Madsen Cycles in town for St. Patrick’s Day “Green Ride” tonight

Here’s a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. From Bike Gallery:

St Patrick’s Day “Green Ride” sponsored by Madsen Cycles
Tuesday, March 17

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by bike and get a chance to green up your life by entering to win a Madsen Utility bike? The ride meets at the Downtown Bike Gallery at 5:00pm, departs about 5:15pm. The ride will be a fun, casual pace city tour, lasting about 1 hour, and returning to the DT store for snacks, beverages, and a Madsen bike drawing for all participants. Wear a green costume, or decorate your bike and get two extra drawing entries! Kids and families are encouraged to join us. Lights and helmets required.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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15 years ago

What is it with this town? Anyone who works office hours can never get to these events.