Hayden Island incident highlights confusing path access issues

It can be hard to know whether or not
the public has the legal right to
ride a bike on paths like this one
on Hayden Island.
(Photos: Marcus Griffith)

The sometimes complicated rules that govern public use of private pathways is at the heart of a recent incident between a group of people cycling and a resident of Hayden Island, community situated in the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington.

North Portland resident James Wota and two friends were out for bike ride into Vancouver when they opted to stop for lunch at Lotus Isle City Park. After lunch, they noticed some enticing paths and started to explore them on their bike.

“We got on the trail by the [Red Lion] hotel and were biking east when we got stopped by a woman who told us we couldn’t bike on the path because it was private property,” said Wota.

“She told us that we were trespassing and if we didn’t leave the path immediately, she would have security arrest us.”
— James Wota

The woman was later identified as “Meredith,” a self-described condo owner on the island.

According to Wota, he and his friends dismounted their bicycles per Meredith’s instructions and continued on their way. About an hour later, Wota and company met Meredith again. This time the interaction turned unpleasant.

“She told us that we were trespassing and if we didn’t leave the path immediately, she would have security arrest us,” said Wota. According to Wota, when he pointed out he and his friends were walking their bikes as she requested earlier, the woman allegedly become upset and screamed at him.

A path on N. Tomahawk Island Drive.

“She yelled ‘you people don’t belong here’ and pulled out a phone and started to call someone,” said Wota. At that point, Wota and his friends, left the path and continued into Vancouver.

Wota says he is “confused” about why he and his friends were stopped.

“I don’t know why we got threatened when there were lots of people [walking on the path] and there were people actually biking that didn’t get yelled at,” Wota said.

Four days of contacting Hayden Island residents and Home Owners Associations hasn’t clarified that matter either.

When contacted, Meredith stated she “didn’t have to have a reason to tell people to leave.” She declined further comments and instructed me to vacate the area when I asked for her last name.

At this time, it isn’t certain if Meredith has legitimate authority to revoke anyone’s right to use the path way. Requests for copies of the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R) that govern public access to the private paths were denied by the Home Owner Associations. Those rules should list who has the authority to ban people form the path way.

The complex nature of right-away on the island appears to even confuse locals.

“It’s complicated… I live [on the island] and can’t tell you which sidewalks are public or just allow public access,” said Hayden Island resident Kathy Whaley.

Part of the confusion is due to the path along N. Tomahawk Island Drive east of Lotus Island Park looks like a public sidewalk, but is posted with signs stating it is a private path.

Regardless of the right-of-way issues, conflicts between the public and property owners are “rare” or “infrequent,” according to island residents. Hayden Island Neighborhood Association board member Victor Viets somewhat humorously compared the annoyance of dealing with the occasional scofflaw cyclist to that of dealing with the island’s wildlife.

“We do occasionally yell at bikers because the path is too narrow for riding. Most just get off and walk their bikes. No problem. We also yell at the geese who leave a big mess on the path and lawns,” Viets stated via email.

The City of Portland is currently reviewing the right-of-way issues on the Island. A response is expected later this week.

Thanks for reading.

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13 years ago

Hayden Island.
Land of Entitlement.

Has been for a long time…
Probably why most cyclist’s don’t do more than ride straight through.
None of the paths, stop signs, lights, bikepath’s, freeway on/off ramps are condusive to walking or cycling. I mean none of them. Not even the ones along the suggested bike routes.
I break traffic laws on Hayden Island to stay alive..

13 years ago

A quick look-around of the tax lot map, most of everything is private on Tomahawk Island including the water. Only the Tomahawk Island Drive is public. Sadly it sounds like Meredith has a common island attitude of exclusivity towards her island.

13 years ago

Until the residents of the island pony up for private on/off ramps maybe they should be deleted from the CRC plans.

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  Oliver

Came for this. Leaving satisfied.

13 years ago
Reply to  Paul Johnson

Think of how much more exclusive their little fiefdom could be if Hayden Island were excluded from the new CRC.

Many fewer lanes would be needed lowering the cost of a new CRC.

With no road access to the island they would be free of lower class tourists, proletariat and homeless people wandering uninvited in to their domain.

Of course this would make the bulk of commercial activities on Hayden Island financially impractical but who wants all that smelly traffic clogging their roads?

If they start now they can bill themselves as Oregon’s answer to Mackinac Island!
Oregon’s own CarFree bastion inside city limits!

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal


13 years ago
Reply to  Paul Johnson

You so just beat me to it.

Marcus Griffith
Marcus Griffith
13 years ago

I’ve used the walking paths for years and this is the first time I’ve become aware of something like this. My experience has been the residents of the island are friendly, welcoming to guests on the paths and in general very supportive of walking and biking on the island. But when conflict arises, it’s a convoluted process to sort out the governing rules.

It is worth noting that the Hayden Island community recognizes the “needs” of pedestrians and cyclists.

Per page 15 the Hayden Island Plan, the neighborhood association made the following recommendation to the CRC: “The extension of Tomahawk Drive under the freeway will be designed as a community main street, highlighting the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists
and local traffic access.” (https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/8513/Portland_Hayden_Island_Draft_Final_Plan_2009.pdf?sequence=1)

13 years ago

sounds sort of like when Riverplace put up ‘No Bikes’ signs on the public waterfront path by the marina south of auditorium shores.

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  BURR

Are those gone?

13 years ago
Reply to  Paul Johnson


Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  BURR


OpenCycleMap has been updated.

13 years ago

How about an article on right of way issues in general? There are so many areas that could benefit from allowing through-access for pedestrians and bikers. Especially in SW and other areas which are not grid-designed. If a few holes were poked through dead end streets and the like we could really expand route options (on low traffic, dead end streets to boot)

Paul Cone
Paul Cone
13 years ago

Part of the problem with Hayden Island is that much of it was developed as pretty much private enclaves by Jantzen Beach Corp., way before existed development codes were in place, when it was just Multnomah County and not part of the City of Portland proper. I’ve heard it said that the people who fixed the ferris wheel at Jantzen Beach Amusement Park also fixed the water pipes in the ground.

13 years ago

That “Private Path” sign is a butchery of grammatical magic. Half of it is title-case and there is no format to the justification of the lettering. It makes this son of an English teacher want to smash kittens.

Meredith sounds like a real piece of work, too. I hear horror stories from local baristas about people with her level of sense of entitlement. Disgusting.

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  Jackattak

Not only that, but there’s standard MUTCD signage for everything it says…

13 years ago

Makes me want to go ride out there, just to provoke dear, sweet Meredith, who obviously needs a purpose in life. 🙂

13 years ago

I try hard not to hate. But it’s really hard to abide boojie people like this.

Come to think of it, “her” path was stolen from the native population.

I am impatient for the revolution. It’s coming.

Todd Boulanger
Todd Boulanger
13 years ago

…and then there is the larger issue of redevelopment of the retail at Jantzen Beach without effectively addressing ADA for pedestrians traveling between transit and retail. Even some of the newest retail has new sidewalks but missing ADA ramps for pedestrian connectivity/ crossings.

Paul Cone
Paul Cone
13 years ago
Reply to  Todd Boulanger

They’re planning on tearing up Jantzen Beach Mall completely (‘cept maybe not the existing box stores?) and redoing the whole thing, streets and all. It supposed to happen by now and then the economy crashed, but I’ve heard it may start up again soon. Take a gander through the mall proper and you’ll see that about half the storefronts are empty.

13 years ago

How can people comply with rules they don’t know about?

13 years ago

Between the Mall getting redone, the CRC, and a potential light rail line going through the island, things seem due for a LOT of rejiggering. How will the bike situation change?

Paul Cone
Paul Cone
13 years ago
Reply to  Aaron

Most of the changes are coming for the area west of the freeway, and most of the upscale private enclaves are east of it.

Duncan Watson
13 years ago

Places like Hayden Island should be cut off from public property entirely, cut the sewer lines, cut the power, let them live in their private enclave with only private resources. I have no tolerance for this crap.

13 years ago

I love the phrase “You people.” A favorite of racists for years, now finding a new life!

Trespassing, eh? And how could she tell the riders weren’t residents? By the presence of the bicycles? Sorry, doesn’t fly. Mary Death could just as well have been trespassing herself. Matter of fact, let’s see some ID, lady. YOU don’t belong here.

Marcus Griffith
Marcus Griffith
13 years ago
Reply to  Rol

The three cyclists involved in the incident are African-American. The possibility of the incident was racial motivated was removed during the editing process for space considerations as well as it couldn’t be confirmed if Meredeth meant meant “you people” to mean cyclists, non-residents, black men or just people she opted to ban.

13 years ago

Oh. Emm. Gee.

S brockway
S brockway
13 years ago

The plot thickens…

13 years ago

I wonder how many black families live in the area and how many incidents Meredith has been the instigator. Not playing the race card. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)

yes. I removed the portion of Marcus’ story that mentioned race. I thought about it for a while and decided in the end that it wasn’t necessary to share. Perhaps my judgment was wrong, but to me, this story was more about the public/private rights issue and less about race.

13 years ago

or she might of meant “you” “people” as she didn’t know their names.
Did they respond with “hey Lady”? Would that insinuate she a redneck with hay in her shorts?
I think you are reading too much into this

matt picio
13 years ago
Reply to  jim

Hard to read too much into it – racism is alive and well in America. Read a couple of Tim Wise’s books if you want lots of supporting evidence. Portland doesn’t deal much with racial issues – as the “whitest” major metropolitan area in the US, many here can comfortably ignore racial issues and pretend that they’ve been vanquished. They haven’t – even in the city proper, you will still find bias against people of color, whether “black”, “asian”, “hispanic” or “latino”.

13 years ago
Reply to  matt picio

I thought the whole story was she was yelling at cyclists, not yelling at black people to get off the property.
I still think you are reading too much into this, besides- it is just one crackpot old lady anyways, I deal with crackpots everytime I go into downtown Portland. I don’t think it is a very newsworthy story. Some guys mistakenly went onto private property and got yelled at. No big deal.

13 years ago
Reply to  Rol

“New life”?
No, old life.

This is no race thing; this is a class thing.
They are the privileged and moderately filthy rich.

You are sweaty, smelly and dress in a unseemly manner in their presence. This is disrespectful.
Obviously you can not afford a car or are too mentally deficient to be allowed to drive.
“You people” on bikes are thus indistinguishable from “street dwellers”, drug dealers, “lazy slackers that don’t want to work”(unemployed) and bums.

This is very much not new.

13 years ago

Stuff like this happens all over the place in Florida, another reason that I’m so happy to be here now. And thanks to this post, I can scratch Hayden Island off of my “places to explore” list.

13 years ago

The only time I was ever on a bike on Hayden Island was for a Midnight Mystery Ride. And someone called the cops on us.

It seems like a highly unpleasant place all round!

13 years ago
Reply to  Brian

I remember that ride! A bunch of us left when the cops showed up , and they thought there couldn’t possibly be any more bikes down the path, so the cops left, and the stubborn riders got to stay all night. Same approach might work with this Meredith character. If we have a monster ride through her “property”, she might lose her voice after yelling at the first hundred of us. I’ll volunteer to take point.

matt picio
13 years ago
Reply to  Brian

That would be because the MMR was trespassing on private property, and crossed onto that private property directly in front of the security shack for the gated community at the east end. There were over 150 cyclists on that MMR – is it really a surprise that “someone” called the police?

I was on that MMR also, and within earshot of the security guy when he made the call. He didn’t exactly say they were being “invaded by bikers”, but it was pretty close. I and certain unnamed city employees chose to ride back to the convenience store and head home – we missed the secret hangout spot that the MMR remnant went to, but it was still a good night.

13 years ago

“We do occasionally yell at bikers because the path is too narrow for riding. Most just get off and walk their bikes. No problem. We also yell at the geese who leave a big mess on the path and lawns,” Viets stated via email.”
Wow, as a cyclist, I have been yelled at, called all sorts of names, threatened, and had things thrown at me, but this is the first time I have been compared to a goose taking a crap. Now I just have to figure out Veits train of thought….was it the goose that was getting insulted here??

13 years ago

There is a lot of crime in the area around McDonalds and the strip of mini bar/lotto. The old Newport bay site may turn into a strip club. When they start demoing for construction Safeway will be gone with no plans to rebuild there. dosen’t sound that all exclusive to me

13 years ago

If I want people to respect my private property (and I do), then I need to be willing to respect theirs. The only thing I would add is that if the condo association does not want public use of their paths, they need to make it less ambiguous.

matt picio
13 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Agreed. Oregon law has clear guidelines for restricting use of property. The condo/homeowner’s association can restrict it as they see fit, but they have to either fence it in or post proper signage.

esther c
esther c
13 years ago

“you people don’t belong here” screamed at a group of African Americans walking bikes on a path full of white people definitely has racial connotations. I think there is a good possibility Meredith has a problem with black people on her sacred ground, not necessarily cyclists. She may be a much worse person than we thought.

13 years ago
Reply to  esther c

Not to disrespect the race issue, which is a problem for the un-evolved, but this is `America:

Money is the great equalizer and lack of of it, and the “status” it brings, is source of most of America’s prejudice.

Some will continue to associate character flaws, real or imagined, with racial and ethnic origin; at this point it has become a matter of faith. A dying religion whose last gasps are loudly screeching for survival.

The “religion” of racial and ethic hatred is being supplanted by America’s #1 religion: $$$.

Not that this is any better but it is and old cycle.

13 years ago
Reply to  q`Tzal

almost as tired as the old “class inequality” religion…..

“$$$$$” isn’t just a problem here in the u.s. it’s a problem throughout america and the rest of the world. unfortunately though, race, gender, and religios hatred seems to know no class barrier.

13 years ago
Reply to  naess

why are we so mean to those rich banksters and ceos???

13 years ago
Reply to  spare_wheel

*yawn* yeah, and all the troubles in the world will be solved if they would just throw all their money into the streets, right?

all your comment demonstrates is the raging discrimination in you paradigm. remember discrimination is still discrimination. =]

13 years ago

When the property developed they most likely filed a plat map with the County. That plat, which is public record, would contain information on any type of easements or tracts, including public access easements.

13 years ago

I agree with esther c. The race angle is definitely worth taking into account here. Ask your black friends — there is an ENORMOUS amount of racism just below the surface here in America’s whitest city. To paraphrase Faulkner, our racist past isn’t even past.

Alan 1.0
Alan 1.0
13 years ago
Reply to  GlowBoy

I agree that racism likely was a factor in this case. And the intersection of racism, culture and bikes comes up repeatedly, including in this blog. But for me, the way Jonathon and Marcus played it out in this piece–“here’s a problem all bikers can relate to…and oh, by the way…”–makes it all the more poignant and incisive.

13 years ago

Portland needs this for pedestrians and bicyclists:

13 years ago

I doubt she would have hassled two black mormon missionaries dressed wisely. There should be a tweed ride everyday with some dressed as old time bobbies with billyclubs. It certainly would help the non cycling’s perception of …oh hell it would be a lot of fun.

random rider
random rider
13 years ago

Seems like this thread contains just as much broad brush generalization being made about entitled elitist Hayden Island residents as there was in Meredith’s “you people” comment.

13 years ago
Reply to  random rider

I agree. It’s impossible to know what Meredeth meant. It’s wrong to jump to the race card and lump everyone on Hayden Island into one categorical, esp if most of the residents are okay with using the trails.

I (heart) e-bikes
I (heart) e-bikes
13 years ago

If the cyclists were being rude or obnoxious than I can understand the woman’s complaint, but to threaten someone with arrest when they aren’t doing anything is rude.

13 years ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but at least one private development on the island is accessible only by using the public trail in Lotus Isle Park.

Paul Cone
Paul Cone
13 years ago
Reply to  martin

True. Island Cove Floating Homes are accessible via a path from their parking lot, that crosses the park.

13 years ago

If Meredith belongs to the higher or middle social economic class, it’s well to assume she should have known not to use the words “you people” towards African Americans. We need a better description of her to steer clear, or if she should demonstrate her ignorance again, have a way to document her outbursts.

13 years ago
Reply to  marshmallow

I dont think she said anything about you colored people or anything, she just said you people. Nothin wrong with that. She was just directing her comment at someone.

13 years ago
Reply to  marshmallow

why? racism knows no social-economic barriers.

Monowheel lisa
Monowheel lisa
13 years ago

The city should link funds for the CRC improvements to Hayden Island to the public getting access to the walk ways. If they don’t want to share, fine, than the public doesn’t share with them.

13 years ago

I thought the whole story was she was yelling at cyclists, not yelling at black people to get off the property.
The story is about the confusing rules regarding public use of private path ways. In just so happens, in this case, a woman exiled black cyclists while letting white cyclists bike by and no seems to know if she even had the authority to kick them off the property. Black cyclists get harassed by the police every day and no one seems to care, but as soon as one white cyclists gets stopped for biking naked or something, than all of Portland comes down on the police.

So yeah, it might not be about race, but it’s all about race…sadly.

13 years ago
Reply to  Wayne

Its not confusing at all. Privet property is “privet” Don’t come waltzin in on my back yard