Job Title
Transportation Options Intern
City of Wilsonville – SMART
Job Description
The City of Wilsonville is seeking a highly motivated intern to assist with SMART Options transportation programs. This position will be managed by the Smart Options division of South Metro Area Regional Transit, a department of the City of Wilsonville. This internship position will begin mid- June and is a maximum of 25 hours per week for approximately three months.
Preference will be given to students or graduates pursuing a career in planning, transportation, geography, public health, marketing, or a closely related field or demonstrated knowledge and passion for active transportation. A valid Oregon driver’s license is required. Ideal candidates would have the ability to lift boxes and/or bicycles of up to 50 lbs, enjoy being active and outdoors in all types of weather and enjoy talking with the community about transportation and the City of Wilsonville’s programs.
A set schedule will be one of the first tasks to work out and agree upon with management to best fit the needs of the program. Ideal candidates must be able to work certain event dates. If you are invited for an interview, please bring a calendar of any potential date conflicts.
How to Apply
City of Wilsonville Human Resources:
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more