New company makes bike trailers out of used bike parts

North Portland resident and metal fabricator Johnnie Olivan rides one of his Rejuiced Bike Concepts trailers. (Notice how the utility bucket panniers fit perfectly into a 20-inch bicycle rim!).
(Photos © J. Maus)

The other day on my ride home from the grocery store, a man pulled alongside me towing an interesting trailer. Upon closer inspection I realized it was made completely out of used bike parts. I was sufficiently intrigued and, after snapping a few photos (that’s why I always keep my camera in my front basket!), I asked if I could follow him home to learn more.

Turns out the guy, whose name is Johnnie Olivan, lives just a few blocks from me in the Piedmont neighborhood of North Portland.

Custom trailers by Rejuiced Bike Concepts-3

Detail view of rear of single-wheel trailer.
Custom trailers by Rejuiced Bike Concepts-6

Aerial view of cargo bin chassis. Note use of handlebars, stems, and rims.

Olivan moved to Portland back in January after hitchhiking and biking through the Netherlands with his girlfriend, Paige Common. Olivan comes from what he calls a “welding family” and also works with Delia, a metal furniture production shop and studio a few blocks away (they have welding classes if you’re interested).

Custom trailers by Rejuiced Bike Concepts-10

About a month ago, Olivan — along with Paige and friends Mat Heitel and Boris Genovker — formally launched Rejuiced Bike Concepts.

Rejuiced makes several different models of bike trailers. What caught my eye about them is Olivan’s creative and ingenious use of used bike parts. The right angle bar that leads to the trailer hitch? A bike stem. The trailer’s main stanchion bar? A handlebar. The cargo platform? A bicycle rim with a wooden overlay. The rear wheels? They’re simply left in their forks and welded on.

Olivan has a production-ready single-wheel trailer as well as more traditional, two-wheeled versions. He also has a kid-sized trailer (which I loved) and he’s beginning to work with vinyl coverings.

Rejuiced has been spreading the word about their products at Last Thursday on Alberta and plans to have a booth and display at the upcoming Sustainable Shift event.

Learn more at or drop them an email at trailers[at]rejuicedbikeconcepts[dot]com. For more photos of my visit to Rejuiced HQ, check out the slideshow below…

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car owner and driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, feel free to contact me at @jonathan_maus on Twitter, via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a supporter.

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14 years ago

Brilliant & beautiful re-use. Toss some foldability in there, tack on a rear strobe mounting tab, and I’m in line, Johnnie.


Ted Buehler
14 years ago

I’m a fan of Rejuiced trailers for a couple reasons

* each one is different
* each one has its own version of a consistent style theme
* small, light, functional
* tie-downs for the load
* made from bike parts
* attractive and cute

They’re a good addition to the Portland scene. They fit into the Portland bike theme of “my bike is functional, unique, and attractive.” If we get a couple hundred Rejuiced trailers on the streets people will be much less inclined to drive to the grocery store.

BTW, Johnnie & co. were building these at the Lotus Seed/Bike Temple all summer, then they moved to their own shop in September. They also have a “group bike” that seats a couple pedallers, has a big platform in the middle for dancing/surfing, and a big sound system. I think if was a regular feature on Alberta St. in July & Aug.

Pasture Ted

Paul Tay
Paul Tay
14 years ago

Yep. I need to learn welding.

14 years ago

Trailers are a necessity if your going to abandon your car. No need to buy an extracycle, trailers help you utilize the bike you already have. I’ve used a trailer for 20 years, it’s the way to go. Good luck Olivan, we need locally built trailers to go with all the locally built bicycles.

14 years ago

Very cool concept.

Dude should wear a helmet in his photos to appear more legit/professional but whatever.

Best of luck to him!

14 years ago

I like it. Thumbs up to Rejuiced Bike Concepts. Keep up the good work and ideas.