Easy Riders – MUP’s of the SW (do-over edition)

What: This route focuses on Southwest’s Multi-Use Paths like the Willamette Greenway, Terwilliger Trail and the Fanno Creek Trail. There are some hills on this route. We’ll take our time going up them and regroup at the top but this ride is probably not one you want to do pulling a kid trailer.
Where: Meet: Tiny’s Coffee – 1412 SE 12th ave.
Route: http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/Portland-Fanno-Creek
When: Sunday, May 31, 2009. Start gathering at 10:30am, ride at 11:00am. Return: 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Additional info:
Distance: 30 mile loop
Elevation: 2131 feet total. Biggest ascent is 500ft.
Snacks: Bring some munchies. We’ll stop around mid-way and snack in a park
Dinner and Booze: Uh huh. We’ll figure out where during the ride. Maybe somewhere downtown south of Burnside?

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