Vatican offers commandments for “transgressions” behind the wheel

[From the Associated Press]

The Vatican has seen the light.
(Photo: Corydora on Flickr)

Citing the world’s 1.2 million annual traffic deaths, the Vatican has issued a document titled, “Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road,” that addresses the “consequence of trangressions and negligence” behind the wheel and offers solutions via a ‘Drivers 10 Commandments’.

Here is an excerpt from the AP story:

“The Vatican on Tuesday issued a set of “Ten Commandments” for drivers, telling motorists not to kill, not to drink and drive, and to help fellow travelers in case of accidents…It warned about the effects of road rage, saying driving can bring out “primitive” behavior in motorists, including “impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, blasphemy, loss of sense of responsibility or deliberate infringement of the highway code.”

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Racing across America on a singlespeed


John Spurgeon
(Photo: John Spurgeon)

Imagine racing a bike for over 3,000 miles and up 100,000 feet of climbing in just under 12 days.

Sounds grueling right? Now imagine doing that on a singlespeed.

Hillsboro resident John Spurgeon is competing in the Race Across America (RAAM) with one goal and one gear. He left Oceanside, California on June 10 and is now somewhere near Greenville Illinois.

He has ridden over 2,000 miles and he and his crew hope to finish in Atlantic City, New Jersey in the next few days.

Spurgeon is no stranger to challenges. Last year he became the first person to ever complete the 538 mile Race Across Oregon on a fixed gear (that event has 40,000 feet of climbing).

For RAAM, Spurgeon spared his knees and opted for a freewheel, but his feat is nonetheless impressive.

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Bike to Skate

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 915 SE Hawthorne (Lucky Lab)
7:30pm, We ride to Oaks Park at 8:45

Jam Skating, Hip Hop music, fast skating possible,beginners are welcome. Also fun to see what’s possible on skates. Lessons available. Adults only. Awesome workout.
Jeff Bernards, Ytamer at aol daht comm, 503-774-5659

Two-wheeled Comedy Contest

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ se 17th & se taylor st (Colonel Summers Park)

A guy walks into a bar with his bicycle…
I’m sure you can do better. So show your stuff and bring roaring laughter to the crowd. Prizes for the top jokes or skits. Jokes must be bicycle related – of course
Aaron, aaron at yourbbodypower daht oh are gee,

Bar-Hoppin’ Bicycle Birthday Bash

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 2622 SE Belmont (The Vern)
Show up at 7pm and we’ll leave soon thereafterward

A tour of the some of the seedier dive bars of the area and quite possibly some strip clubs. Rowdy cycling and beer drinking. Helmets encouraged
Martie McQuain, 971-227-4436

Community Cycling Center Volunteer Night

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1700 NE Alberta St. (The Community Cycling Center)

Joining us at our Drop-In Volunteer Nights is an easy and fun way to help out the Community Cycling Center. As a group, we work on a variety of projects benefiting the organization, from cleaning, repairing and recycling bikes to transporting and organizing bikes and supplies. All volunteers are welcome. No skills are necessary. We’ll find a volunteer project that will fit your skills and interests.
Neal Armstrong, Volunteer at CommunityCyclingCenter daht oh are gee,, 503-546-8864

Beginning Women Cyclists Clinic

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 5329 NE Sandy Blvd (Hollywood Bike Gallery)

Why learn the hard way? In this clinic we provide you the basics and plenty of tips that will make you feel a seasoned cyclist in no time flat.
Bike Gallery, amy at bikegallery daht comm,, 503-281-9800

Pedal Potluck Picnic

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1500 NE Alberta (Alberta Co-op)

What’s better than riding bikes on a summer evening and having a picnic afterwards? The ride will be a casual one traversing approx. 3-5 miles and end in a mystery public “park” setting. The catch is the �park� will be a lesser-known and/or out of the way spot. Picnic will be potluck style, so please bring food and drink to share (preferably vegetarian/vegan). We’ll also stop at a grocery store.
Shawn Granton, urbanadventureleague at scribble daht comm,, P.O. Box 14185, Portland OR 97293

Beginner Bike Polo at PSU

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SW Broadway & SW College St. (PSU Tennis Courts)
6:00pm – 8:30pm

You know you wanna try it… Come learn to play Bike Polo! We provide the bikes, mallets, and instruction. All you need to bring is your moxie (and close-toed shoes). If you like bikes and you like fun, you’re gonna be hooked. Open to all. Beginners especially welcome. See you on the court…
Ian @ PSU Bike Co-op, bikeshop at pdx daht eedee you, PSU Bicycle Cooperative, 503-725-9006

O’Donnell’s widow in Salem for Vulnerable User bill passage

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
[Updated 6/19/07, 7:47am]

BTA lobbyist Scott Bricker just gave me a report from Salem. The Vulnerable Roadway User bill (H.B. 3314) got it’s vote on the Senate floor this morning and it passed easily by a margin 25-4.

Mary O’Donnell, wife of the late Timothy O’Donnell who was killed earlier this month while riding his bike in Cornelius, was in the Senate Chambers during the vote. According to Bricker, Senator Ryan Deckert (D-Beaverton) gave a speech in support of the bill and recognized O’Donnell sitting in the gallery. He pointed her out and the entire Senate acknowledged her presence.

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New date, venue for Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Organizers of the first ever Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show have nailed down 18 exhibitors and they’ve got a new date and venue.

The Oregon Bicycle Constructors Association — a new industry group formed by local builder Andy Newlandsoriginally planned for the Multnomah Athletic Club, the show will now be held on November 11 at Miller Hall, in the World Forestry Center atop Washington Park.

So far, the list of confirmed builders includes:

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