Finally! I’m up and running again

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Whew. That was rough.

As many of you noticed, has been down since Monday afternoon.

I won’t bore you with the technical details, but here’s what happened in a nutshell. I was on my way to a record day in traffic (I guess people like photos of naked cyclists) when my server crashed (I didn’t learn my lesson). Then I changed to a dedicated server…and it crashed too. Then I changed to a new host (and a new dedicated server) and now everything is pretty much back to normal.

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Dance Party on Wheels with the Sprockettes

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE 20th & Belmont (Col. Summers Park, next to tennis courts!)
7:00pm, At 7:30 we ride!!!!
Come ride with the Sprockettes and our bumpin’ mobile sound system. Wear hot pink & black if you feel it in public. After the ride we’ll blast jams on the waterfront and play memory dance chain!
Ever wanted to try Sprockette bike tricks?
Want to learn a fresh new dance move?
Come play with us!!! Now is the time…we are the ones!

Graffiti Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 201 SE 12th Ave (Three Friends Coffee House)
We will take a tour through the inner southeast industrial area (and beyond) and consider the different forms and manifestations of graffiti.
Hunter Shobe & Michael Jones

B is for Bicycle

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Broadway Bridge (West side – overlooking Union Station)
By bicycle we go finding adventure in the letter B. Here is how it works: The bikefun is up to you: bring a ride idea or destination that is A) in Central Portland (not in the boonies) B) All Ages (sorry no bars), C) Free & D) Starts with the letter B. Such as… Blowing bubbles by BigPink or Bicycling Belmont bellowing “Bikes are D’Bomb” to bystanders. Before we ride, we’ll throw all our the ideas into a Bike Helmet and randomly choose our bikefun for the rest of the night. B there or B square. Note: bring all your own props yo.

Bike Bat (Ms. Bye), bikebat at gmail daht comm, 503-248-4454

Clinic: Buying a Bike

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 3218 SE 21st Ave (7-Corners Cycles)
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Thinking about a new ride, but mystified by the myriad choices available? Join bike maven extraordinaire Corey Cartwright for some tips of what to look for in a bike, & how to identify what type of bike meets your cycling needs.
Hosted by PDOT’s Transportation Options / Portland By Cycle program.
Mr. Forsberg, Options Guy, timothy.forsberg at pdxtrans daht oh are gee,, 503-823-7699

Bicycle Legal Clinic

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1979 SW 5th Ave., Portland
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Bike lawyer Ray Thomas will give a talk on bike laws, how to defend your rights on the road, and how to bike safely and respect the laws. Attendees will take home, in addition to all this new knowledge. Thomas’s book “Pedal Power: A Legal Guide for Oregon Bicyclists” for free.

RSVP to info[at] so we know how many chairs to borrow.
Michelle Poyourow, Bicycle Transportation Alliance, 503-226-0676

Bike to Skate Potluck

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Rose Quarter Water Fountain 5:45pm, OR meet under the East end of the Hawthorne Bridge at 6:30.

Skating begins at 7pm
Come Skate at the West coast premier skating rink Oaks Park.
Learn to Skate or Show off your skating style. $5 includes entrance fee & skate rental. Family Friendly. Rex skating starts at 9:30–free lessons.
Bring a potluck item to enjoy, by the river, before skating.
Jeff Bernards, Ytamer at aol daht comm, 503-774-5659

Former BTA Director will take seat on Planning Commission

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Catherine Ciarlo.
(Photo courtesy Catherine Ciarlo)

This Wednesday, City Council will appoint two new members to the Portland Planning Commission. One of those seats will go to former Executive Director of the Bicycle Transporation Alliance, Catherine Ciarlo.

Ciarlo — who is also on the board of the Coalition for a Livable Future Cycle Oregon — led the BTA from 1998-2005 and is now the Executive Director of Oregon Women Lawyers (she has a law degree from Lewis and Clark College).

In an email this morning, Ciarlo said she’s “honored” for the opportunity,

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Portland’s Worst Bike Routes

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE Powell & 17th Ave. (The worst underpass ever.)

Don’t Portland’s calm, treelined bike boulevards get a little boring sometimes? If you like walking on 82nd street, you’ll LOVE this ride. Bring a patch kit, nerves of steel, and full body armor. This is gonna suck.
Larson, Southerland, And Moses

Foreign Language Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SE 38th Ave and SE Oak St (building in Laurelhurst Park on the south side)

6:30pm – 8:00pm, depart at 6:45pm
The monthly language exploration ride.
Learn about different cultures and explore languages. Learn how to say ‘Bicycle’ in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish, and Hebrew.
Share your vast knowledge of foreign languages with friends. We will also enjoy a multi-cultural vegetarian potluck.
Aaron, aaron at yourbodypower daht oh are gee, BodyPower