Weekend Event Guide: Classic races, Off-Road Plan, Ladd’s 500, Kidical Mass, and more
Starts with mystery, ends with Zoobomb.
Welcome to our Weekend Event Guide archives. This column runs on the Front Page every Thursday afternoon and gives you a rundown of the best bike events happening in the Portland region.
*We’re looking for a business partner to sponsor this weekly column. Please contact us if you’re interested!
Starts with mystery, ends with Zoobomb.
Some rides to challenge your fitness this weekend.
Head east or stay in Portland — we’ve got lots of great options this week.
A bit of everything and something for everyone.
Hungry for a fun ride?
This weekend could be your first ZooBomb.
Tough choices. And it starts tonight.
West side adventures, a presentation of adventures, adventures in advocacy, and much more.
Mini bikes, freak bikes, whatchu’ got?
So much good stuff.
Look at bikes, talk about bikes, ride bikes — we’ve got it all.
The Tram is 10! The Tram is 10!