Volunteer: Pedalpalooza Dance Party

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[From Jasun Wurster]

There are still a few open slots that could really be filled for the PedalPalooza dance party. Please look at:


and send an email to jasun [at] pnxcorp.com if you are interested in helping out.

Also, feel free to print out as many of the fliers as you want and pass them out to anyone or tape to any bicycle. We can legally have 500+ people at this party. The place is HUGE!!!

Oh-yea, if anyone knows of food or beer/wine donations please email me as well.



BTA benefit BBQ at New Seasons this weekend

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

This Saturday and Sunday from 11 am til 5 pm, all New Seasons Markets will be hosting a BBQ benefit for the BTA.

They’ll be serving up grilled quesadillas with gourmet salsa and guacamole, a drink, and a slice of melon for dessert…all for $6. 100% of the proceeds go to the BTA so bring your family and friends and fill up for a good cause.

Find your local New Seasons Market here.

BTA staff and volunteers will work the BBQ, but they could use a bit more help. If you’d like to take a shift email Michelle Poyourow at michelle@bta4bikes.org for more info.

The bike move that never ends

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
random bike homes

Lately I’ve been seeing more and more bikes being used by Portland’s homeless population. I’ve started to get to know a few of them and hear their stories and experiences about their nomadic, rolling existence.

Sometimes I won’t meet the owner of the bike, I’ll just observe its load and marvel at the bungee cording skills that it takes to carry everything they own, everywhere they go.

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Goods BMX doing well on MLK

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Goods BMX shop

[Owner Shad Johnson.]

The other day, while looking for the BMX Museum, I happened upon a new bike shop in Northeast Portland called Goods. Goods specializes in high-end BMX parts, frames, and clothing.

The shop was started about a year ago by 10-year Portland resident Shad Johnson. While Shad says there’s a great BMX scene in Portland, most of his sales come from his website at GoodsBMX.com.

In typical BMX’er fashion, I received the glaring stare-down by some too-cool shop regulars when I rolled up on my dorky road bike. They looked at me and said, “You must be looking for Cyclepath.” Cyclepath is a shop that sells custom road and mountain bikes and is in the same building as Goods.

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Volunteer: Ride with kids for the BTA

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[From Anna Scalera, BTA]

Do you have any free time during the school week? Or would your employer be willing to let you out for a good cause?

BTA needs adult volunteers to ride bikes with kids in the Bicycle Safety Education program. The rides are fun and memorable, with a few kids bound to make your day with their show of excitement for biking. Grade levels include 4th-6th grades.

To sign up for a shift or for more information, contact Anna Scalera, BTA Youth Programs Coordinator at 503.226.0676 x19; anna@bta4bikes.org

BTA Bike Safety Community Rides:

MAY 18 (Thursday)
Sellwood Middle School, 8300 SE 15th, PDX
Morning shift: 9:05-12:10
Afternoon shift: 12:45-2:45

May 19 (Friday)
Sellwood Middle School, 8300 SE 15th, PDX
All-day ride to OMSI trip: 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Bring bicycle, helmet and lunch!
Volunteers get free admission to OMSI.

MAY 26 (Friday)
East Sylvan Middle School, 1849 SW 58th Ave., PDX
Morning shift: 9:10-12:15
Afternoon shift: 1:45-3:30

MAY 26 (Friday)
Metzger Elementary School, 10350 SW Lincoln St., Tigard
Morning shift: 10:15-12:30
Afternoon shift: 1:15-2:30

JUNE 5, (Monday)
Creston Elementary School, 4701 SE Bush, PDX
Morning shift: 8:50-12:00
Afternoon shift: 12:50-2:00

JUNE 13 (Tuesday)
Buckman Elementary School, 320 SE 16th, PDX
Morning shift: 8:50-11:15
Afternoon shift: 12:25-2:45

JUNE 9 (Friday)
Vose Elementary School, 11350 SW Denney Rd., Beaverton
Morning shift: 8:00-11:00
Afternoon shift: 12:00-2:20

Back-to-back bike events at Pioneer Square

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
LiveStrong Ride with Lance Armstrong

[He’ll be there in spirit.]

Portland’s “Living Room,” will be packed with cyclists on Wednesday. Pioneer Courthouse Square will be the venue for two big bike related events.

First up will be the City of Portland’s Bike to Work Day celebration. From 7:30 to 9:00 you can sample fine (and free) continental breakfast (must have your bike to eat!), and revel in the sunrise with other cool commuters. The BTA’s Executive Director Evan Manvel and Bike Gallery owner Jay Graves are both scheduled to speak.

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Update on OHSU bike parking and tram design

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A few days ago I received an email from Rachel MacKnight, the Media Relations person for Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). She got in touch because of a post made last week that brought their bike parking facilities into question. She also included more information about how the new tram will handle bicycles.

According to MacKnight, bicyclists are encouraged to use the tram and it was actually designed with cyclists in mind. She adds:

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A closer look at the “Bike Hub”

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Click to super size.]

In light of last week’s post about the new downtown development that will include a 3,000 square foot “bike hub”, I have obtained a drawing of the proposed ground floor layout.

These plans give you a more detailed look at how the developer will situate the bike facility.

I’ll definitely keep track of this exciting project so stay tuned for more developments.

[Thanks to Jesse Beason for the image.]

Lieutenant gives his perspective on stop sign enforcement

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Last week, there was a lot of discussion about a stop sign enforcment mission by the Traffic Division of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). In response to a citizen complaint, they sent several officers out to SE 23rd and Salmon Streets to nab law-breaking cyclists.

Until now, the one group we hadn’t heard from was the Traffic Division. I am pleased to have gotten permission from Lieutenant Mark Kruger to publish his thoughts from an email correspondence we had last Friday.

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