April 2009 site stats and top stories

Here are BikePortland’s traffic stats from the month of April:

Visits – 162, 146
Average visit length – 00:03:22
Pages viewed – 386,703
Stories posted – 109

Top Five Stories (*In terms of pageviews analyzed by Google Analytics):

1. Massive turnout at “De Ronde”
2. One hour, 22 citations at Clinton Street stop sign
3. Fatal crash in Northeast Portland
4. Details on the 2009 De Ronde van Ouest Portlandia (This was also our fourth most-viewed story in March.)
5. Karl Rohde no longer on BTA staff

Check out our past traffic stats and top stories here.

Photo of author

Elly Blue (Columnist)

Elly Blue has been writing about bicycling and carfree issues for BikePortland.org since 2006. Find her at http://takingthelane.com

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