Kids traffic safety curriculum goes open source

Detail from worksheet on traffic
hazards from K-3 curriculum.

The Bicycle Transportation Alliance, with a grant from the Oregon Safe Routes to School program, has developed a curriculum to teach traffic safety to young people. Called Neighborhood Navigators, the curriculum is available for kindergarten through eighth grade and is available free via download from the BTA’s website.

Here’s more about the curriculum from the BTA:

Pro Walk-Pro Bike in Seattle-4.jpg

Lynne Mutrie designed
the curriculum.

“This curriculum focuses on efficient and healthy transportation choices, pedestrian safety, and community and neighborhood design… teaches younger students safe pedestrian behavior and reinforces the benefits of walking and biking. Older students learn how transportation decisions affect personal, environmental, health, and community design. The curriculum includes age-appropriate knowledge and skill practice for each grade.”

Neighborhood Navigators was created and developed by Lynne Mutrie, the BTA’s former statewide Safe Routes to School coordinator and current owner of Mutrie Consulting.

Go over to the BTA’s website to download the curriculum.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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14 years ago

you mean “download”, not “downtown”, right?

Nick V
Nick V
14 years ago

I think that these school programs are some of the BTA’s big strengths. Teach ’em early!

JAT in Seattle
JAT in Seattle
14 years ago

I looked at the 6-8th gr curriculum (as my kid is a 7th grader) and was surprised to see no mention that use of bicycle facilities is mandatory where they are provided,…

and entire page in the student workbook devoted to a picture of that crucial transportation mode- the Goodyear blimp,…

and my favorite: that the invention of the boat was Noah’s Ark.

14 years ago

“and my favorite: that the invention of the boat was Noah’s Ark.”

I like how the milking machine is hooked to the farmer…

14 years ago

Given the theme of the curriculum, and the focus of transportation throughout history, the blimp has a place. They probably could have been a little more accurate and used a photo of a flaming Hindenburg, but this is a class for your 7th grader.

I guess what I am asking is… why do you even bother with such a useless and negative comment? Volunteering at the BTA or for Safe Routes would be a more effective use of your time for both you and your 7th grader. Of course, that would involve more than just complaining to anyone that reads.

Okay, good day.

Red Five
Red Five
14 years ago

why is that damn dog not on a leash?

JAT in Seattle
JAT in Seattle
14 years ago

As a former member of the Cascade Bicycle Club’s Education Foundation management committee,… I would like to good naturedly point out that my 7th grader knows the difference between a blimp and a zeppelin.

Lisa G.
Lisa G.
14 years ago

Red Five: I imagine the dog is not on a leash because it represents a “traffic hazard” as the caption denotes. A leashed dog would, hopefully, not be a hazard as the other end of the leash would be attached to a responsible dog owner.

Also, Jonathan, why are we looking at a car ad here? I don’t see a bike rack on top of it. I am disappointed. I’d thought that here I would be spared such imagery.

Red Five
Red Five
14 years ago

Lisa: Ah I see your point! My Bad!