Stitches and Bitches @ Pink

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 318 SW Taylor St. (The Pink Love Factory!)

Chill sewing gathering and loving for pink women.

Jaclyn Pryor, jaclyn.pryor at gmail daht comm, Pink On Tour

Biking Viking Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 111 NE 11th (Norse Hall)

Calling all Vikings and Valkeries! Don your finest and fiercest Viking garb and gear and join us as we embark on an urban biking adventure!
This ride will make a couple of drinking stops (we’re vikings after all). We’ve got two friendly Scandi stops, including the welcoming Oslo Lounge at the Norse Hall, and one where we might just have to invade. (sack the Irish!!) If you’re not into pillaging, bring cash for drinks. skol!!
And get your viking bike built now! soon we shall sail.

Kristi Holden And Jacque Authier, princess.sela at gmail daht comm

Shopping by Bike Clinic

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd (Vollum Center Lounge on the Reed College Campus)

Do you ever take the car because you have too much to carry? Come find out how you can carry (or pull) groceries, packages, & kids. Veteran cyclists will share tips & tricks on how to conveniently shop by bike. The session concludes with building your own “bike bucket.”

Pre-registration required: Call (503) 823-7083 to reserve your bucket-building materials.

Hosted by PDOT’s Transportation Options / Portland By Cycle program.

Mr. Smith, Transportation Options Guru, jeff.smith at pdxtrans daht oh are gee,, 503-823-7083

Mystery Photography Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE 16th and SE Harrison (Ladds Circle)

Bring your camera to a mystery location, Shhh!! It’s a mystery location.
Dat Nguyen, dontbecreepy at gmail daht comm, Flickr Rules!, 503.805.1321

Wilderness Skills Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Springwater Corridor under Hawthorne Bridge (Springwater Corridor under Hawthorne Bridge)

Maybe you would like to carry less junk on your next bike tour. Maybe you want to know how to survive the appocalypse. Or maybe you just want a deeper connection to nature. Join us in a quest for shelter, water, fire and food in the urban wilderness. We will explore ways of providing these neccessities from the forest and urban jungle. We won’t be traveling far. Just a short jaunt down to Oaks Bottom maybe further if others are feeling adventurous. All are welcome! No experience required. Free!
Shaun Deller, dellershaun at yahoo daht comm,

Midwest Represent

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1158 NE Morton (Woodlawn)

Show your Midwest pride! Tonight is an opportunity for Midwesterners to set the record straight about our fine, fine area of the country. Non-Midwesterners: prepare to be schooled. Midwesterners: bring your regional cuisine, music, cultural anecdotes and entertainment. Non-Midwesterners are kindly asked to only bring beer or some generically-accepted food, but please do not attempt our culture until you’ve been through a MW Represent night. This is not a ride.

Team Woodlawn MW, woodlawn at yeabikes daht nett, MW Represent Online Headquarters, 971-221-7228

Breakfast off I-5 Bridge

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Vancouver, NW end of the path just off the bridge

Commuter social serving donuts/bagels, coffee, advice, and brochures/maps to bicyclists.
Chad Kays, Wallis Engineering, chad.kays at walliseng daht nett, 360-695-7041

Assistant Shop Manager, Community Cycling Center

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward


Job Title – Assistant Shop Manager
Company/OrganizationCommunity Cycling Center

Job Description
Based in NE Portland, the Community Cycling Center is a unique nonprofit offering bike safety education programs and community bike shop services to the Portland Metro area. More than just a “retail bike shop,” we offer bike safety education and earn-a-bike programs to the Portland Metro area.

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Burdick axes fixed-gear language from brake bill

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Senator Ginny Burdick accepted
an Alice Award in March.
(File photo)

In a conference committee in Salem today, Senator Ginny Burdick decided that Senate Bill 729 — which sought to update Oregon’s law regarding bicycle brake requirements — will move forward without a key phrase that would have allowed fixed-gear bicycles to not be required to have a separate brake.

The bill — which had already passed the House and the Senate — initially read,

“A bicycle must be equipped with a brake that enables the operator of the bicycle to stop the bicycle within 15 feet from a speed of 10 miles per hour on dry, level, clean pavement, except that a fixed gear bicycle is not required to be equipped with a separate brake.”

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Oregonian opines on “Cycling’s Gender Gap”

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Today’s editorial features a
photo of a female cyclist.

Less than one week ago, the Oregonian surprised local bike advocates when they published a forceful editorial in support of stiffer penalties for motor vehicle operators who hit bicyclists.

Today, they continue to show their support for two-wheeled transportation with an editorial that reads like it could have been written by PDOT themselves.

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