Bike theft problem hits home

Just realized that my bike got stolen last night. It was unlocked in my backyard (I know, my mistake) and they walked right up, detached the Burley trailer and made off with it.

It was a kooky, unique bike (see photo and specs below) that had sentimental value and good, quality parts. It had front and rear pannier racks, a really bad black spray paint job, stickers, red handle…oh forget it. Now I know why people feel like this.

I wonder who’s riding it…I wonder how much dope they traded for it. I remember a cop in a recent meeting who said, “to you it might be worth a lot, but to a meth addict it’s just $10 that will buy them a 4 hour high.”

Oh well. Here’s a photo. If you see it around town call 911. No, I’m just kidding…call me at (503) 283-8855. Thanks for looking.

this bike was just stolen from me

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Scott Mizée
18 years ago

ouch Jonathan! disconnected the Burley and everything! I guess the bright side is that they didn’t take both. You can fit a lot of cans in those trailers, you know! They must not trade very well on the Meth Market though. I’ll definitely let you know if I see it.

My bike got stolen two years ago in August now from right in front of the KOIN Tower. I worked in the building at the time and had been locking it on the rack right outside the front door directly accross the sidewalk from the “security” desk. I put it there at 6AM when I arrived at work locked it with my flimsy, but trusty, little cable lock that I had been using for years and happily went inside to shower and do some AutoCAD and Mouse calisthetics. Much to my dismay, when I came back outside at noon that day, my bike and its faithful lock were both MIA with not a clue in sight!

I filed a police report and turned in the Serial Number to the Bureau, but have never heard anything back. I hope you find your bike soon. If not, you probably qualify to “unsteal” one now from the man who is running that program!

Donna Tocci
18 years ago

Oh, Jonathan, I’m so sorry!!!!! That bites!!!! What a yucky way to start the new year. I’ve got a lock with your name on it in my office, if you want it.

etta tron
etta tron
18 years ago

i’m so sorry to hear about your bike! i know the feeling very, very well (a little too well for my tastes). it feels like there’s someone out there in the world running around using your right hand as their own. ick. i’ll keep my eye(s) out for it.

18 years ago

Jiminy crickets!

Sorry to hear that, I wonder if the perp had any clue who’s bike they were stealing?

I’ll keep my eyes peeled it’s an easy bike to spot.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
18 years ago

Thanks for the support guys. I’ve had two offers for loaner bikes and someone has even made a cash donation. Wow, we’ve got such an amazing bike community! Thank you.

Michael Wolfe
18 years ago

Oh, man that sucks. Those were some nice Old Man Mountain racks, too.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
18 years ago

Here are specs on my bike in case it helps identify it:

–Blue Velocity front wheel with one of a kind Chris King hub (got it while working there).
–Black King headset
–Jacked up, old XTR drivetrain
–Selle Italia flite saddle.
–black Thompson seatpost.

18 years ago

That sucks!

I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

18 years ago

That mercury anonymous post is halarious. somebody please make it into a heavy metal song. I wanna headbang to it, light fires and topple cars. 🙂

18 years ago

That totally sucks. I’ll also keep eyes peeled…

18 years ago

i got the number down, i’ll keep a lookout.

Tim Jackson- Masiguy
18 years ago

Friend, I am so sorry to read this bit of news. I know somebody who knows somebody who can get you a great bike… just let me know.

Guitar Ted
18 years ago

Gut wrenching. I have an aquaintence here in Waterloo, Iowa who had his two bikes stolen out of his garage. He was devastated.

Here’s to a phoenix-like re-birth of cycling passion and to a rig even more soul-worthy!

Keep ridin’ and smilin’!

18 years ago

Ciao Jonathan,
Sorry to hear about your bike, I posted mine on your site after it was stolen few months ago downtown, my wife used it as a commuter and it was the last time she did bike. It was a old Fisher from 91, again only sentimental value and no King parts on it. Well last night I finally spotted it on Craigslist, I was pumped and wanted revange, it turns out the guy that was selling it is a local bike racer and he bought it from the Police trough e-bay, I guess they sell bikes in bundles, he was very kind and just gave me back the bike he even delivered it, he told me there is a website where they sell all the bikes that the Police gets trough repossesing, stolen or DUI.
I told him to check your site for stolen listing so he does not run into this problem again. So look around for your bike and hopefully it can be found and thanks again for all you do for the biking comunity.
Paolo Dabbeni

Brian C
Brian C
16 years ago

Damn Jonathan, sorry man. I know you live in Sellwood as do I. And I\’ve seen some rather..I hate to use the stereo type ( unsavory people ) walking down the streets doing a lot of looking around if you know what I mean. Just when you think Sellwood is a nice safe place… With all the inroads you have into the cycling scene here in PDX I\’m sure someone will see it and drop you and the Fuzz a line.