Pedal Nation Bike Show: Photo gallery and open thread for feedback

Pedal Nation Bike Show-89

Big crowds on Saturday.
Gallery/Slideshow below –
(Photos © J. Maus)

Judging by the crowds and the vibe on Saturday I’d say the Pedal Nation Bike Show has earned a solid spot on the Portland bike calendar. Hats off to co-founders Andrea Updegrave and Aaron McBride; they dove right into the community and succeeded in bringing thousands of people together through a shared love of bicycles and what they mean to this city.

Pedal Nation Bike Show-99

Air provided by Northwest School
of Freeride.

I attended yesterday and enjoyed every minute of my time there. I got to check out some very cool new products, re-connect with old friends and acquaintances and meet a few new ones. I was impressed with the diversity of the crowd and the vendors. There were a lot of families and bike riders of all different stripes. The vendors ranged from e-bikes to high fashion and everything in between.

Crowds were solid on Saturday and I hope McBride and Updegrave are pleased enough with the turnout to confirm plans to do it again next year. Portland needs a bike show all its own and Pedal Nation has proven more than able to pull it off. I hope this becomes an annual event.

If you were at the show, I’d love to know your thoughts. How was the show for you?

Check out all my photos in the slideshow below:

Read all BikePortland coverage of the show here.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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14 years ago

Had a great time at the show today. Unfortunately my kids were not in the mood for bike gazing, so we couldn’t stay as long as I would have liked. Loved being able to see the Di2 up close and personal, immediately followed by a Kidz Tandem that we might go rent from Clever Cycles one of these days.

Travis A. Wittwer
Travis A. Wittwer
14 years ago

I was glad to see, what I perceive to be, an increase in cargo bikes, many options. I think cargo bikes will be a gate-way “drug” for families to get into everyday cycling. And when that happens, the kids grow up with that mentality as it has always been. Not biking-as-something-unique. Cheers. Good to see you at the show. You seem to be carrying more bags these days, my friend.

14 years ago

Sweet! My kids & I made the selected photo for the article (I’m in the red coat with my little man on shoulders and head checking my little girl).
The show was AWESOME! I was super bummed that I didn’t get to make it for day 2, but the Pedal Nation folks put together a well thought-out event. Great vendors, groups, organizations, displays, & fun to be had for everyone.

Matt @ Sunset Cycles
14 years ago

Thanks go to Aaron McBride and his wife for a lot of hard work and a great show as a result. As a vendor who attended – it was well worth our time and investment. For those of you who didn’t come out – you missed a good one!

Thanks to Portland for coming out en masse and to Pedal Nation and the vendors for making a great show!

Kristi Johns
Kristi Johns
14 years ago

Wow! This show was fantastic! No doubt this one will be back year after year. I am so glad that we finally got a True Portland Show. The year started out iffy with that fiasco (not to be named show at the Expo Center) But spirits are now soaring that Pedal Nation is here. Pedal Nation Rocks!

14 years ago

Thanks for doing the free tickets via OrBike! For a first year event, it was really well done. Hopefully some of the vendors and builders who used “first year” as an excuse not to participate will do so next year. I’d love to see this event get as big & crazy as Seattle’s (including the bike gymnasts they had this year).

14 years ago

Thank you Aaron and Andrea for a great show. The gardening crew was very excited to have their trike at the show. I’m excited about next year.
A hearty “Well done” to all the people who put this show together.

14 years ago

good times, good show, good people.
looking foward to next year! rode from
Wilsonville always an adventure by bike 🙂

14 years ago

I went on Saturday and enjoyed it for a few hours. I am VERY glad they thought ahead and provided additional bike parking racks… I was a little worried about that on the way down there.

My only suggestions: trying to woo more bike vendors from the non-cargo or “electric assist” categories to attend. I realize those are probably growing and higher-profile markets here in Portland, it would have been nice to see more sexy racing bikes, street bikes, etc. Perhaps that is for a different type of show with a different audience.

At any rate, for the $7 entry fee it was fun and worth going. I especially enjoyed that Kraftwerk’s “Tour de France” was constantly playing over the loudspeakers near the front of the show!

14 years ago

A.K. – great feedback! We asked over 800 different companies to attend and you saw which ones said “Yes” to attending 🙂 More traditional bikes & companies are on the ask list too.. hopefully they will be at our next show. Let’s hope!

Glad to hear you had a fun, thanks for attending.

Ed Dalton
14 years ago

Aaron and Andrea,
Great show! Well organized and a class event for Portland. We were honored participate. Thanks Pedal Nation and to all who attended!
Ed Dalton
Showers Pass

14 years ago

Awesome time and great event. Next year will be even better!

Lee H
Lee H
14 years ago

I had a great day with my wife,We saw my old buddy John Maus, took in the fashion show, and made some sic purchases I was stoked! Hope to attend again next year. You guys did a wonderful job.Idea? Maybe next time,more bikes,mountain bike shops Fat Tire Farm? River City maybe? AWESOME seeya next Time LeeH