‘Bikes Required to Stop’ sign to be removed by City of Portland

Have you seen the new traffic sign on SE 19th at Umatilla in the Sellwood neighborhood? Right under a standard stop sign, it has the bike symbol and the words, “Required to Stop”…

Reader Chad B. sent in a photo of this new sign on SE 19th. Read more about it below

It looks like a legit sign, even with reflective backing and correct font/symbols. I was very surprised to see it so I immediately contacted PBOT to find out more. According to PBOT’s Mark Lear it’s a “bootleg sign” and City crews will remove it ASAP.

Anyone know who’s behind it?

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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13 years ago

No doubt posted by someone who rolls through just as many stop signs in their car. It’s amazing what people will focus their energy on.

13 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Or habitually drives 10 mph over the speed limit.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  tonyt

and you guys know this how? Maybe they are a pedestrian who almost got hit by a bike.

Ironic that cyclists hate it when people make stereotypes of them, but you two chuckleheads have no problem doing it.

13 years ago

It was me, bikes are dumb. 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Case

lol. *grabs pitchfork and torch* GET HIM!!!

13 years ago

Nice job, Jonathan. I saw that thing and it just didn’t seem right. If there’s going to be one with a bike icon, there should definitely be one with a car icon as I’ve almost been run down at that same intersection by a car that didn’t bother to stop. Thanks for getting to the bottom of it.

13 years ago

No clue who it was, but it reminds me of how weirdly anti-bike Sellwood can be for it’s cutesy image. No comprehensive bike routes through the area (PBOT maps say to take 17th but you have to leapfrog w/ busses that are too big for the street, and it doesn’t really connect safely North, so everyone just bikes on Milwaukie, which is scary) and any bike lane or boulevard is always interrupted by a dangerous intersection or high-traffic street crossing. Also had some guy yell at a friend and me when we rolled through a neighborhood stop sign slowly after checking all sides for cars/peds.

Barefoot Mike
Barefoot Mike
13 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

I live in Sellwood and I’ve never encountered an “anti-bike” sentiment anywhere. Lots of people ride their bikes in our neighborhood. Any of the side streets are great for riding, except a few that haven’t been paved in a hundred years.

David Parsons
13 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

Eh? 17th is a huge wide street with plenty of bicycle traffic and a single bus route on 15 minute headways. Traffic is kind of fast on it (that’s why the speed bumps, pinchpoints, and diverters were put in — before those went in we had car wrecks every two weeks at the corner of 17th & Bybee) but that’s an artifact of the street being wide, not of any hostility to bicyclists.

As for the bootleg sign, it was still there at ~3:40 this afternoon. I didn’t know it was a fake, otherwise I would have been tempted to take it down and reuse the coroplast for bicycle luggage 🙂

Jeff P
Jeff P
13 years ago

Anti-bike hardly – anti-scofflaw more like it. Rolling does not count as stopping – the law is simple and until you change it there it is.

Kind of like the lady who rode pass the stopped bus loading kids this morning then proceeded to run through the red light at the end of the block – all with her ‘adorable’ kid riding behind blissfully unaware of the illegality of it all.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff P

i will challenge you, jeff p, to stand for any length of time at any stop sign in this city and actually watch the wheels of the cars you imagine are stopping. almost none of them actually do. oh, well, that is essentially a stop, you will say, they were only going five miles an hour or whatever. but jeff, most bikes that roll stops are only going five miles an hour. it is a question of what your expectations are allowing you to actually see.

13 years ago
Reply to  are

Jeff P. did not say that cars are stopping at stop signs, so you can dispense with that red herring.

The City of Portland studied this, and found that 80% of the time, drivers fail to come to a full stop at a stop sign. For bikes, it was 93% of the time.

Safety matters. I bike commute all year. I stop at stop signs. I can understand the reasons for slow, “rolling” stops by cyclists at some intersections. But I regularly see cyclists blow through stop signs. For example, at S.E. 4th and Carruthers. Yesterday morning, I saw several cyclists ahead of me blow through the stop sign northbound on S.E. 4th, and turn left onto Carruthers. The visibility to the left was blocked by a truck parked on business property at the southwest corner of the intersection. A car driving east on Carruthers (with no stop sign) had to come to an abrupt stop into order to avoid the cyclists.

Be safe out there. Someone loves you, and wants you home in one piece.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

You throw this quote out there: “The City of Portland studied this, and found that 80% of the time, drivers fail to come to a full stop at a stop sign. For bikes, it was 93% of the time.”

…but you don’t really say what you think about it. I’m interested in hearing how you’d interpret it – what do those statistics say to you in the context of “bicycles should stop at stop signs?”

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike Fish


I don’t know why you are asking me what the statistics mean in the context of “bicycles should stop at stop signs.” All I said is that I stop at stop signs. Foot down stop. And I understand why so-called “Idaho stops” are the practice for so many cyclists. My problem is with people who convert an “Idaho stop” into “why bother even slowing down — I’m important and I’m in a hurry.” Bikers and drivers do it, and it gets people hurt.

What the statistics say to me is that cyclists and drivers who accuse the “other” of breaking the law are both right. So the “nyah, nyah, (drivers)(bikers) break the law too!” discussion doesn’t get us anywhere meaningful. If all I need to justify ignoring a traffic law is proof that other people break it, there aren’t any traffic laws I need to obey.

13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

I’m with Richard. I also think that I stop at stop signs.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Sorry if my question was confusing, but you answered it – I just didn’t understand how you were using those stats. Thanks very much for clarifying.

13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

my point was that in the perception of most people, possibly including jeff, rolling does in fact equal stopping, when it is a car that is doing the rolling.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  are

I will challenge you to do the same for bikes. I’m my opinion, they are worse than drivers at that.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff P

In Oregon, ice cream may not be eaten on Sundays.

The law is simple and until you change it there it is.

13 years ago
Reply to  Oliver

That would be very funny if it were true. I don’t know where you heard that myth, but that is what it is . . . a myth. No Oregon law prohibits eating ice cream on Sunday.

13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

The internet provides…

13 years ago
Reply to  Oliver

Yes, but does it provide a citation to the Revised Statutes?

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff P

Who care’s if you’re a scofflaw? When looking at the OED definition, it seems one can be a scofflaw and a safe cyclist/driver/walker.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jeff P

The difference in potential consequences of a car running a stop sign are immensely greater than that of of bicycle. Basic physics. If we want to be fair about it, let us base the fines on the mass of the vehicle, using nominal values to make it easier to calculate. For example, if the fine is $242, and the standard vehicle is, just for fun, a 2008 Hummer H2 (6614 lbs curb weight). In that case the fine for a 25 lb bicycle would be $.91. That seems reasonable to me. I’ll just flip the cop a shiny new Rutherford B. Hayes dollar coin and tell him to donate the change for the policeman’s ball, and be on my way. I’m sure the barista will understand my not tipping that morning.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  Belok

Not really. it depends upon who else is around. If nobody else is around, there is no more potential for a car than for a bike.

13 years ago
Reply to  Belok

policemen don’t have balls…

you’re thinking of firemen…


13 years ago

If that’s a rogue sign, then perhaps I will bring a ratchet on my way up north, and remove it myself.

13 years ago

Most likely a close neighbor who’s tired of people running that stop sign.

13 years ago
Reply to  Marid

Someone who has nothing better to do than sit at their front window cursing bicyclists? That’s a pretty sad hobby.

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  maxadders

unlike people here who seem overly focused on what cars do instead of what bicycles do.

Ryno Dan
Ryno Dan
13 years ago

Surely it’s someone who cares about neighborhood livability, and who has encountered dangerous cyclist behavior on multiple occasions. Doesn’t seem “anti-cyclist” to me. Actually, I like it.

13 years ago

I like it.
Rules is rules.

13 years ago

It seems to me that drilling holes in a sign post is vandalism.

Chris I
Chris I
13 years ago
Reply to  Andy

They use clamps.

Gregg Woodlawn
13 years ago

I’d like to see the sign changed to “Idaho stops allowed.”

13 years ago

It actually says “Required to stop stop”. That means go!

13 years ago
Reply to  Alex


At this point it almost sounds like a rap. So very Portland.

13 years ago

Darn, rather than a complaint, I think a white and black car symbol applied right over the bicycle symbol would have been more appropriate.

It’s amazing the lengths some people will go to make a point that is lost on no one.

Obvious cat is obvious.

Mindful Cyclist
Mindful Cyclist
13 years ago

Okay, I am going to be the guy that has to ask this questions.

Is it completely possible that this sign was not put up by someone that always drives a car? There probably are more bicycles than cars at this intersection considering that it connects to the Springwater.

So, is there any possiblity that the person that put the sign up lives on this intersection feels afraid to walk across the street because Le Tour wannabes constantly blast by them at 28 mph without even giving an audible?

13 years ago

Nope. Obviously that sign was put there by a speeding SUV driver that never stops for signs, lights, pedestrians, etc. His/her SUV probably runs on the tears of local bike builders too!

There is absolutely no way a fellow cyclist (that lives in the area and is tired of nearly being hit by other cyclists rolling the sign while listening to their ipuds completely oblivious to their surroundings, but hey it’s ok, they’re only going 5 mph) could have put up such a hateful and anti-cyclist sign.

Since I’ve seen many cars roll through stop signs and break the law, then I can on my bike.

Randall S.
Randall S.
13 years ago

Aside from the fact that anyone traveling at 28mph would be going faster than the winner of the TdF during the ITT…

Cyclists kill about 3 pedestrians per year in the US. Motorists kill about 4,800. Cyclists aren’t really a significant threat to pedestrians. It’s possible a pedestrian put it up, but if they did, they seem to be unaware of where the real danger is.

Mindful Cyclist
Mindful Cyclist
13 years ago
Reply to  Randall S.

Yes, the 28 mph was something I did on purpose. I know that is very fast and is TDF speed. I just wanted someone to correct me, so thanks.

And, sorry, but a cyclist traveling even at a decent speed of say, 15 mph is enough to hurt someone. Wouldn’t you agree? I understand cars are a bigger threat. I really do. But, do you understand that a cyclist can still hurt someone?

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago

Yes, cars and bikes can hurt someone. A pencil can hurt someone too – the capacity to hurt someone doesn’t seem to be the issue in this instance.

13 years ago
Reply to  Randall S.

Just as long as you and your loved ones are not one of the 3, then I guess breaking that law is justifiable.

Of course the tune may be different if it was your child that ended up in the ER room with a brain hemorrhage caused by a self important cyclist.

13 years ago

As someone who was hit on my bike THIS MORNING by another biker who blew through a stop sign at 21rst and Tillamook I say GOOD. I am so tired of other bikers in this town who have no idea how to handle their ride. They are so un-used to checking for vehicles with the right of way (bikes and cars) that they pedal first and check cross traffic later. I see a lot more bikers egregiously blowing through stop signs in this town than I do cars, and it does have consequences (like my damaged bike this morning).

I’d be fine with a similar speed limit signs sign that said ‘Cars required to follow speed limit’.

To all the haters that want to be entitled bike punks with no consequence for their actions I say FLAME AWAY. Angry? Heck yes.

Tomas Quinones
13 years ago


13 years ago

While I agree that the sign is unnecessary, as a nearby resident I can understand what the person is trying to accomplish. On weekends, I think all of those weekday drivers who blow through stop signs in their cars get on their bikes and blow through stop signs on their way to the Springwater. I don’t mind people slowing down, checking for traffic and then safely proceeding, but it’s amazing how many cyclists on Umatilla (mainly on weekends) don’t do any of these. Granted, doing this in a car is much more dangerous than doing it on a bike, but it’s still very stupid.

13 years ago

I routinely make “executive decisions” at intersections based on traffic, conditions and personal safety. Sometimes it’s best to just get the heck out of the intersection than follow the letter of the law.

I think I speak for 90 percent of my fellow, experienced and knowlegeable cyclists. It’s our duty as citizens to be reasonable and prudent and use our best judgment. We perform that duty daily.

We get it. We understand the sign. This issue is tire-ing. The troubling part is the effort it took to produce and mount the sign. It’s kind of unnerving someone feels that strongly about “us” and some of us might forget it’s not really “us” but really just a couple of jerks that gave this person who made the sign some bad karma or ju-ju to excorcize.

It’s not about the stopping – I mean that’s speculative, sure – we’re not in the sign-maker’s head… I think it’s the unsettling feeling that someone out there is really ticked off and/or maybe doesn’t feel safe and feels threatened by “cyclists.”

It starts with a sign… what happens when that doesn’t work.

Yes this is the entrance pretty much to the Springwater.

13 years ago

Honestly I don’t see anything STUPID about “Idaho Stopping.” Actually… I’m rather offended to be called stupid for proceeding with caution without a full-on stop.

I seriously trust my intellect enough to determine if danger is approaching when I have full visibility. I have to… otherwise…


And I’d remain stopped. Who’s to say it’s actually safe to Go!?!? I mean… if it’s stupid to proceed with caution… without stopping… as if COMPLETELY stopping will somehow reveal more to the scene…

Um. Der. Duh.

13 years ago
Reply to  beelnite

Beelnite, please reread my post. I never said that “Idaho Stopping” is stupid. I said not slowing down at stop signs, checking for traffic, and then safely proceeding is stupid. I’m completely fine with Idaho stops done safely (and, in fact, I think they can actually be safer than a full stop since they put you in the intersection for less time).

13 years ago

There is an interesting side point: someone payed a reasonable amount of money to make up a sign that looked so authentic a government official had to check it out.
A) The materials and equipment required to do this are not Home Depot level stuff; this was done by a professional or contracted out to a professional. This will make it easy to fine the culprit.
B) If PBOT and or ODOT do not make a strong legal effort to discourage “bootleg signs” then they are leaving themselves, and thus the taxpayers, open to a large damages payout.

Official Road signs are intended to be Official directives from the responsible government DOT.
How do the police like it when a non-police officer parades around in a police uniform making pronouncements and screwing with people?

If the DOTs do nothing about this it is tantamount to admitting that the road system is anarchy that they have no control over.

13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal

>tantamount to admitting that the road system is
>anarchy that they have no control over.

Oh, I think we can all take that as a given at this point.

13 years ago
Reply to  dan

Practically, yes.
Legally, no.

As soon as the gov admits that Might Makes Right on American roads I foresee an arms race.
And by arms race I mean 2nd Amendment.

We all have the Right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Someone else’s pursuit of V8 happiness does not trump my right to life. I don’t look forward to that doomsday scenario but I have no qualms ensuring that homo sapiens stops evolving backwards.

/rant over
breathe …

Peace out and everyone obey the rules

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal

And your pursuit of a bike nirvana does not trump their rights, either.

El Biciclero
El Biciclero
13 years ago

Driving is not a right.

13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal

Don’t mean to cause mischief, but there are actually websites that allow you to custom design and purchase your own traffic signs. Here is an one:


It took me about 45 seconds to design a custom “Yield for Helicopters” sign. Not sure yet where to put it up.

Tomas Quinones
13 years ago
Reply to  Richard

SWEET MONKEY JEEBUS! I can now get a “Rectal Use ONLY” sign made up!

13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal

Q’tzal, I have a friend with a vinyl cutter and reflective vinyl. It’s not that hard to create what you want and make up a sign that looks official.

The info you need regarding fonts and symbols is readily available on the internet, and you can purchase reflective vinyl at many local shops. Metal is easy to come by. With a little know-how and elbow grease even you could make up a sign that looks official enough to fool officials. And it wouldn’t cost you a pretty penny, either.

13 years ago

I would guess that the sign was put up by a concerned neighbor who lives at or near the intersection. They are probably very scared about hitting a cyclist running the stop sign.

Legality aside, I think it’s actually a nice sign. It’s to the point, it’s visible, and it’s not rude. I rode the Springwater two days ago, and saw this sign. It definitely made ME stop. And that’s what matters in the end. My two cents.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Brian

It’s rude because it singles out road users. Imagine if the sign says “[your name] must stop” or “left handed people must stop.”

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago
Reply to  Mike Fish

well, has it occurred to you that sometime a single group of users needs to be singled out?

You frequently see “pick up dog poop” signs…….how DARE they focus only on the main group taking dumps in parks.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Mike Fish

Cyclists don’t deserve to be singled out in this situation.

Perry Hunter
Perry Hunter
13 years ago

First person to tag it with a bird and send in the picture gets $5.

13 years ago

The thing that really bothers me about this is that a Stop sign means “stop” to all road users. There’s no need to single out one type of road user and say “you have to stop.” It’s implicit in the stop sign. If we’re going to start duplicating stop signs for every road user, signage is going to get very expensive.

Alan 1.0
Alan 1.0
13 years ago
Reply to  chad

And then, does the bootlegger imply by omission that bikes don’t need to stop unless there’s a bike-specific sign?

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
13 years ago
Reply to  Alan 1.0

Nice one!

was carless
was carless
13 years ago
Reply to  Alan 1.0

What about bicycle stop lights?

PBOT started installing those. They single out bicycles.

13 years ago
Reply to  was carless

Those are generally for changing the traffic timing of an intersection. That is different from a couple of stop signs.

13 years ago

I suspect that (denials aside) the sign was placed there by a city worker after repeated complaints by local residents. Most likely without “official” approval, but with wink-n-nod directive.

13 years ago

It is illegal in oregon to shift a manual transmission when crossing a railway. I assume that would carry over to street car and Max tracks as well. Also a shift on a bike could be interpretted to represent a manual transmission shift since bikes are considered vehicles in some cases.

Laws are not made to make you safe, they are made to generate revenue. You make you safe.

Chris I
Chris I
13 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Laws are created for reasons, usually scientific or social.
People ignore laws without penalties.
Fines are created to prevent laws from being ignored.

I think you have it backwards.

13 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Citation, please.

beth h
13 years ago

All this fuss over a sign that is probably already gone as I type.

13 years ago

Bah…I say leave it up. It clearly implies we DON’T have to stop at ANY other stop sign without one of these.

13 years ago

Great idea, wish they were attached to all stop signs. It’s always kinda weird how we as cyclists want “our rights” but lots of times we just can’t accept what the law says and feel at times like such things as stop signs don’t apply to us…and stop does mean stop to all vehicles, it’s just that as we all know, cyclists are very lax in following this law. In turn this really pisses off drivers plus it makes us look like idiots and yes, I do not always stop at stop signs and yes, I’m part of the problem, however, neither do I have a holier-than-thou attitude about the fact I am a cyclist.
I applaud whoever took the time, spent the money and made the effort to “remind” us that in fact, we/cyclists, do need to be careful and stop at stop signs.
Lastly, I’ve been riding around and through Sellwood for years and never once encountered a single incident of anti-cyclist attitude, in fact quite the opposite.

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
13 years ago

Ha I’ve rolled through several times even after noticing the rogue sign. Till motorists fully stop (and get off their cell phones) this sign means *nothing* to me.

13 years ago

Even if you’re “anti-scofflaw” the sign has to go. If that sign exists nowhere else, I shouldn’t have to stop, right?

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago

I can’t find that sign in Standard Highway Signs…am I missing it?

13 years ago

Who’s behind it? Zipcar ,of course!

Just kidding, of course. Glad to see it’s being removed.

Next order of business: How do we get an Idaho Stop Law passed?

13 years ago

so whats wrong with the sign? It seams like a good idea

13 years ago

Interesting. There is another spot w/ a (presumably official) “BIKES STOP” message, but painted on the road on Flint, where it intersects Broadway. You can even see it on Google Maps Streetview- complete with a **stopped** cyclist! (Gasp!)
(Kinda hard to believe, as when I ride thru there 99.9% of my fellow cyclists blow right on thru…)

13 years ago

More power to the people that put up this sign. While walking in a crosswalk over by PSU this morning, I was within inches of getting broadsided by a bicyclist running a red light. I told him he was giving bicyclists a bad name, but his headphones must have been too loud because I got no reaction.

was carless
was carless
13 years ago

I really can’t believe the arrogant attitude of so many posters on bikeportland. This thread is a great example. I don’t have to stop! Other people don’t stop at stop signs, so I don’t have to!

This is an incredibly self-centered attitude that people have, and this typifies what is wrong with this country today – the me, me, me attitude of “get out of my way” because people put themselves and their desires over that of society.

Ironically, this is the same “me-first” attitude that has been polluting the media via the Tea-Baggers over the past few years.

Way to raise the bar, Oreogn Bicyclists. Personally, I stop at all stop signs, and it really irks me to see people – no matter the mode – blow through stop signs and stop lights galore. Just yesterday, some yoho on a bike blew a light in front of me, almost getting T-boned by a firetruck.

peoples republic
peoples republic
13 years ago

Was Carless – Oh dude you are in for it. If you have not figured it out this site is here to facilitate hypocritical group think among those self absorbed in the cycling community who cannot take any criticism of their behavior and relentlessly rant about perceived injustices, damn you Zip Car, damn you sign pointing out the obvious!

I hereby demand you repent from your rational ways!

Your penance is to:
– Cut the handlebars on your fixie to be no less than 8 inches wide
– Develop a proper entitlement attitude, act smug and condescending to all non cyclists
– Stop showering and grow a proper 70’s pornstar mustache
– Ditch your helmet, have your mom buy you 100$ skinny jeans
– Routinely run stop signs, cut off traffic and ride your bike on the sidewalk
– Slowly ride your bike up and down Hawthorne during rush hour taking the full lane and shouting BICYCLE RIGHTS!

Ted Buehler
13 years ago

Note that this “sign” treatment is similar to the treatment at N Flint and N Broadway.


Neither are in the MUTCD. Bot both are similar to other signs found in the MUTCD. Both “work” in that they are easily read and unambiguous.

Maybe pavement markings are more flexible than signs in variations from the standard set of traffic control devices.

Perhaps Mr./Ms. renegade sign-installer could trace the stencil on Flint and apply it to 19th…

Ted Buehler

Ted Buehler
13 years ago

The classic case of this is the “North 5” freeway sign installed by an artist in Los Angeles.


The exit from the 110 freeway to N I-5 was a poorly marked left exit. The artist installed an advance notification sign about 2 miles before the exit, and nobody ever noticed until he leaked it…

If you follow the MUTCD, you can do it and they’ll never know… Want to install some signage? Start with this and see what you can come up with.

Ted in OR

Tankagnolo Bob
Tankagnolo Bob
13 years ago

I love it. I love to bicycle, but see folks not just drift, but blow through stop signs, much faster than any car doing a “Caly stop”. I see cyclists blow through stop signs going the wrong way off of sidewalks. Few cars do this. So, yea, we gotta straighten up our act if we expect cars too!!

Cycle hard, but cycle legal folks, or cars may follow our style and be flyin off of sidewalks on the wrong side of the street !!

13 years ago

To the author of this redundant-ass sign:
The existing sign already says everything you want us to know (i.e. “STOP”), and has the additional advantages of:
1) having actual legal authority
2) applying to every possible vehicle
3) being recognizable by everyone

13 years ago
Reply to  Rol

The author is not the ass
The ass is the cyclist that blows the stop sign

El Biciclero
El Biciclero
13 years ago
Reply to  jim

The ass is the cyclist that blows the stop sign.

…and the motorist who blows the stop sign, the motorist who turns right while looking left, ignores the unmarked crosswalks, speeds, makes unsignaled turns…

We need a lot more signs.

El Biciclero
El Biciclero
13 years ago
Reply to  jim

…In fact, I’d love to see an addition to all speed limit signs: “Drivers, this means YOU!” I’ll bet that would work really well to get people to slow down, don’t you think?

13 years ago
Reply to  jim

I notice my use of the word “ass” shocked you into thinking I had called someone an ass.

13 years ago
Reply to  Rol

If what you say is true Rol, then why do you think they felt the need to post another sign directed at bikes???? Obviously cyclists are ignoring the “existing sign” and they felt a “direct reminder” might/could and hopefully would work.

13 years ago
Reply to  KRhea

What I say IS true. As to what some sniveling busybody unidentified sign-vandal thinks, that’s all conjecture (like you’re doing) and very boring. Unless he were to summon the courage to own up to this and explain himself. That would remove the conjecture part but it would still be boring. Nice job making the sign, by the way.

13 years ago

This makes me want to put my sleuthing hat on. Is there a place where an ordinary citizen get a legit-looking sign made? I don’t think there is. Therefore I suspect it was made and put up by someone who works at or has access to a (dun dun dun)..PBOT SIGN SHOP.