Stolen: Lacquement road bike

[submitted by “corn_rocket”]

Have you come across a unique, hand-built, custom frame identified as Lacquement?

Mine was stolen around 30th and Killingsworth.

Please contact okie at comcast net if you happen upon this bike.

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18 years ago

what color is it? I saw a guy with a teal and white one on the max today…

18 years ago

there were only 6 made by a close friend in Oklahoma 15 years ago. that was the only color scheme he used.

if you saw the bike it was certainly mine and i would happily pay to have it back.

any ideas on how to contact the person?


I am glad to hear it wasn’t spray painted or pawned by some sketchy meth dude.

any other info…time, date, etc. would be greatly appreciated!

18 years ago

The guy who has it said he bought it at a garage sale. He doesn’t look like a theif but a bike commuter. He waits for the max with it almost ever day at the 9th and Yamhill st max stop. Its a big bike yes?

18 years ago

Yes…it is a very large frame.

If you see him. Please mention this post. I am hoping I can buy it back.

Very exciting.

Thanks for everything.

Beer is on me!

18 years ago

give me your number etc…

email me

18 years ago

corn_rocket, i just picked up a lacquement frame on ebay and was hoping you had some information on the bikes. you said they were made by a friend of yours, i’d like to learn what you know about them. could you email me?


18 years ago

Mine was never returned

18 years ago

I finally saw the guy with the bike at the MAx station tody. I printed this page from bike Portland and said to him his bike was likely stolen, HE said he had called the police but they heard no missing report. I hope he contacts you. I didn’t have your number anymore.

Bard Maximus
Bard Maximus
18 years ago

Exodus 22:9 In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any other lost property about which somebody says, ‘This is mine,’ both parties are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare [a] guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.

I contact Police twice last time was 09/08/06
took bike into MLK precinct told all I Knew walked out with bike.

what prove do you have of ownership?Picture on or ….

Bard Maximus
Bard Maximus
18 years ago

by the way I talked to officer Verbout and The Reciptionist was Sharon both were witnesses @ 449 NE Emerson St
City of Portland Police Precinct
There Data base did not reveal My bike was Stolen. I will sleep with a clear conscience tonight after atempting to assertain through the Police weather My bike is Stolen.