PBOT reveals new design for Northeast Broadway with one less driving lane

(Source: PBOT)

The Portland Bureau of Transportation has revealed a new proposal for a major redesign of Northeast Broadway. And while the city will remove one general lane for driving and vastly improve several crossings, the unprotected bike lane isn’t as impressive as some folks hoped for.

To refresh your memory, this is happening because of the Broadway Pave & Paint project. Since PBOT plans to repave the street between NE 7th and NE 26th, they are seizing an opportunity to reconfigure the lanes and make other changes. These changes will ultimately connect to a major, federally-funded project from NE 7th to the river that is part of the state’s I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project.

But unlike the $38 million PBOT received to transform lower NE Broadway, they have only a meager $500,000 (in addition to the paving funds) to spend on the Pave & Paint section from NE 7th to 26th. That budgetary limit helps explain not just the design choices, but also the reactions to it.

The design concepts PBOT shared back in 2022 showed a parking protected bike lane. But the design proposal revealed yesterday as part of an online open house and survey is an unprotected bike lane sandwiched between two lanes used by drivers. That fact peeved some folks when I shared the drawings yesterday. “This is awful,” one person wrote on Bluesky. “When will PBOT build a real goddamn protected bike lane, and not magical wands and paint?”

BikeLoud PDX Vice-chair Kiel Johnson spoke with PBOT Project Manager Mike Serritella about the project this morning. After their phone call, Johnson told me in an interview that, “The project isn’t living up to the Transportation System Plan.” “We don’t think it will be comfortable for a wide range of riders,” he added. “And the budget illustrates that we continue to underfund these opportunities.”

The bike lane PBOT wants to build is about 11-feet wide (same as the adjacent lane for drivers) once you add buffer zones on each side. But it lacks physical separation — which has been the consensus best practice standard for years now. And in some sections, PBOT has maintained parallel parking spaces that will require drivers to maneuver over the bike lane to reach a spot.

Despite one less lane for drivers, the streetscape in PBOT’s new drawings is still dominated by cars. And as we struggle to regain cycling momentum and prevent deaths and serious injuries on our roads, any space dominated by such a deadly vehicle will fail to result in the outcomes we all say we want.

From PBOT’s point of view, this is a major step forward and all they can do with limited funds. “The team believes this recommended design optimizes resources available at this moment in time and sets up the corridor for future upgrades and investments,” their website reads. In contrast to this $500,000 to spend over 20 blocks on NE Broadway, PBOT will spend $16 million to build fully-separated and protected bike lanes on 27 blocks of SW Fourth. The agency also says their proposed design for Broadway does not preclude upgrading the bike facility with more protection in the future.

PBOT can also point to a load of other changes Broadway will receive — like protected intersections where new median islands will greatly reduce crossing distances.

Another thing that gives PBOT confidence is the fact they’ve got political support for a road diet through a major commercial district. Yes the local business association is fully on board with the changes despite losing driving capacity outside their doors — and despite a 4% decrease in total car parking spots along the corridor (11 spaces less than they have today).

It likely didn’t take too much cajoling by PBOT for the business association to agree to these changes however, because current conditions are absurdly car-centric. Between NE 17th and 26th, NE Broadway is as wide as 82nd Avenue (a former state highway). Even PBOT says the street is currently “overbuilt for automobiles” and their analysis found that — even at peak travel hours — drivers use only 50-60% of the total car capacity on the road.

Given this wasted space PBOT has 14-18 feet of roadway space, “to be reallocated along the corridor for community priorities.”

PBOT wants to use that space for a wide, buffered bike lane as well as five new pedestrian crossings (at 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th, and 22nd), two bus stop bulb-outs, and the new median islands at intersections. The maximum speed limit on the street will also be lowered from 30 to 25 mph.

Matt Zajack from the Sullivan’s Gulch Neighborhood Association likes what he sees. He’s met regularly with PBOT, reps from the Irvington Community Association and the Northeast Broadway Business Association since planning began this past summer. “Although it doesn’t hit every item on a long wish list,” Zajack said. “we are excited about the long overdue updates and changes that will bring this road in alignment with current codes and safety standards and better align the vibrant, human-centric business and neighborhood corridor we have here.”

Given the changes on the table and the new parking arrangements (neighbors worry a vast reduction in parking in the corridor means more people parking on side streets), Zajack says the neighborhood is downright “excited” about the project.

PBOT wants to hear community feedback before they finalize their design in February. If all goes according to plan, they’ll repave and repaint Broadway in summer 2025.

— Browse the open house and take the survey to make sure they hear your voice.

White elephant gift exchange at Bike Happy Hour Holiday Party next week

Come and join us for a special BHH on Wednesday 12/18 from 3-6 pm at Migration Brewing on N Williams Ave. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)
Thanks for the idea Joe!

Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know we are having a white elephant gift exchange at Bike Happy Hour next week — an idea that came from local bike advocate extraordinaire Joe Perez during open mic this past Wednesday. And our gracious hosts at Migration Brewing have donated a grand prize: Everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Migration Brewing gift card!

Here’s how it will work:

  • Please bring a wrapped, bike-themed gift that is worth $15 or less. The funnier, the better — and it can be only tangentially related to biking and/or Bike Happy Hour.
  • All gifts will be placed in a pile on one of the tables.
  • Everyone participating will get a number.
  • Player #1 can select any gift from the pile. The first player opens the gift and shows it off to everyone.
  • The following players can choose to either steal Player #1’s gift or grab a gift from the pile.
  • A gift can only be swapped once per turn and a gift can only be swapped a total of three times.
  • ***All players will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Migration Brewing Gift Card Grand Prize. (Thanks Migration!)

We are just trying to have fun so rules might change without notice. If anyone has other suggestions, let me know. And of course you are welcome to join us even if you choose not to play.

Can’t wait for this special BHH Holiday Party – a new tradition! Remember to wear your ugly sweaters and other Christmas garb if you’ve got it. See you next week!

P.s: If you haven’t joined us at the new location yet, it’s nice and cozy and I think you’ll like it. Conveniently located on N Williams Avenue between N Failing and N Shaver. Check out there website for more info and see photos below for a vibe check.

Weekend Event Guide: See the lights, ride little bikes, and more

Tis the season. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Weather be damned. Life is too short to stay inside and too dull to not include bike rides.

Here are a few suggestions for life in the saddle this weekend…

Saturday, December 14th

Sorella Forte Group Ride – 9:00 am at River City Bicycles (SE)
Classic shop ride vibes but led by a cool and welcoming, all-women club based out of Portland’s coolest bike shop. More info here.

Saturday Social – 10:00 am at Woodstock Park (SE)
A certified Portland Bicycling Club ride leader will take you on a 15-25 mile exploration of the metro area at an intermediate pace (13-15 mph). More info here.

Inn Between Holidays Ride – 1:00 pm at Reel M Inn (SE)
Partake in this joyous tradition of an “Inn” themed bar tour led by a guy named Josh who has a gift for bike-cultural geography. More info here.

Ride to It’s Giving Market – 1:15 pm at Ladd Circle (SE)
There’s a cool holiday market with lots of bike merch that would make great gifts and there will be no billionaires involved. Why not bike there in a group? More info here.

Holidays on Franklin Street – 5:30 pm at Expo Center MAX Station (N)
Tom Howe will lead this ride over the river and through the woods to a neighborhood in Vancouver that goes all out with Christmas decorations. More info here.

Sunday, December 15th

Mini Velo & Folding Bike Ride – 10:00 am at Something Cycles (E Burnside)
Like Zoobomb but in reverse and on a different mountain. Join this fun local bike shop for a group ride on little bikes and see if you can make it to the top of Mt. Tabor. Don’t worry, there’s a cafe stop for fueling up beforehand! More info here.

Techno Christmas Peacock Lane Takeover – 6:00 pm at Irving Park (NE)
Nakedhearts:PDX wants to get you dancing in the streets and what better place to do it than carfree Peacock Lane. More info here.

— Did I miss your event? Please let me know by filling out our contact form, or just email me at maus.jonathan@gmail.com.

Milwaukie’s bike scene is roaring back to life

Maitri Dirmeyer (center in blue) at a Bike Milwaukie ride in June. (Photos: Bike Milwaukie)

There’s a resurgence of cycling in the city of Milwaukie just south of Portland. After being quiet for a few years, Bike Milwaukie has been reinvigorated thanks to a dedicated group of volunteer advocates who are building on a strong foundation. I caught up with one of them, Maitri Dirmeyer, earlier this week for a conversation to hear more about what they’ve been up to.

For the uninitiated, Milwaukie sits along a bend in the Willamette River about two miles south of Sellwood Park. It’s separated from Portland by the posh Waverly Heights golf course and an industrial area anchored by the Goodwill bins. The population is just over 21,000 people spread out across about five square miles of land.

The relationship between Milwaukie and Portland was forever changed in 2015 when TriMet expanded MAX light rail to Milwaukie. And then in 2017 the City of Milwaukie spent $3.3 million on a bike path to connect the two cities along SE 17th Avenue. That path takes you right to Milwaukie Bay Park and connects to the Trolley Trail which you can take for a few more blocks south to an Orange Line MAX light rail stop. On the city’s northern border is the Springwater Corridor path.

Dirmeyer and her winning entry in the bike decorating contest at last week’s Umbrella Parade.

These biking and transit connections create a solid active transportation foundation. But as many of you know, no American city realizes its biking potential without a persistent push from dedicated advocates. That’s where Dirmeyer and the core volunteer group behind Bike Milwaukie comes in.

Bike Milwaukie started in 2007 (as Milwaukie Bikes) and by 2009 there was enough juice in the local bike scene that BikePortland hosted a Get Together event at a cafe on SE Main Street. Bike Milwaukie founders Matt Menely and Greg Baartz-Bowman led monthly rides and formed partnerships with city government to do things like raise money to install a bike rack outside City Hall in 2015.

Dirmeyer says the group went dormant for a few years but came back to life this past spring when advocates had to answer the call and make sure City Council adopted the 29th Avenue Greenway project. “After the council meeting, a group of us decided we should start back up our monthly rides,” Dirmeyer shared with me earlier this week. “And we’ve been hosting at least one ride every month since May.”

Dirmeyer credits a “core group” of advocates for the recent renaissance including: Jay Panagos, Pam Denham, and William Anderson.

Hosting rides is a great way to establish (or in this case, re-establish) the presence of a bike advocacy group. But Dirmeyer rattled off an impressive list of other things she and her fellow volunteers are working on. They’ve successfully attached a biking component to several major Milwaukie community events like Porch Fest and the recent Umbrella Parade, where they held a bike decorating contest. “We’re also collaborating with the city’s Arts Committee to cross-pollinate and get more people comfortable with cycling. It’s all about introducing routes and just creating community and having a good time on bikes,” Dirmeyer said.

At the Umbrella Parade, Bike Milwaukie worked with city officials to set up temporary bike parking. The partnership went so well, the City of Milwaukie plans to set up another bike parking area at the upcoming annual Winter Solstice event on December 21st.

Milwaukie also has its own Bike Happy Hour. Dirmeyer loved the vibe at our weekly events (“I just think they’re awesome!”, she said), so she brought the love to her city and they’ve met every month at Beer Store Milwaukie since September. In January, a Milwaukie city councilor will attend and speak about upcoming transportation projects.

Milwaukie is already relatively bikeable given its small size (“You can bike anywhere in Milwaukie because it’s all within three miles,” says Dirmeyer), but the City of Milwaukie is poised to push even further. In part due to the strong climate and cycling legacy of former Milwaukie mayor and current Oregon House Represenative Mark Gamba (who I interviewed in 2019), the city already has a slate of good bike projects on the books.

The impressive raised and separated bike paths on SE Linwood Avenue installed in 2022 set a new standard for what’s possible. Now Dirmeyer and her crew are watch-dogging a number of projects and plans, including an important upcoming update of the city’s Transportation System Plan. The next big project will be a multi-use path on SE King Road that connects to Linwood. “That’s going to be a big deal,” Dirmeyer said.

Milwaukie’s cycling future looks really bright because of Bike Milwaukie and the folks behind it.

If you want a perfect excuse to roll down and find out what all the excitement is about, check out their Winter Solstice and Christmas Ships Viewing event on December 21st. Dirmeyer says they love having Portlanders visit by bike and they’ll be leading a ride to the event. If you’re worried about being cold, the event is famous for its hot chocolate, chili, cookies, and bonfires!

To plug into all this Bike Milwaukie fun, watch for their events on the Shift calendar, and/or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

(By the way, a technical glitch prevented me from sharing audio and video of my chat with Maitri. Sorry!)