Your (and our) big bike hopes and resolutions for 2010

(Photos © J. Maus)

It’s been an exciting year for bikes — and 2010 is shaping up to be even more so. We asked a wide variety of people from across the vast spectrum of the Portland bike scene about their big hopes and dreams for the coming year — personal, in their work, and on a bigger scale. The range of responses we got was suitably broad and inspiring.

Take a minute to read them and add your own 2010 hopes and resolutions in the comments… and have a Happy New Year!

Chris Smith, Portland Planning Commissioner and author of


“Get the Bicycle Master Plan adopted and FUNDED!”

Matt Picio, founder of Cycle Wild and board member of Umbrella:

Oregon Bike Summit afternoon sessions.jpg

“Equal access to the roads for all vehicles, including bikes; and a commitment from the City of Portland to create complete streets on the entire existing grid before adding a single lane-mile of new roads.”

Angela Koch, BTA Operations and Communications Director:

Angela Koch -mom to be on her bike-20

“BTA: We resolve to listen more to our members and people who ride bikes, be more clear in what we say and the remain steadfast and resolute in our demand for increased funding for bicycles.

Myself: I resolve to eat fewer donuts and take Clementine for a long ride every weekend in our new homemade-by-dad cargo bike, lovingly dubbed the Slobber Rocket.”

Kris Schamp, race organizer and founder of Portland Racing and communications director for the Northwest Trail Alliance:

Cross Crusade #4

“A lot of my own dreams and plans for the next year involve cycling, from spending more time riding my bike and discovering new trails, to doing some leisure bike touring and bike camping next summer with my 5-yr old daughter, to organizing some fun and new bike events.

However, my biggest dream for the coming year is to see a ton of people (especially in the bike race community) and local businesses join and support the efforts of the reborn Northwest Trail Alliance in the realm of local mountain bike advocacy and trail stewardship. My hope is that with the support of the many folks in the bike community who enjoy riding (or racing) on dirt, we can become a world-class city/region for off-road cycling.”

Jeff Mapes, The Oregonian political reporter and author of Pedaling Revolution:

National Bike Summit

“My big bike dream is to ride in Copenhagen this summer – and to travel around Paris via Velib’. But you know, a friend and I took advantage of Monday’s sun to ride to the top of Mt. Tabor, and I will be happy if 2010 brings a lot more days like that.”

Greg Raisman, PBOT traffic safety:

BTA New Year's Day Ride

“My personal bike goal for 2010 is to ride RAGBRAI to celebrate Beth and my 10th anniversary. My professional goal for 2010 is to finish public process, design, and funding identification to extend Portland’s bike boulevard network to Powell Butte.”

Kristin Dahl, Tourism Development & Sustainability Manager with Travel Oregon:

Oregon Bike Summit afternoon sessions-25.jpg

“I hope that we find funding for an Oregon cycling concierge to help guide anyone to the best Oregon has to offer on two wheels; the Bike Business League takes off with great success and develops into a solid statewide organization with which we can partner and support; that a badass cargo bike drops into our lap for hauling building supplies and my 11 year old chocolate lab; and that my climbing capacity improves by 30%.”

Carye Bye, artist/founder of Red Bat Press and bike funnist:

Bunny on a Bike ride

“A Go By Bicycle Neon Sign before the end of 2010. Bicycle Valentines by Red Bat Press. Take my folding bike on the train to Minnesota.”

Christian Ettinger, founder Hopworks Urban Brewery:

Biketobeerfest at Hopworks -39

“Ride more. Drive less. Spend more time outside. Reduce my footprint. Brew more organic beer. Wrestle with my kids.”

The “bike phantom” did not unmask his or her identity, but did send a list of resolutions:

“To protect all – starting with intelligence and avoiding violence
– To be a darker part of the night and give light to those who need it
– To ride harder and get there faster breathing deep to calm my heart and mind
– To find better ways for people to contact me and for me to contact the world.”

Sarah Mirk, Portland Mercury news reporter:

BTA Alice Awards-17

“2010 should be the year Portland puts its money where its mouth is and spends six percent of its transportation budget on bike projects, seeing as at least six percent of Portlanders get around primarily by bike. I resolve that every city commissioner should bike to work every day in September. And I resolve for Sam Adams to preside over one City Council meeting wearing only Spandex and tweed.

Personally, I resolve to never leave my home without lights, learn how to ride a tall bike, wear skirts more often and never again get beat in a cyclocross race by a unicyclist wearing a snorkel and flippers.”

“Deacon” Amos Hunter, founder of Bike Temple:

Bike Temple Grand Opening-2

“My hope for Portland in 2010 is that more people than ever will choose to ride their bicycle instead of driving, and that we will not see a single cycling fatality. My resolution is to do whatever I can to make those two things a reality.”

Chris “Fool” McCraw, Shift:

“I don’t have any notable biking plans, but my hopes are that in leading by example I bring more of my friends into the world of joy and fun that includes more biking and less driving.”

Elly Blue, BikePortland managing editor:

Sauvie Span Rally-10.jpg

“My resolutions are the same every year: never to succumb to road rage, and to see the end of the era of urban freeways. This might not be the year for either, but I’ll keep trying.”

Jonathan Maus, founder and publisher of BikePortland:

Bike camping at Champoeg St. Park-36

“In 2010, I hope our local politicians, in partnership with the public and advocacy groups, take concrete steps to make driving less attractive and convenient within a 4 mile radius of downtown Portland. On the personal side, I want to find a more healthy balance between my bike life and my family life and build a more stable and sustainable foundation for my business.”

What are your big bike hopes, dreams and resolutions for 2010?

Photo of author

Elly Blue (Columnist)

Elly Blue has been writing about bicycling and carfree issues for since 2006. Find her at

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15 years ago

I want a photo of that unicyclist.

My bikey resolutions are to contribute time and money monthly to the CCC and also to ride the whole way to and from work 10 times this year. Got to start somewhere, right? 🙂

carye bye
carye bye
15 years ago

very nice y’all. And oh boy that carrot costume is a blast from the past!

By the way, Bunny on a Bike on Easter continues in 2010 – I’m back, joining up with Chris and Jenny who took over last year – 2010’s theme is Alice in Wonderland.

Also I’ve starting organizing monthly rides again – I can pretty much guarantee I’ll be leading or co-leading at least one bike fun ride a month in 2010 – except for maybe July when I hope to be riding my bike in Minnesota.

beth h
15 years ago

My goals:

1. To take advantage of every possible opportunity to ride to the farmers’ markets with my sweetie.

2. Learn to handle my sweet tooth better so I can feel stronger and ride longer.

3. Create a WOMENS’ Singlespeed category at both Portland Short-track and Cross Crusade so that women who want to race singlespeed will get the credit they deserve. (Kris and Brad — stay tuned, I’ll be in touch!)

Whining little sissy
Whining little sissy
15 years ago

Gotta change the image of bicycling from a bunch of freewheeling sissies to competitive sportsmen if you want more cyclists to zoom around Portland. Nike sells the image of athletic grace and competition, and attracts people from all economic levels to sport. Portland cycling has an image problem that’s hindering people from jumping on their bikes as a viable means of fast efficient transportation. We need Lance Armstrong and media airtime up here to get the message out if we really want to make an impact the future of Portland cycling. Otherwise, cyclists are a waste of time, as a lot of ill informed Portlanders see it.

15 years ago

Bike to work (33 mi roundtrip) more… Including in the winter.

Anne Hawley
Anne Hawley
15 years ago

As a new member of the cycling scene, I want to continue all through 2010 the 85%+ commute rate I’ve achieved since September.

And i want to cement my emotional alliance with the Cycle Chic crowd by developing a chic-er cycle-friendly wardrobe, so I look nice doing it!

15 years ago

Win the Alice!

Ride more!

Anne Hawley
Anne Hawley
15 years ago

Hah! Apparently I was posting at the same time as Whining Little Sissy @4.

I guess I’ll represent for the group that is neither freewheeling sissies NOR competitive sportsmen [sic]–regular people who never got on a bike again after spandex became de rigeur, but who’d dust off the two-wheeler if they thought they didn’t have to wear unflattering special gear just to get to work.

I want to see lots more slow, well-dressed cyclists in 2010. Hope that doesn’t make me PNG around here.

Can I have both Latin and French in one comment? I guess I can.

15 years ago

E reminds me of a personal goal: Learn to ride my unicycle! My daughter and I can practice together.

15 years ago

Less animosity, more smiles!

15 years ago

I guess you should have a picture of a brown person saying “start riding”, right?

Evan Ross
15 years ago

I would like to have more tangible impact on public transportation advocasy. Specifically I would like to use my time to concentrate on raising awareness about the benefits of non auto transport on a wider regional and national scale. Along with this would be the effort of getting a larger portion of public transportation funding dedicated to non auto solutions on the national scale.

I would like to brush my teeth more often, and build more fires. – have a good holiday, – Evan

15 years ago

My hope:
Continued mainstreaming of bicycling in the new year.

My bikeportland resolution:
For every whiny or snarky comment I make, post at least two positive happy ones.

Besnorkled unicyclist who passed Sarah Mirk (who was dressed as Big Pink and racing her first race on the hybrid she rode out to Astoria on):
30 seconds in.

John Russell
15 years ago

For 2009, it was to tour by bike. I did around 3,000 miles of that to Eugene, around Washington state, and then down the coast to Mexico.

For 2010, I will cycle to the east coast, assuming I get into college over there.

I also rode exactly 8,000 miles in 2009, so why not do 10K in twenty-ten?

joe adamski
joe adamski
15 years ago

be less wonky and more bikey. And to leave North Portland at least once a month. Preferably by bike.

Kevin Wagoner
Kevin Wagoner
15 years ago

I love New Year’s Resolutions. I normally have something related to a bike, but not this year.

1. Run to or from work 52 times
2. 60 day stint without refined sugar
3. Document every living thing found in our yard
4. Start teaching Wren the alphabet

15 years ago

Do at least half my trips between home and PSU by bike
Figure out a bikable tenor sax configuration
Try another long distance ride
Get my unicyling abilities up to snuff

15 years ago

Oh, and get more people to wear earmuffs and the like!

15 years ago

My resolutions this year revolve around biking even more. While I think I have a good balance in my life–which is my philosophy–I want to:

–commute to work (10 miles one way) all three days I work in the office.
–get my girls (ages 9 and 7) biking to school most days.
–bike to the new Whole Foods in Hollywood just about every day for fresh stuff.
–work on waving thanks to the motorist that for the most part are very polite in P-Town.
–ride more in the snow (had fun on Tuesday)
–Have a great 2010 everyone. Peace.

Peter K
Peter K
15 years ago

Be the change. Implement bike signals to make it irresistible to choose two wheels for trips in the City.

15 years ago

To continue to live in cities where I don’t have temptation or encouragement to break my life goal of never owning a car.

Never on New Years
Never on New Years
15 years ago

A vote for Anne Hawley (#8). Yellow is unflattering, but for now, visibility is still tops.

No real resolutions, just continuation on the current path. I’m certainly going to try to determine if J & G is among the living (businesses) and get my twice-failed rain pants replaced again. I’ll ride more because I’ve registered for a weekday class, and that’s how I travel on weekdays.

I’ll keep advocating and instigating for more covered, secure bike parking at work, although finding money for it would be far more effective.

rex burkholder
15 years ago

My hope for January is that we get the $100 Million TIGER stimulus grant for Active Transportation from the Dept. of Transportation.

Cross your fingers!

15 years ago

I resolve not to gloat so much.

In 2010, I want to do everything I can to bring more awareness of/visibility to commuter cycling on Highway 101, on the northern Oregon Coast.

I also want to bring BIKE FUN to the Oregon Coast!

Mark Allyn
15 years ago

1. To ride my 40 mile round trip commute more often

2. Pray for no more bike fatalities

3. Prey for no more hostilities between us and motorists and between ourselves

4. More then the current .8 percent expenditure of public funds for bicycle infrastructure

5. That I get off my rear end and get a glass kiln so that I an start collecting some of the roadside broken glass (that gives us flat tires) and transform that glass into jewelry


15 years ago

I hope my budding business succeeds and contributes to Portland’s amazing bike culture.

Also I’ll be selling my car.

Ron Strasser
Blue Healer
15 years ago

I hope we (this sure includes me) learn to be more tolerant and forgiving of other people making bad decisions on the roadways and singletrack. I honestly think this starts by working with the young. Help them learn to not react with violence. All of you young teens, 20-30-40 somethings need to work with any of the 50+ group that seem to understand that the fossil fueled mode of transporting people’s butts around is NOT the best future for you and generations to come. I am 60 and will do what I can, but keep working on making the change to renewable energy (Hey a bicycle is a perfect example of that right?). Eventually all of the old stubborn fossil fuel advocates will pass over and beging the process of the fossil fuel of a few million years from now. Keep riding.

Always looking for funding
Always looking for funding
15 years ago

Rex (#23) –

Anything we can do beyond crossing our fingers?

15 years ago

I hope people realize this is the land of forests, and experience the pure joy of riding in nature, on dirt. After all, cyclocross is realy just short- track mountain biking.

Let us ride our mountain bikes again with pride.

15 years ago

I hope that my scaredy-cat five year old will ditch the training wheels so we can go for a family bike ride finally! I mean, for more than 3 blocks and with less circling back on my part.

And I’d love to see a safer way to cross I-5 at Wilsonville. I might consider bike commuting if there were.

And Blue Healer – I agree. Vengeance serves no purpose.

15 years ago

OOps, I didn’t mean to cross i-5, I meant to cross the river where currently I-5 is the only way across.

matthew v
matthew v
15 years ago

keep waving and ringing my bell.

be kinder and more tolerant.

take the train to seattle with my bike.

vend at bikecraft.

15 years ago

happy new year all! bike safe 🙂

15 years ago

My goal is to get younger and faster.

15 years ago

Yeah…to be 26 again would be nice.

Resolution: Get over my terror of Beaverton streets after dark and get the commute going earlier this year.

15 years ago

I will continue to do volunteer work Tuesday nights at the CCC at least every other week. And, get some of those shoe covers so I can do the 12 mile ride to work when it is pouring.

15 years ago

My resolutions:

Bike more.
Flat belly.
Do yoga more.
Breathe more fully.

Spencer Boomhower
Spencer Boomhower
15 years ago

Along the lines of Anne Hawley’s comment #8 I resolve to try to dress better, and bike more slowly. The dressing better is a highly attainable goal (the bar is set low), but I’m not sure I can bike any more slowly and still remain upright.

Also, I’m going to get around to doing all those things I’ve been meaning to get around to doing.

15 years ago

More BMX.

More Trails

More Track.

15 years ago

Get over my fear of descents enough to Zoobomb my first time and enjoy it!

Ken Wetherell
15 years ago

My 2010 goal for Portland Pedal Power:

Begin our first wave of hiring employees and expand our delivery operations beyond the downtown core.

Happy New Year!

steve pappert
steve pappert
15 years ago

I think I want to ride to mt. Hood this summer, stay at the resort and then climb the mountain. I think it would make it even better each time I see it on a clear day.

15 years ago

Resolution for 2008 – get rid of my car. (Accomplished.)

Resolution for 2009 – keep my job. (Accomplished.)

Resolution for 2010 – Focus more on my kung fu.

la otra
la otra
15 years ago

I resolve to be less snarky. Because with every ironic comment posted on this thread, another puppy dies. By being run over by a bike. And there aren’t any good puppy helmets.

15 years ago

Bravo Kris and brian (#29)
Hopefully this city will live up to it’s platinum status and provide world class riding for all bicyclists – not just street bikes.

15 years ago

Annie Hawley, please get over it. Until automobile drivers become human beings we will be best off wearing neon. Get that “Martian Sperm Sample Yellow” jacket on–or a vest on warm days. Until we aren’t invisible anymore it’s the sanest thing to do. You don’t have to go fast to dress like a cyclist when you are, indeed, a cyclist. Riding while invisible solves no problem and is more likely to get you run over.