & Beer Fest, a collaboration between Hopworks Urban Brewery and the Oregon Bicycle Constructors Association, also enjoyed very large crowds. People came to see the 30 vendors, listen to great bands, be entertained by performers and eat and drink to their heart’s content.

Here’s a bit of what I saw…

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Karl Moritz volunteered to serve.
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Josh Liberles of Ride HiFi.
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A Strawberry by Andy Newlands.
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The debut of Portland Fender Company.
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Vendors reported a big increase in crowds compared to last year.
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Cielo by Chris King.
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Rebecca Pearcy’s “Swingset” made by Tony Tapay of Framebuilder Supply.
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Mike Cobb (L) and Tony Tapay of Framebuilder Supply.
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Gorgeous “Arbor Lodge” by Breadwinner.
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This shirt sort of summed up the entire event!

Remember to send us your recaps and photos next week if you’d like to be included in this post.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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8 years ago

While the idea of “take a kid MTB day” is a great one, it seems like it is just “Take a kid who already mountain bikes day”.
I would love to see more kid demos involved for those who don’t have a bike (like they did for those 20 kids).
I have a little buddy that I volunteer with that I would love to take to this, but he doesn’t have a decent bike.
That said it’s definitely better than not doing it.

8 years ago
Reply to  davemess

davemess said:

“I would love to see more kid demos involved for those who don’t have a bike (like they did for those 20 kids).”

I suspect you’re right that most of the kids there had some previous exposure to mountain biking. In Portland, the barrier to entry is relatively high, given that there are very few places within or near the City that are kid friendly. That said, any exposure, even for kids that may have already had a taste, is great and should be applauded. Helping kids make a positive connection to the outdoors is something that benefits us all in the big picture.

NWTA made exceptional efforts to include the kids from Hacienda. They collaborated with Metro to identify a group that would be interested in participating, worked with PBOT on providing bikes and helmets *thanks PBOT!), transported all the equipment out to the site, and provided instruction for the kids. Overall, it was a huge effort to get those kids out there (in addition to all the other logistics that went into this exceptional event). I spoke with many of the kids from Hacienda, and they all had smiles on their faces. I know that many of them have very little, if any, opportunity to get out of the city. I know it is a day they will remember, and it was worth all the effort.

NWTA has been working for years to create venues that provide opportunities to ride on natural surfaces closer to where we all live. With the off-road master plan about ready to kick off, and Metro moving ahead with trail plans that include MTBs in the N. Tualatin mountains, those opportunities are closer than even before. I encourage those who support that mission to become a member, and get involved.

8 years ago
Reply to  snowden

Thanks for all the hard work. I’m not discounting the effort at all, and much appreciate it.

8 years ago
Reply to  davemess

No offense taken. It is a great event. Hopefully NWTA can host in Portland someday, when there is a suitable venue.