Oregon’s prototype “Scenic Bikeway” now has online home

Riders on a multi-day trip near Champoeg State Park.(Photo: Matt Picio/CycleWild) The State of Oregon’s “Scenic Bikeway” program has taken a nice step forward. This week, the State’s Bicycle Recreation Coordinator, Alexandra Phillips, unveiled a website that features detailed maps and route information on the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway. The Willamette Valley route is the … Read more

Hearing will set “scenic bikeways” rule into motion

Cycle Oregon pedalers on theirway to the Dee Wright Observatoryhigh above Sisters.(Photos © Jonathan Maus) Next Wednesday, the State of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will hold a public hearing in downtown Portland to hear feedback on a program that would designate and develop a statewide network of “Oregon Scenic Bikeways”. On the table will … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Oregon Scenic Bikeways Public Hearing

Location: Multnomah County Library; 801 SW 10th Ave.; Portland, OR Hearing Officer: Iris Riggs Summary: This rule will establish criteria and a procedure for the establishment of Oregon Scenic Bikeways. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will coordinate the process, hold public hearings and facilitate signing of the Scenic Bikeways.