Transpo. Sec. Ray LaHood on his blog: “Cyclists are important users of transportation systems”

National Bike Summit - Day two-8

Transportation Sec. Ray LaHood speaking
at the National Bike Summit.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has followed up his encouraging keynote speech at the National Bike Summit — where he said bike advocates “have a full partner at the US DOT” — with a post on his “Welcome to the Fast Lane” blog titled, “Cyclists are important users of transportation systems”.

The post is a reflection on his speech at the Summit. Here’s an excerpt (emphasis mine):

“…I don’t think the League of American Bicyclists knew what to expect when they invited me to their summit.

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I hope they were pleasantly surprised because I am committed to investing in programs that encourage bikes to coexist with other modes and to safely share our roads and bridges. And there’s strong support in Congress for these goals as well.

….I think I conveyed that excitement to the summit, judging by the early response (,

I welcome the vigor of the bicycling community in advocating for bike-friendly measures in the upcoming authorization bill, CLEAN-TEA. Bicycles are a critical part of a cleaner, greener future in American transportation, so keep those wheels spinning.”

I’m not sure what I like best about this. The fact that the Transportation Secretary has a blog (it needs a new name though), LaHood’s recognition of bicycles and a sense that he really “gets it”, the part when he said he “welcomes the vigor” of the bike community, or the fact that he linked to

Wow. The transportation authorization bill effort should be very interesting to watch unfold.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car owner and driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, feel free to contact me at @jonathan_maus on Twitter, via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a supporter.

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Scott Mizée
15 years ago

good job Jonathan. I’m curious to see how much traffic is generated from the link from “Welcome to the Fast Lane”

15 years ago

Wow that is a pretty bold statement from a boomer Republican and cabinet member. With so much crappy news out there, this really brightens my day.

15 years ago

“I’m not sure what I like best about this.” says it!

15 years ago

“I am committed to investing in programs that encourage bikes to coexist with other modes and to safely share our roads and bridges.”

Because we’re the ones who have trouble sharing the roads…

15 years ago

That does help me feel better about the world. Yay!

Paul Tay
15 years ago

B-Portland link on Trans Sec blog? Yep. I’d say that’s pretty HUGE! Congrats.

metal cowboy
15 years ago

This is a significant statement from the admminstration’s sec of transportation. It’s a pretty amazing statement actually. I am hopeful it will be backed up by funds and actions and laws. If not we have the statement to come back to and hold feet to the fire.

15 years ago

Hmmmm. Reserved optimism courses through me. Kudos for the link!

15 years ago

Not be a downer, but while the rhetoric is encouraging it’s a shame all the stimulus dollars – an unprecedented public expenditure – can’t be better directed to bike projects. In other words, I like the rhetoric but I like to follow the money. And the money isn’t going to bikes.

Dave Reid
15 years ago

I wonder if they just took over the former Transportation Secretary’s blog because I think hers’ was called “Welcome to the Fast Lane” [I think]

15 years ago

Wow. Awesome!

John Z Wetmore
15 years ago

Here are videos of the morning speakers at the National Bike Summit on Wednesday, March 11.

US DOT Secretary Ray LaHood

US Representative Earl Blumenauer (OR-3rd)

US Representative Daniel Lipinski (IL-3rd)

US Representative Doris Matsui (CA-5th)

John Z Wetmore
9 years ago
Reply to  John Z Wetmore

The videos have moved to YouTube:

National Bike Summit – Blumenauer:

National Bike Summit – Matsui:

National Bike Summit – Lipinski:

National Bike Summit – LaHood: