Stolen Klein Pulse Pro

black bike, covered in snowbaording and random stickers. Small mountain bike. Stolen when locked up on NW Kaerney between 13th and 14th streets. Nice wheels some components are carbon. Only mode of transportation! Would like to get my bike back!

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18 years ago

Dear bike theft victim,

I’ve got a bike you can have for free. You probably haven’t heard of my “Unstolen Bikes” project, but you can read about it here:

The bike I have is a 16″-frame Giant Iguana from about 1992. It’s not the equal of your Klein, of course, but it works well and it might tide you over for a while.

Previously I tried asking people to tell me their stories and thus “qualify” to be notified by email where I had placed an Unstolen bike–first finder is keeper. Almost nobody did it, though. So I thought I’d go right to the stolen bike listings and look for a close match. Your listing said “only mode of transportation” and “small,” so the bike is yours if you want it.

Email me at wiseoldbikeguy[at] and let me know where and when you want to pick it up. I live in SE Portland and can meet up on an evening or a weekend day.