Sorry folks, but so far no photos have surfaced from this ride.. Here are some photos. Big thanks to Jacque Authier for leading the ride and providing this report:
Sexy Cyclist Ride a success!
Many thanks to the 40 or so fasionistas looking for an excuse to strut their stuff!!! The boys were all especially fabulous! If you’ve got photos, can you share them?
My leadership abilities started out a little shaky (or was it that tumble* that I took on the way down there). And sombody else took a spill 5 seconds into the ride… But once we got rolling all went well- with 2, two! bombs down Burnside. Our sexy critical mass of bike funnists carried on loudly as we passed by downtown drinkers, pearl district shoppers, and uptown socialites, provoking cheers and clapping and quite a few photos. Then we massed up Sandy Blvd.** to dance and sing the night away at Hollywood bowl.
Best quote, heard second hand… “Sorry, I never carry more than one pair of extra high heels in my bag”.
Yours in bicycling fun, Jacque
* Well… my purse got stuck in my spokes (never dangle those things from your handlebars! geeze). I got to perform a flip-over and roll (with only a scratch and bruise to show for it) right in front of City
**Did you know the stop lights on Sandy are perfectly timed for bikes? Sandy’s fun- when you’re with friends.
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