Update: Report on Traffic Enforcement Action

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Traffic Enforcement Action NE 7th & Knott

[*Update: Here’s a link to the story and video from the KATU TV news coverage]

Just got back from this morning’s Traffic Enforcement Action that was held at the intersection of NE Knott and 7th. These actions are a joint effort between the City of Portland Office of Transportation and the Portland Police Bureau. The goal is to raise awareness of neighborhood traffic laws, especially stop sign enforcement.

On the scene were bike activists Elly Blue, Jasun Wurster and Mark Ginsberg (also a bike lawyer), the Commander of the traffic division Bill Sinnott, city traffic safety specialist Greg Raisman, and John Canda, director of the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods. The media that showed up included KATU television and KPAM radio.

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Alberta Park has big plans for bike polo

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Bike Polo, Alberta Park, 6/12/05

[Polo at Alberta Park]

The Friends of Alberta Park are loyal supporters of bike polo. They understand that polo players are an asset to the park and the neighborhood and they have been trying to work out an agreement with Portland Parks and Recreation that would allow polo to flourish without the threat of being banned.

Recently, those talks have included not only allowing polo to continue at the park but to make the southeast tennis courts an official venue for the sport.

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Mini Bike Winter photos

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
mini bike winter 1

[Photo credit: Tiago D.]

Torino shmorino. Who needs those other Olympics when we’ve got our very own Mini Bike Winter Olympics? Unfortunately I didn’t partake in the ceremonies but it looked pretty awesome from the photos I’ve come across. By far the craziest thing I’ve seen are clothing-impaired Zoobombers charging into the freezing Willamette River.

Dingo the Clown was on hand and he has photos and a report here and here. There are also some good photos on the Zoobomb Flickr photoset. And if you’ve ever wondered what a Mini Bike Winter Dance Party looks like, check out these shots.

UPDATE: For more great photos check out Tiago’s photoset.
mini bike winter group shot

Getting aero at any cost

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

I used to write the back page column for a bike magazine called “Roadie International.” I did about 3 or 4 of them before the magazine folded last year and the last one I wrote never got published. It’s about my preparation for the Jack Frost Time Trial, which happens this Sunday at Vancouver Lake Park, just a few minutes north of Portland.

So, here it is. Hope you like it:

“Aero at any cost”

While tinkering in my basement the night before the Jack Frost Time Trial I had an epiphany. It would be my first race in about 5 years so it’s amazing any clear thoughts emerged from the swirling nervousness in my head. But as often happens with anyone who has done a time trial, the dominant pre-event anxiety deals with a single yet complex concept: getting aero.

Aerodynamics – defined as “the interaction between airflow and the movement of solid bodies” – is the engine that drives much of the road cycling market. It’s what perpetuates the cyclist’s obscene fascination for anything that offers even the slightest airflow increasing advantage, including carbon, deep-dish, aero-wheelsets and dimpled, teardrop helmets that flaunt more technology than the Space Shuttle. Like the “digital divide” that spans between broadband wi-fi junkies and disadvantaged dial-uppers, the “gear divide” in cycling is just as pervasive. For those of us on the wrong side we can either sulk in our state of forced retro-ness or we can choose to innovate…which brings me back to my epiphany.

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Stolen: Silver Kona

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Posted by “beckybrun”]

My KONA Jake the Snake cyclocross bike (silver, size 56) was stolen a couple of months ago at the corner of SE 8th and Main St. (near the Lucky Lab). It’s a 2001 model and the silver paint is hard to miss.

At the time, it had a rack on the back and a blue Montrail water bottle. My guess is that if I ever see it again, those things will no longer be on the bike….but who knows?

If you see this bike, please email me at beckybrun@hotmail.com.


Stolen: Blue Novara

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Posted by “d3edwards”]

My Blue novara corsa fixed gear with a turquoise and blue bianchi saddle, silver fenders, drop handle bars, and campy rims was stolen out of my garage in North Portland this weekend. If seen please let me know: d3edwards@hotmail.com or 503-888-1341

Stolen: Blue Centurion

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Posted by Rachel]

My blue men’s Centurion hybrid was stolen saturday feb 11th off the #4 division bus at 20th and Division, 9pm. Black grips, black rack, black fenders. “granny” handlebars, friction shifting. no stickers, missing a bolt under the seat. please contact Rachel with any info: radonich@gmail.com.

Local activist fights for cyclists in NYC

BTA Bike Safety Class at Prescott Elementary

[Sara Stout]

Sara Stout is a tremendous asset to cyclists around the world. In addition to travelling internationally as a member of the World Carfree Network, she is one of the founding members of Shift, a BTA bike safety educator, and co-host of the KBOO Bike Show. Right now she’s in NYC, fighting for the rights of arrested cyclists and trying to get her head around why that city treats cyclists like terrorists. I asked Sara to share some thoughts about what she’s been doing:

“My main mission here in NYC has been to work on recruiting and training a team of legal observers to monitor Critical Mass on behalf of the World Carfree Network. For the past year and a half, I have been reporting to the World Carfree Network about the treatment of cyclists here in NYC, especially at Critical Mass rides.”

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Links: Clowns, complaints and a club ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Clownhouse tallbike race

[Papa on a tall-bike]

We need these in Portland

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Just came across this bike rack on the Cleverchimp blog (first posted on Rad-Spannerei).

car rack

Here’s how the designer describes it:

“6 bicycles versus ONE car. this bike park occupies a single carpark space, like a critical proposal TO THE TRAFFIC.”

I think someone at Office of Transportation should order a few for downtown Portland…this thing has “Platinum” written all over it.

Not that we don’t already have some cool bike racks, but this one is in a whole different league.

Reflections on Burnside Bridge closure


[Photo by Aaron Tarfman]

Bike activist Aaron Tarfman shares his thoughts on the recent Burnside Bridge closure over in the “Voices” section.

“This past weekend the Burnside Bridge was closed to all traffic. Given that at least 5 of the city’s most dangerous pedestrian intersections occur on Burnside, I had to see what effect this would have on our city. The first thing I noticed about the closed bridge was the quiet. There were still numerous vehicles figuring out how to get around the detours (too bad they didn’t read BTA’s website) however it wasn’t the nearly deafening roar which normally pervades the Burnside Bridge…”

Read more and see additional photos over on Aaron’s website.