Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

It’s official: 20 mph speed limit on City of Portland’s legislative agenda

Streets like N. Concord Avenue would have 20 mph maximum speed limit.(Photos © J. Maus) The City of Portland has released their draft 2011 Legislative Agenda. As we hinted might happen back in July, that agenda includes an initiative to reduce neighborhood speed limits to a maximum of 20 mph on certain streets. Mayor Adams … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Control of speed limits high atop PBOT’s legislative hopes

PBOT wants the legal authority to reduce speed limits on neighborhood streets.(Photo © J. Maus) With funding-related legislation a non-starter in Salem this coming session, the City of Porltand Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) instead sees an opportunity to work toward major, statewide policy changes that would support its transportation goals. High atop their list of … Read more

The BTA’s legislative wish list – UPDATED

Bringing control of speed limits to the local level is one law the BTA is considering.(Photo © J. Maus) At their Member Forum last week, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance shared a list of nine proposals they’re evaluating for the 2011 legislative session. Here’s their draft list of topics currently under consideration: Vehicular Homicide Local control … Read more