Bike to Blazers 2006 update

We’re set to have a great time Saturday night at the Bike to Blazers Ride. I just heard that we’ve sold about 40 tickets so far. That means we’ll not only have a fun group but it also means we’ve raised $200 for the Get Lit program! That money will make our streets safer for everyone by providing free lights for visibility-challenged cyclists.

There’s still plenty of time to buy tickets. The online ordering is closed, but our friend Lisa at the Blazers is standing by to take your order. Call her at (503) 963-3966 to get your tickets. Here’s a brief rundown of the ride…

We’ll meet at the Lucky Lab Brewpub (SE 9th and Madison) at 5:00 Saturday night to meet, greet and eat. Then we’ll take a ride on the Esplanade up to the Memorial Coliseum where we’ll get special, indoor, attended and secure bike parking. Before finding our seats, we’ll stop by the bike table I’ll have set up near the concession area and then find out way to our seats by 7:00.

Then we’ll hang out and watch the Blazers battle the Warriors and wait for “Bike Night” to appear on the Jumbotron! Should be a great time…hope to see you there.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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18 years ago

We’re in Jonathan! Thanks for putting this together. Lisa at the ticket office also mentioned that we should bring locks for our bikes.

Jessica Roberts
18 years ago

My sweetie and I are coming too, so add 2 to the list.

Does anyone know how ticket sales are going? I’d love to have a big bike crew.

18 years ago

I’d be much more interested in participating in a bike to Beavers game or bike to Winterhawks playoffs. The Blazers ain’t got no cachet these days, why support them or Paul Allen, they’ve both been jerking this city around for years.

18 years ago

Sorry that I can’t make it this time, but please count me in if you do it again! Also, I’m with Randy…I can’t imagine anything more fun that biking to a Winterhawks game! Woot!

18 years ago

I bourght 14 tickets and have 2 left. They don’t include the bobble head doll, but are great seats, same section, just a little closer. Face value $28. I’ll sell them for whatever with 100% going to the GET LIT bike lights program. Thanks for all your support for GET LIT, to date we’ve installed 1100 lights!
Ride On & Go Blazers

18 years ago

I’d go, but I refuse to support the NBA in any way. I’d be super happy if the Blazers went somewhere far, far away.